"In the fiscal year 1997/1998, the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania had net assets worth 705 billion dollars ."
Def: Net Assets The difference between a company's total assets and liabilities
Allowing for an increase in property prices of approx 50% from 1997 - 2006 , this makes WTBTS net asset value worth over 1 trillion dollars.
I know you guys have an anti-witness agenda and will quote as gospel any c**p written about JWs, but even the most gullible ex-witness shouldn't believe this nonsense. Britains biggest company is BP , which has a net asset value of $71 billion (£2.04 per share , as in current annual report). Google has a market capitalisation of $188 billion (the NAV is far lower). General Motors NAV is $22.8 billion.
So lets get this straight. JWs , with volunteer , unpaid publishers , have built up an organisation worth 15 X BP. Net asset value worth more than 5 X Google market cap? (I know the shares have fallen back a bit recently , but...) You have got to be joking , right? I'm frankly astonished that some of you actually believe this nonsense.