(From Google Translate)
Subject: Coronavirus epidemic
Dear brothers,
Jesus prophesied that the last days would be marked by an increase in natural disasters, including epidemics (Luke 21: 11). In this regard, we are closely monitoring the progress of the coronavirus epidemic which is progressively involving several countries. Even in Italy some cases of contagion have recently occurred. In these situations it is wise to apply the principle set out in Proverbs 14:15, where it reads: "The naive believes in everything he is told, but the shrewd one evaluates every step he takes."
What preventive measures would be appropriate to take in such situations? First of all, it is of fundamental importance to follow the indications issued by the local authorities, including those which could provide for the isolation of large sections of the population at home. Furthermore, in case of fever, general malaise or other symptoms similar to those of seasonal flu, it would be a demonstration of Christian love not to go to meetings or assemblies or attend other crowded places where the infection could easily spread (Phil. 2: 4). Even in the absence of symptoms, it would be appropriate to avoid unnecessary physical contact by limiting expressions of greeting and affection, such as kisses, hugs and handshakes (od p. 197). Washing your hands often throughout the day is another simple but effective criterion for limiting infections. Keeping disinfectants (such as hydroalcoholic gels) handy can also be an effective measure.
If ordered by the authorities, congregation meetings and other theocratic meetings should be suspended. If so, we are confident that you will follow the instructions that will be provided to you by the congregation elders. Other useful tips can be found in n. 6 of Awake! of 2016.
In conclusion, if on the one hand it is wise to avoid alarmism, on the other we do not wish to underestimate the problem (Prov. 27: 12). We are confident that you will apply the reasonable precautionary measures that we have suggested you take for your own good, that of your families and the entire congregation.
We love you and on this occasion we confirm all our brotherly affection.
Your brothers,
Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses
cc: To all circuit overseers in Italy