This is one of the MANY MANY reasons I left while I still had a little dignity left in my life. The watchtower only knows to victimize the victims. They should be ashamed of themselves for their views, but nothing will change until membership declines at a rapid pace. No one can go up against the elders because they too will get disfellowshipped. Rape is rape wether you scream or not.
Posts by snarf
A JW's view of a rape victim
by digderidoo inthe following is an ongoing discussion about wt disfellowship policy.
it can be seen at .
a poster called wolvo has post a youtube video which has been brought into the discussion of a 17 year old rape victim who was later disfellowshipped for not screaming during the rape.. due to the fact the disfellowshipped girl admitted to petting, a jw on the forum by the name of tbax had this to say with regards to her being raped.. .
Extreme Makeover House Faces Foreclosure.......
by Mary inyour thoughts?
were these people irresponsible or just unlucky?
'extreme makeover' house faces foreclosure 3 years after it was built for show.
I have never understood why Extreme Home Makover didn't rehab the WHOLE neighborhood, why just one house? They could rebuild very nice structurally sound housees in a block for the cost of one house and really turn the neighborhood around for everyone. Also, I was surprised that there was no clause from the company against borrowing money against the house. Instead of sending the family on a vacation for a week they should send them to financial school to learn how to budget, it would be valuable for the parents and children as well.
The most inappropriate remarks from Jehovahs Witnesses
by jambon1 ini have a few which still either anger me, make me sad or just make me grateful that i am no longer one of them.
1 - "well, everyone is going to die anyway, so if it at armageddon then ce la vie" 2 - "the disater today at the world trade centre is sad, but exciting" 3 - (an elder) "when armageddon happens, i want to be at a window, watching it all".
sick, sick, sick!
I was being asked questions about my new husband by a witness, and when I told her he spent a year in Iraq in the Army, her reply was." oh, so how does he feel about being a killer? Does he have any remorse?" My blood has never boiled so much, I just walked away.
Singer Songwriters who should be household names....
by hillary_step inover the decades musicians rise and fall like a spring wind.
some stay where they should never be, some never are where they should be; such is the roulette of time.
this thread is dedicated to singer songwriters who influence the rest of the best, but are seldom known - 'gamblers in the neon, clinging to guitars...' .
johnny lange
What percentage of Bethelites view porn?
by inkling inlet's be honest here... single young celibate men, with evenings to kill,.
in a room with high speed internet.. any guesses?
I would take a gander of about 70%.
Seizures or something else?
by snarf inlooking for someone who has had similar symptoms, or even knows anyone with symptoms and what it might be.
i have been having arm spasm on my right arm for over 3 months now.
they are not constant and seems to be worse in the sun and wind.
Superapostategirl....Thanks for your help!!! My neurologist said sometimes a seizure disorder won't show up with tests, but I hate to have someone guess at something and put me on meds if there is no solid proof. I am goiung to get a second opinion in about 3 weeks, thanks gagain!!!
Seizures or something else?
by snarf inlooking for someone who has had similar symptoms, or even knows anyone with symptoms and what it might be.
i have been having arm spasm on my right arm for over 3 months now.
they are not constant and seems to be worse in the sun and wind.
Looking for someone who has had similar symptoms, or even knows anyone with symptoms and what it might be. I have been having Arm spasm on my right arm for over 3 months now. They are not constant and seems to be worse in the sun and wind. My right arm will go stiff and muscles tighten as well as my hand gets "stuck" for a few seconds. It can happen several times a day. I have been seeing a neurologist for a month, I have had ct scan, mri, eeg, video eeg-48 hours, blood tests and everything has come back normal so far. I am sick of tests. I went into a full body siezure about 2 months ago, but was still conscience through the whole thing, just couldn't control my arms, legs, hands, feet and back muscles and stomach were all spasming. I know something is wrong, and just sick of tests. My muscles have become VERY sore due to all the spasms and would like maybe some insight from someone who has similar issues. Also, I am only on synthroid for a hypothyroid so has nothing to do with pills. I know this isn't a medical forum but any help and thoughts would be appreciated.
Officially THE most twisted, appalling line of reasoning I've ever heard.
by betweenworlds ini've just received the latest digest from the yahoo groups 'jwtalks' there is a post in it by the person who runs it.
i've heard some bizarre reasoning in my time, but honestly i think this one takes the cake.
2008 dc des moines posted by: (removed to protect the identity of the 'person' in question)sat jun 14, 2008 7:01 pm (pdt) someone sent me the files for the 2008 dc des moines iowa.. .
As a person that lives in this area I am extremely annoyed by this persons lack of emotion towards the people that have been devastated by these floods. To think someone would actually take a break from sandbagging their house in an effort to save what remaining house has not been flooded, pretty much anything above ground as most basements have flooded in this area, and go search out a computer, due to the fact that power has been shutoff in flooded areas, and post the speakers and topics and crap such as....amazing!!!!
Have you ever been able to get over extreme fear? How?
by snarf ini have an anxiety problem as it is, but i am passing out scared of riding motorcycles!
my hubby, a biker through and through, loves them and with the rising cost of gas, and his need to drive 45 miles each way to a job 3 days a week and us trying to cut back, we decided it was a good time for him to fulfill his dream, so he bought a beautiful motorcycle that any biker would be proud to own, problem is, he really wants me to hop on the back and join him for a cruise on the open road.
i have tried to "make" myself get on and succeeded once.
Thanks Zeroday, taking a ride when the sun is out on a non busy day would be better for me, I will have to con the teenage daughter into babysitting!
Have you ever been able to get over extreme fear? How?
by snarf ini have an anxiety problem as it is, but i am passing out scared of riding motorcycles!
my hubby, a biker through and through, loves them and with the rising cost of gas, and his need to drive 45 miles each way to a job 3 days a week and us trying to cut back, we decided it was a good time for him to fulfill his dream, so he bought a beautiful motorcycle that any biker would be proud to own, problem is, he really wants me to hop on the back and join him for a cruise on the open road.
i have tried to "make" myself get on and succeeded once.
I have an anxiety problem as it is, but I am passing out scared of riding motorcycles! My hubby, a biker through and through, loves them and with the rising cost of gas, and his need to drive 45 miles each way to a job 3 days a week and us trying to cut back, we decided it was a good time for him to fulfill his dream, so he bought a beautiful motorcycle that any biker would be proud to own, problem is, he really wants me to hop on the back and join him for a cruise on the open road. I have tried to "make" myself get on and succeeded once. He is very loving and lets me be :in charge". If I say stop, he stops, if I say slow down he does, mind you we have only putted around town at 25 mph tops and I almost passed out. He has suggested me getting a scooter for myself to putt around town in for my errands to save gas and to help me get comfortable with a motorized two wheeled vehicle, I think a peddle bike would suit me fine and I wouldn't have to worry about my flaming bloody death looming from an accident on a motorcycle.
Any help to get rid of thhis fear and face it once and for all would be helped, if you have had a fear and have managed to deal with it please tell me how you did it.
Also, I grew up on the back of a motorcycle, stepdad was in a biker gang and I rode as a kid everywhere, no bad experiences there. I also had 3 high school friends, one whom I loved dearly, all die riding carelessly on their motorcycles, but I knew it was from their relunctance to obey the standards of riding.