I have a few which still either anger me, make me sad or just make me grateful that I am no longer one of them. 1 - "well, everyone is going to die anyway, so if it at Armageddon then ce la vie" 2 - "the disater today at the World Trade Centre is sad, but exciting" 3 - (an elder) "when armageddon happens, I want to be at a window, watching it all". Sick, sick, sick!
The most inappropriate remarks from Jehovahs Witnesses
by jambon1 124 Replies latest jw friends
"Demon possession" for any person who doesn't fully conform.
I mean there is no JW test that either proves or disproves such affliction. So then the JW making the statement is either guilty of false witness or gossiping........ and of course the Bible says nothing about those who do that.....**wink**
Jambon, the World Trade Center comment was what made me finally leave my JW elder husband!
We were married 20 years. On the day of the tragedy he said those same words when I came in crying and telling him of the disaster.
He smiled as I recall and looked up thanking God and saying something like "Praise Jehovah! The Tribulation is very close!" I was shocked and mortified by his reaction!
I slapped him. His callous comment made me so mad at him and our stupid religion. I couldnt take it anymore! He he called the police and they almost arrested me for assault. He called his whole family down to our house to witness the arrest!
That was it for me.
The next day I packed my belongings and went out and rented my own place.
What a day that was. I had my own 9/11 to be sure. -
keyser soze
"the disater today at the World Trade Centre is sad, but exciting"
I remember talking with a then ms, now an elder the weekend after it happened. His exact words were "It's 3000 people who wouldn't have survived armageddon anyway." I'm sure that would be a source of great comfort to their families.
wha happened?
Basically JW's feel they have a right to make comments about anything. Appropriate or not.
My ex mother-in-law knew a JW chiropractor that didn't like taking non-JW patients because they were all going to die anyways.
Rutherford was king of inappropriate remarks. He made the most vile comments about non-JW's. I still have a number of books that he "authored". -
wha happened?
I remember an ex CO who for whatever reason started to get migraines. No one knew why. He tried his best to continue his responsibilities. He said at one point an elder approached him and asked if there were any sins that he should confess to. I guess only those with secret sins get sick
Elderette to woman at her unbelieving father's funeral: "He's better off."
At the dinner table amongst some banter about some religious topic - JW to the non-JWs at the table:
"You'll all be laughing on the other side of your faces when armageddon comes"
Every conversation and remark about a profession and wondering if it would be beneficial in the "new world order" when we are resurrected.
My ex mother-in-law knew a JW chiropractor that didn't like taking non-JW patients because they were all going to die anyways.
Wow! Talk about displaying a Christlike personality.
I suppose whenever he gets sick, he goes to the nearest JW hospital.