Gillies just seems a rather uninspiring brown nosing company man. I guess that is the main qualification for progress through the upper echelons of the Org. He is really exceptionally dull and uninspiring , with no noticeable empathy or warmth though - with a manner like a junior Edinburgh lawyer - I don't know how well he would be in front of the cameras of JW Broadcasting.
If he does eventually become appointed ( albeit he must be in his mid 60's by now , so upper age limit for such as post ) , he would be the first British (and first Scot) to be appointed to the GB since Jack Barr (died - oops , sorry , ended his earthly course - 2010 ).
I hate to be cynical, but I just wonder how genuine these sudden claims ( in their middle age ) to be anointed are from obviously ambitious men who clearly have their hearts set on becoming GB members.