JoinedTopics Started by cosmic
I need to know
by cosmic inshining one just did a thread on an article that supposedly shows the bible was not fabricated.
i didn't want to hijack his thread, so i started this one.. .
i'm getting old, i guess, and maybe alzheimer's is starting in, but i have lost my vision, my understanding, my assurity if you will.
Angels leaving heaven
by cosmic ini didn't want to hijack auld soul's thread on the nephilim, but this is a subject that has always intrigued me.
namely, the angels leaving heaven to boff the daughters of men.
my question was, did all of the angels materialize as males?
Barf Quote
by cosmic ini read a thread recently by stillawitness in which this person mentioned a "barf quote".
the term didn't seem extraordinary at the outset, but, throughout the day, i kept giggling and chortling over the term.
people would ask me what was "so funny", and all i could say was, "barf quote".
Emily Dickenson
by cosmic inmy favorite poet is emily dickenson, a beautiful sould trapped for and because of love.
it doesn't take a great deal of reading of her stuff to feel the "moderninity" of her thought.
i would like to hear from whomever ladies decide to contribute what their particular feelings are as to love and being loved might be and what god ( be he(r) jehovah, jesus, bob, sam, or augie) might have put into their hearts as to what "love" really is and why it is different from the interpretation(s) of us beer swilling swine.
The truth of love.
by cosmic inone of my most favorite poets is emily dickenson.
a soul trapped because of and for love.
sorry, if i am a whimp, i aplogize to the spike channel, but she makes me hard with just words.
Why does religion fail?
by cosmic ini'm not used to starting threads, but i ran across a web site the other day that set my mind churning.
the site was called "the atheists manifesto", and i think i heard about it from someone on this board.
but, anyway, it mentioned a couple of things that seemed compelling:.