Yeah, not to mention marijuana, or Poppies, or Cocoa trees.
JoinedPosts by cosmic
Food requirements of the Law Covenant ??
by moomanchu in.
"every moving thing that is alive shall be food for you; i give all to you, as i gave the green plant.. if this is part of an everlasting covenant as jw's contend why didn't the israelites remind god of it when he instituted the food requirements of the law covenant?.
what is the jw explanation?.
Financial Statement Analysis of 2005 Australian Branch
by NewYork44M inseveral weeks ago this board obtained a copy of the australian wt branch 2005 financial statements.
i have had a chance to review the statements and would like to add a few comments.
I understand about the transfer of the 8megabucks; but, regardless of how it is listed, it is PROFIT, i.e. it is money that is not used to pay real expenses of the Aussie KHs (as, say, property taxes, utility bills, hall rental/mortgage, etc.). The thing I was getting at is that in the US, it is standard (but unadmitted) practice to decide what anmount of taxes will be paid (that is, profit admitted to) this year and work backwards from there. In short, the practice is to try to determine what the least amount of taxes can be claimed before the Feds audit your butt, add, oh, say, 15% saftey factor, and figure out how to make the figures agree. There is a growing understrata of American business that is learning how to deal in cash only. If I ask you to build a swimming pool for me, you will quote me X, and upwards of 40% of X being for taxes, permits, etc. etc. If I say to you, I will pay you 70% of X as cash, and you have a ready supply if illegal alien labor (or not), you can make 10% more profit by accepting the cash and never declaring the income. Now, that scenario is a bit fraught with danger, as the pool is a physical item, if the community is on its toes and sees the construction going on w/o a permit they might get a little nosey (although bribes to teamsters as well as public officials are more than common) and the problems begin. However, since the WTS issues receipts for some donations, they know that these receipts will be pretty much ALL that the Feds will be able to have a paper trail on. In other words, if I donate $100 ands do not demand a receipt (therefore announcing my intention to NOT specifically declare the donation to the FEDS) the WTS can claim that I didn't give them a thing, thereby generating $100 of PURE profit. But, the WTS knows that I would probably become just a bit suspicious, not to mention the Feds. So, what the WTS must do is figure out what amount they can declare that I gave to them with it being reasonably acceptable to me and the Feds. In other words, they have to decalre SOMETHING, and knowing the way these weasles think, dollars to donuts, they claim 10% of actual, non receipted, donations. You know, Ceasar's tithings to Ceasar.
Now, this all generates a whopping pile of cash, which NY wants sent to them. The problem is that most govts take a dim view of letting a large pile of cash that is generated in their space just flit away into the night. Plus, unless the $8million is laundered in some fashion (by declaring it as "foreign expenses", or "bumblebee research", or some such) the Feds are gonna be hard pressed to allow the "non-profit" status to continue. Now, there isn't anything "illegal" about this; however, we do start to use words like "immoral", and "materialistic".
Which is my final point: what [edited] is this $8Million bucks being used for? I came up with $720million bucks by taking the profit per Aussie publisher, i.e. $120. (8,000,000 (profit) divided by 60,000 pubishers actually comes out to $133 per publisher, but I rounded it down to be conservative). Plus, you came up with $200 per publisher donation (and that is just the claimed stuff) and a 40% overall expense rate (for hall utilities, magazines, and traveling
medicine men overseers. What else is there?) seems reasonable. Now, just straight across the board ( I don't know if Australia is the mean for world economies. I know that the US is probably greater, as would be the UK, Saudia Arabia, but then there is Somalia, Peru, Ehtiopia) and with no other figures to go on, I assume that of the nations with substantial (a subjective term, I know) JW population, Australia has the average economy. This would mean that with a world of 6 million JWs, $120 time 6,000,000 gives $720 million of PURE PROFIT going to Brooklyn EACH YEAR. Now folks, even in this world of trillion dollar deficits and trade budgets and $67 per barrel for oil, $720,000,000 is still a lot of frigging cash. (Yes folks, keep that in mind, this is [edited] cash!!!! Not raw materials with eventual profit after manufacturing investment, this is right now, buy the puppy, folding dollar bills cash. That is enormous.) Where is all of this cash going? Again, you can't let that kind of bucks just sit in a NY bank and not have the Feds continue to agree to non-profit status. It has to be going somewhere to be doing something or the Feds would be siphoning it. You've got many many congrgations in the US doubling and tripeling up on the same KH, while $720,000,000 could by a shite load of KHs, but it ain't happening. Where is that money going? -
Financial Statement Analysis of 2005 Australian Branch
by NewYork44M inseveral weeks ago this board obtained a copy of the australian wt branch 2005 financial statements.
i have had a chance to review the statements and would like to add a few comments.
Interesting. I have a question. How is are the total numbers arrived at? What I mean is this: in the US taxes are pretty much made on traceable income, i.e. income that someone else has reported giving to you. The $200/year/publisher figure sounds somewhat light for the congregations that I've been in. That breaks down to roughly $20/month, or $5/sunday talk (this, of course, doesn't count CAs or DAs). However, I never claimed the money that I donated on my taxes, and I never got a receipt because the individual amounts were never that large. In Australia, how much can an individual claim on their taxes as "donation" before they have to supply receipts? I can say that, on average, I tried to keep the 10% tithing rule in place, but towards the end, as I faded, I was near the point of trying to figure out how I could get money OUT of that [edited] little box, just for the principle. But then, trusting in good ol' Joe Hober, I never did the math. But I am curious as to the "expenses" part. In the congos that I've been to, usually the biggest "expense" is the mortgage, which was held by the WTS, which switched money from pocket a to b. I'm surprised that the Aussie govt (or any govt for that matter) would let $8million slip out of the country completely untouched. But still, considering it as PURE PROFIT, if the $120 per publisher PROFIT figure is held linearly across the board, (quick, somebody multiply 120 by 6 million) that is a rather healthyYEARLY PROFIT (COMPLETE PROFIT!!!) figure!!!! That in itself would certainly open the eyes of those starving, yet sacrificing, humble, yet happy, Pioneers. It would seem that from the profit alone, the WTS could considerably ease the pain of Pioneering. Besides, why does Brooklyn need all that money, after all, the end of the system of things is "so close I can stick my tongue out and taste it", right?
