Are you threatening me? hahahahahahahaha
Posts by snarf
Taking a Mental Vacation
by choosing life inlast evening, as i rested my body and mind while watching the sun set, i realized how important it is to take time for mental relaxation.
just to calm the mind and quiet all the constant noise that runs through my mind.. i have to keep reminding myself though, because it is so easy to fall back into the pattern of constantly thinking, planning and deciding.
i need to take time to just be still because i see a difference in my physical and mental health when i do.. i was so used to cramming as much as i could into each day for 30 years as a requirement for some future reward.
Nothing sooths to me like a good cup of coffee in the morning while the kids are still sleeping, sitting next to my new fish pond and waterfall that hubby and I built just for this purpose.
Just want to show you what we saw...
by Merry Magdalene inthe end of may my daughter and i were walking an overgrown path to the river, going to take pictures of each other in the wild roses, when we saw this--right at the edge of the path:.
"mommy, look," she said.
"oh no," i thought.
AWWWWW so sweet, so innocent. Beautiful pic!!!
Can/Should someone be in love with more than one person?
by AK - Jeff innot a question that affects me personally - i am dutifully bound to a single woman now for 33 years [omg that is 1/3 of a century already].. but do you believe that it is possible or profitalble to fall in love with more than one person at the same time?
in western culture it is normally considered 'betrayal' to do such a thing - but thoughout history and in cultures outside of the west today - it is considered acceptable, even normal.. typically it is the man who has more love interests than just one - not the woman - but some cultures have supported multiple partners for women also.
this is not a thread about judging others - just an inquiry about opinion.
I think you can love many different people for different reasons, but to be IN love with soemone, I think you need to know their most annoying habits and inner workings and accept them to truly be IN love, and I don't spend enough time with anyone other than Hubby to know.
The Eden Story
by choosing life inin the garden of eden, god supposedly didn't want adam and eve to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and bad.
he preferred they remain innocent and incapable of deciding for themselves what is right or wrong.. along comes satan who wants them to eat of this tree and says they will become like god, knowing good and bad for themselves.
he says they will be like god.. as we all know, they chose to eat and find out what they were missing.
I don't think power is ever a bad thing, unless it is abused. I think this is where free-will comes in. Once their eyes were opened, then they had a choice, a choice they had all along but were never aware of until eating the forbidden fruit. Now that their eyes were opened, they could do good or bad, free will. As parents we give our children choices...sometimes the choices are good, sometimes bad. We teach them there are consequences to their actions wther good or bad, just as , God was giving Adam and Eve the consequence for their actions. By gaining knowledge they now had power. Power to do good deeds, or power to do bad deeds.....example...Cain and Abel.
Am I making sense here? I think I just confused my self
Just got back from the Public Talk/WT study......very disappointed
by R.F. inso i finally went back to the sunday meeting after missing it for over a month.
i've been to the tms/service meeting a couple of weeks ago by the way, but i've consistently missed the one for sunday.. i dreaded going, but i think i will go to the sunday meetings every couple of weeks for a while.
between my dad and another factor, i think it will be best to go that route for a while.
Don't look at this experience as a waste of your time.... Look at this as another huge eye opening experience and more concrete to your foundation as to why you are leaving the org. I know in my experience, even 4 years later, I sometimes catch myself wondering if they were right on some things, but then I see posts like yours and it reinforces all the lies that were uncovered. Thank you so much for your post, as it really helps those of us that don't return to the hall, by hearing that they are still blind to the real world.
I am just sorry you had to sit through it without saying a word.
The Eden Story
by choosing life inin the garden of eden, god supposedly didn't want adam and eve to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and bad.
he preferred they remain innocent and incapable of deciding for themselves what is right or wrong.. along comes satan who wants them to eat of this tree and says they will become like god, knowing good and bad for themselves.
he says they will be like god.. as we all know, they chose to eat and find out what they were missing.
In my opinion, to have knowledge is to have power. God does not want us to have power. Another bible example is the tower of Babel. The people were becoming too knowledgable, so he divided them and spread them throughout with different languages, so they could no longer communicate, thus ending their increase of knowledge as a group.
This is how old you are
by JH inyour age by eating out.
don't tell me your age; you probably would tell a falsehood anyway-but your waiter may know!
your age by diner & restaurant math.
It didn't work EXACTLY right for me. It said I was a year younger than I really am....but hey, I am not complaining!!!!
Outa here
by snarf init seems you have to be of the "popular crowd" on this forum to express feelings and views.
as i am not of this crowd, i have recently recieved alot of not so friendly comments and p.m.s from people who seem to think they need to put me in my place.
it is funny how some people can express their views and opinions and everyone still loves them.
One thing I have noticed, the ones that were attacking me have also attacked quite a few other people, so maybe they are just in a neverending state of negativity.
Thanks alot guys, you have really cheered me up.
Outa here
by snarf init seems you have to be of the "popular crowd" on this forum to express feelings and views.
as i am not of this crowd, i have recently recieved alot of not so friendly comments and p.m.s from people who seem to think they need to put me in my place.
it is funny how some people can express their views and opinions and everyone still loves them.
Everyone of you are right on with what you have said. I have been pondering this all day. And the bottom line is...If I leave, they win.
I will stick around for a while, prolly won't post on deep topics for a while, or on a topic where an opinion is needed and definately won't start a topic.
Maybe I do have thin skin...not sure.