I'm sure all those in attendance who took a day off and missed a day's pay were soooo thankful they did for that enlightening tidbit. NOT!
JoinedPosts by Hannah
Because they are FAITHFUL!!! Because they are DISCREET!!!
by OnTheWayOut ina coworker and friend whose family are jw went to the district convention with his jw wife and kids.. he said that about the only thing he got out of friday's session was this hilarious statement in the title.. here's the story-.
the speaker says, .
"why should we trust the faithful and discreet slave?.
Going to Ohio tomorrow
by Junction-Guy injust in case you might wonder, i may be missing from the board for about 2 weeks.
im taking a vacation to go see my family.
i may/may not post while im up there, i might just take a well deserved break.. .
Have a wonderful vacation!
which celebrity death....?
by nowisee injust heard about the death of joel siegel, the entertainment critic for abc, and found myself, surprisingly, in tears.
maybe it was because he had such a young son and made plans to let him know how much he was loved, long before he died.
maybe because i have watched him for so many years.
Anna Nicole
Paper or Plastic bags?
by JH ini expect this thread to be on warlock's best of the week thread next week.
i prefer platic bags because they take less place, but my cat prefers paper bags because she cat can play in it..... .
We use plastic just because they come in handy for a variety of reasons in my house.
Reading all or your responses makes me feel as though we should just carry our groceries home in an apron or skirt or something. OMG, we're damned if we do or don't. You'd think if the big chain grocery companies were just a wee bit concerned about our environment, they would provide their customers with maybe 5 free cloth bags per customer card just to get started. Then offer more bags at cost. Come on....they're made of recycled material anyway. How much could they cost. It's for the environment. Oh, I forgot. The almighty dollar is much more important.
Just "google" it and you'll find what it is you are looking for.
Anyone Else from Canada?
by Miss 8572 ini'm really intrigued by that fact that i may know some of you and yet not know that i know you.
i just want to know how many people from canada are here.
if you don't mind and don't care about posting your province (cause i'm too timid to) we could all get an idea of just how many canucks are really out there.
Wait! I'm from Canada...born and raised in Edmonton, Alberta. Lived in Richmond, British Columbia for 10 years before moving down here to NC, USA.
Transcript from DC audio: "The Superiority of Being Taught By Jehovah"
by LiveLife inalmost entirely transcribed from the audio provided by fading away (thanks, fading away!!).
i couldn't bear to type out all of one experience, you'll have to listen.. the audio link: education talk from follow the christ dc.
the superiority of of being taught by jehovah.
Thanks for providing us with this blast from the past. These demos never change. Just different people in a different setting using the same old stupid script.
Just one question. How is divine education going to fund a retirement savings plan?
Would Witnesses Go Out in Ministry if They Didn't Allow Counting Time?
by flipper inhey folks.
mr. flipper here.
when i was a witness , like a lot of you, remember we'd all scramble around at the end of the month asking each other, ( or your book study conductor would remind you) to turn our time in for field ministry ?
I know for sure kids jump up and down for joy. Finally a day to sleep in or at least be able to watch cartoons. I always wanted to watch cartoons on Saturday mornings like all the other kids were doing when we knocked on their doors
The butt-kissers would definitely continue going d2d making sure to mention it to EVERYONE.
Then there are the sincere hearted people who feel obligated to go d2d so they're not held blood guilty.
New Here, just want to introduce myself....
by lies all lies inhi everyone, i never was baptized but studied for a very long time before i finally got my sanity back and realized that although the individual jws for the most part were good people and doing what they thought was right the org itself was total b.s.
anyway ive been lurking here off and on for a while and figured i would stop being lazy and register.
so hello, i enjoy everyones posts and hope to be around for a while!
Welcome Lynne! Great to have you join us. Be careful...this place is addictive.
Were your prayers ever answered while being a JW
by Grouper indid any of your prayers ever get answered while being a jw even if they where small maybe insignificant?
pesonnally i never really needed my prayers to be answered but one time while the co visited us i was going to work with him durining saturady service i get there at 0930 but service started at 0900. i felt i missed my chance to work with him and show i was commited and i wanted to asked him how i can reconcile the fact i did not believe that noah's flood existed globally with the way the society views it.
i left the kingdom hall pissed off thinking i fu*ked things up, so i kinda said to jah well i messed up gettin some clarity to to my quandry.
Nope, me either.
Thought prayers were only answered to those who bragged about it on stage during an assembly part. A ploy to get those in attendance to feel as though they aren't doing enough. Do more and then you'll get your prayers answered. Yeah, right.
Really, does God only answer the prayers of a few chosen? No, that wouldn't be just. Are we not all his children? Absolutely.