Thank you Highlander and Looking Glass, you are right. I have always taken steps to make sure I raised my daughter opposite of how I was raised. A relationship is a two way street and I am sick of feeling like the dog that chases cars down the road. I think I will sit back and wait for her to call this time. If she never does, then I know it is time to move on without her in my life.
Posts by snarf
Am I being overly critical of my mother? Non-JW topic
by snarf inmy mother and i have never had a very close relationship.
she kicked me out of the house when i was 14 to move back in with the guy that molested me for 3 years.
i didn't have contact with her for about 3 years after that incident.
Am I being overly critical of my mother? Non-JW topic
by snarf inmy mother and i have never had a very close relationship.
she kicked me out of the house when i was 14 to move back in with the guy that molested me for 3 years.
i didn't have contact with her for about 3 years after that incident.
My mother and I have never had a very close relationship. She kicked me out of the house when I was 14 to move back in with the guy that molested me for 3 years. I didn't have contact with her for about 3 years after that incident. Then, when I was 17 I ran away from my Dad's home and was tired of living on the streets so I looked her up and found out where she was living and went to see if I could stay with her for a while to get myself straightened out ( she had since left the molester and was remarried). I had gotten into some legal trouble while I was on the streets and my sentence was to go into a rehab center for alcohol and drugs. Well, everytime I got released she would lie to my probabtion officer and tell them I was using ( I wasn't) so I spent the next 2 years in and out of every treatment center and halfway house in my area. While in my last treatment center I got involved with a guy and moved in with him, we eventually got married and had a daughter. When my daughter was born she came and saw me in the hospital, but never came around after I got out saying she didn't like my then husband. I divorced the guy a couple years later and called my mom for emotional support and we talked for a while that night, but I didn't hear from her for a couple weeks so I tried and called and found out that she had up and moved to Texas and that was all my family knew. No one knew where she was for about 8 years. I finally got her number through several internet searches and called her. I have been talking to her for a little over a year now and even went to Texas to see her last summer for a week.
When I had no contact with her I raised my daughter on my own with no help from anyone. I landed a job that required a 4 year sociology degree with a G.E.D. and job experience, and have since started my own business. I have been pretty succesfull all on my own (in which I am very proud of).My little sis on the other hand is my mother's little princess. She has never lived on her own, she depends on my mom to watch her son while she works or goes to school and doesn't pay any household bills. My little sis is getting married now and moved in with her soon to be husband and now my mom is treating me like total crap. She has called me only a handful of times over the past year and those times were to ask if I could call her back so she didn't run up her phone bill. I couldn't afford to go to Texas for the wedding because I am 6 1/2 months preggo and my doc put travel restrictions on me, but I am having my daughter ride down with family so she can still be in the wedding. Ever since I told them I couldn't make it, they are giving me the silent treatment. I am upset because they can spend 10 grand on her wedding but can't chip in for travel expenses, but yet gripe when I couldn't afford the plane tickets to fly down.
I guess through my venting I am wondering if I am being overly critical with my mom or if I should just write her out of my life again. I am sick of hearing how wonderful my little sister is and getting criticized for my past mistakes ( which I corrected on my own), and her never meeting me in the middle to have a relationship with me.
Came out to my parents
by jstalin injust wanted to write about my experience in coming out to my parents in the last two weeks.
it's a long story, but my sister and i are both gay, but we haven't come out to our parents until now.
my sister and i have been debating with each other the best way to come out to them because we've known that it would be a serious blow to them.
Like you said, the gay lifestyle is very distorted by the media as well as plain old fashioned thinking. It sounds like your parents are just in shock, but hey, look at the bright side. They still invited you for dinner after suspecting what you were about to tell them, they talked and cried with you after you told them, and went and sought out counsel from their preist with you to gain more insight on the situation. If they are like most parents I know, they are mourning over the loss of possible grandchildren more than anything else.
Keep your head up and be proud of yourself. They will soon realize that you are still the same son they have loved all these years. They just need some time for it to sink in.
What Did You LOVE About Being a Jehovah's Witness?
by Seeker4 inok. minimus had his 'what did you hate about being a jw' thread, so i want to take a different tack on this.
i'll even start it.
i loved some of the get-togethers we had.
I loved how my daughter was always made to feel welcome wether it was a party at someone's house or a quick lunch get together. Other than that, not much.
How much is it to enroll your kids in school?
by snarf inholy crap!!!
i went school shopping today with my daughter and i couldn't believe the bill for school supplies!
i spent a little over 70 bucks just on supplies!
I was shocked when I read at the bottom of my list to buy non-marking sole sneakers to keep at school so the kids didn't wear dirty shoes in the gym. I understand the non-marking soles to protect the gym floors, but to have a perfectly good pair of shoes sitting in a locker only to be worn 2-3 hours out of the week is ridiculous I think.
How much is it to enroll your kids in school?
by snarf inholy crap!!!
i went school shopping today with my daughter and i couldn't believe the bill for school supplies!
i spent a little over 70 bucks just on supplies!
Good ole Iowa is where I am.
How much is it to enroll your kids in school?
by snarf inholy crap!!!
i went school shopping today with my daughter and i couldn't believe the bill for school supplies!
i spent a little over 70 bucks just on supplies!
Holy crap!!! I went school shopping today with my daughter and I couldn't believe the bill for school supplies! I spent a little over 70 bucks just on supplies! That didn't even count a backpack cause she wants to reuse the one she had last year, thankfully. I was reading over the charges for the school year when I register her next week and between book fees, towel fees and fees for her to play volleyball will be close to 100 bucks. What is my tax money going for? We pay a local school tax in my area and it still seems the prices go up every year. How do people with 3 kids in school do it? What is it like in your area? Am I getting off cheap or is this pretty high?
Who would you like to be with, if there was to be an Armageddon
by JH inlets say that armageddon was imminent and you would deduce that you wouldn't be saved, who would you want to be with to enjoy your last moments alive?
My beautiful daughter, fiance and future baby. Just as long as we all died at precisely the same time so no one would have to witness the suffering of anyone else.
Divorce for emotional abuse?
by somebodylovesme inbecause of a recent family situation (always a good time!
), i've been in a debate with a jw relative about whether the society permits divorce (without remarriage) where there is emotional abuse.
this relative swears the literature has said that a person can leave her spouse where there is emotional abuse, but that she cannot remarry.
This issue is what ultimately caused me to leave the witnesses. Even after I recieved a one year restraining order and he was sentenced to two years probabtion and 26 weeks of anger management courses I was still "encouraged " to work it out....give me a break!!! They can inform the Elders that even though the spouse is not hurting them physically, the spouse is hurting them emotionally to the extent that it is affecting their health as well as the childrens well beings if any are involved. Plus, it is their life. Why should they suffer the rest of their life alone because their spouse is an asshole. They preach that Jehovah is a loving and forgiving God. If jehovah can forgive a child molester, certianly he can forgive this person for getting out of an abusive marriage and finding happiness with a mate that respects them and loves them.
FRESH OFF THE PRESS.... 9/1/06 WT "When a Loved One Leaves Jeh."
by schne_belly in.
this just in for your reading displeasure......enjoy
I hate how they always phrase it as "leaving Jehovah". Why can't they be truthful and admit that most people leave the Org. because of the ridiculous and unbearble man made rules that the Org. set up?!