Interesting. I have a question. How is are the total numbers arrived at? What I mean is this: in the US taxes are pretty much made on traceable income, i.e. income that someone else has reported giving to you. The $200/year/publisher figure sounds somewhat light for the congregations that I've been in. That breaks down to roughly $20/month, or $5/sunday talk (this, of course, doesn't count CAs or DAs). However, I never claimed the money that I donated on my taxes, and I never got a receipt because the individual amounts were never that large. In Australia, how much can an individual claim on their taxes as "donation" before they have to supply receipts? I can say that, on average, I tried to keep the 10% tithing rule in place, but towards the end, as I faded, I was near the point of trying to figure out how I could get money OUT of that [edited] little box, just for the principle. But then, trusting in good ol' Joe Hober, I never did the math. But I am curious as to the "expenses" part. In the congos that I've been to, usually the biggest "expense" is the mortgage, which was held by the WTS, which switched money from pocket a to b. I'm surprised that the Aussie govt (or any govt for that matter) would let $8million slip out of the country completely untouched. But still, considering it as PURE PROFIT, if the $120 per publisher PROFIT figure is held linearly across the board, (quick, somebody multiply 120 by 6 million) that is a rather healthyYEARLY PROFIT (COMPLETE PROFIT!!!) figure!!!! That in itself would certainly open the eyes of those starving, yet sacrificing, humble, yet happy, Pioneers. It would seem that from the profit alone, the WTS could considerably ease the pain of Pioneering. Besides, why does Brooklyn need all that money, after all, the end of the system of things is "so close I can stick my tongue out and taste it", right?
At an estimation of $720million PROFIT per year, this site ought to have a banner attached to each page that is called "The Countingtower: Announcing Jehovah's Profit!" and daily accrue the $2million the WTS is sucking in. But then, I'm sure that it would probably amaze us at how fast the WTS lawyers would be in trying to get that info taken off the Internet, as that is information that I am sure the Fleecing and Deceitful Slave class would not want published. Talk about a demotivator. But, with the figure out for all to see, it would not escape notice by even the most casual of JW lurkers.