At an estimation of $720million PROFIT per year, this site ought to have a banner attached to each page that is called "The Countingtower: Announcing Jehovah's Profit!" and daily accrue the $2million the WTS is sucking in. But then, I'm sure that it would probably amaze us at how fast the WTS lawyers would be in trying to get that info taken off the Internet, as that is information that I am sure the Fleecing and Deceitful Slave class would not want published. Talk about a demotivator. But, with the figure out for all to see, it would not escape notice by even the most casual of JW lurkers.
why is it all FLUFF?
by theinfamousone ini mean, i come on this website, looking for the more intelligent conversations, the more interesting topics, things that are not just fluff... these things that compel me to think, react and of course, respond... lately nothing has made me want to respond.... i mean dont get me wrong, i love my fluff here and there, but i mean, why is it all fluff now???
where has all the intelligent convo gone???
or am i just missing something?.
"Vanity, vainity. All is vanity."
Solomon, Oscar Wilde (what a pair)
Who's up for some fun?
by Inquisitor inshake things up a bit in your friendly local congregation of jehovah's witnesses by partaking of their memorial emblems this april 12!
when drinking the wine (i don't think you'd get to eating the bread if you carry this first part out), make sensual, sinful sounds of ecstasy!
better yet, noisily gulp down the whole glass of wine and top it with a little burp!
Too cool!!! A bonafide miracle!!!
Who's up for some fun?
by Inquisitor inshake things up a bit in your friendly local congregation of jehovah's witnesses by partaking of their memorial emblems this april 12!
when drinking the wine (i don't think you'd get to eating the bread if you carry this first part out), make sensual, sinful sounds of ecstasy!
better yet, noisily gulp down the whole glass of wine and top it with a little burp!
Or...with a disdainful spat equal to Rodney Dangerfield mistakenly swilling water ("I don't know how to go to sleep, I only know how to pass out!"), spew the wine across the knecks of the JWs in front of you (as long as it aint me), stand up and declare, "Enough! Enough of this p*ssy assed sh*t!" and then whip out your bottle of Jack, pull a swig off the top, shout, "Nick, nick!", and pass it to the ashened faced broad to your left.
fingers of blame are always looking too point
by crazyjw inhi everybody i am mick_mcc son of greater_freedom he posted about the elders tried to drag him into a shotgun judicial meeting because they saw christmas lights in 2004. but what really upsets me is that my real mothers who was a jw put out decorations for thanksgiving and easter each year, and we put up some lights & decorations too accommodate the lady that moved in to help take care of our house & we are sinning!
and my mother is the one that turned us in & is persecuting dad and myself.
i think a lot of my dad because , after me and my brother's accident he stayed with me in the hospital until i was well enough to leave the hospital to attend rehab for my tbi(traumatic brain injury) that i suffered due to the car accident.
I'm impressed with the amount of effort it must have taken for you to post on here. For me, it is so easy that I often forget. The courage of you and your father is noteworthy, even though you probably think it was just a matter of doing it. I've often thought that David stepped up to the plate with the count 2B1S when he did Goliath. Remember the sacrifice of your father, his love, and never forget your strength. Don't let the idiots kid you, their god Joe Hober was taking a leak when you and your father were keeping the faith!
Totally depressed and don't know what to do......
by WingCommander ini don't know how some of you are around this time of year, but i'm just really depressed lately, more so this time of year it seems.
because it is nearing the memorial time and now that i have a son, i am totally lost as to what to do and what to teach him concerning religion.
my own youth was stolen by the wtbs and has made me a total wreck at times.
The love for your child is obvious. One thing I might suggest is that whatever you do, do not make your child an agent of revenge. The confusion you feel towards God is not your fault. In your heart you know what is truth and what is a lie. To quote my favorite K-Paxian, "All intelligent creatures know right from wrong." No matter what you are, nor who you are, your child needs to know that he/she is truely, unconditionally, loved by you, and they seem to weather all the rest. Make up you own name. I know, "Quantiphilo", hows that? God's name is Quantiphilo, and he made all the stars and all the planets and all the life, just for us. He loves us because we are. He doesn't think we're bad or good, or evil, or righteous, any more than we think that the last fly we saw was good or bad. But he wants us to be happy, no matter what we do, or what we are. He isn't going to give us anything and he isn't going to take anything away, he just wants us to be true to ourselves. But most of all, he wants us to know that he is here for you, and you alone. You don't need a crowd, or a congregation, or a Kingdom Hall or a religion to know Quantiphilo because he is so much bigger than all of those things. But he is no bigger than your heart, beacuse that is where he stays. If you search for Quantiphilo, he will be there, but only for you.
Form SS 77 "Notification of Disfellowshipping or Disassociation"
by JW_Researcher in.
just noticed a form ss 77 "notification of disfellowshipping or disassociation" is posted at
This proves it!!!!!! The lowest hell is a bureaucracy!!!!!
C.E. and B.C.E.
by merfi ini've always wondered why the wtbs uses ce and bce instead of bc and ad.
i'd always meant to ask, but then it kind of got to the point where it would look 'bad' if i didn't already know, so was afraid to ask.
Bueller? El Cuteo!