if an ark was found and proven to be made out of the wood as described in the bible (gopher wood, shittem wood? i dont remember) i would at the very least re-think some of my views. although, i think there is probably a better chance of finding bigfoot or leprechauns.
Posts by dvw
Noah's Ark - Close to being found? What effects would it have?
by Jourles inhttp://www.space.com/news/060309_ark_update.html
personally, it makes no difference to me if the ark is found or not.
if it truly exists, then it would be one of the largest finds of the millenium.
Was Jesus sacrifice really a sacrifice?
by jambon1 ini would like to state firstly that i in no way intend to offend anyone.. its just when i was in the org i had major problems with the blood issue/death because of persecution.
many times we were taught that god does`nt ask us to do anything that he has`nt done himself.
now imagine everything the bible says about jesus really did happen.
Shoulder is dislocated/subluxated
by seeitallclearlynow inhave you ever had this condition?
it's not a full-blown dislocation as might occur in a sports accident.
but it's very uncomfortable and the chiropractor keeps trying to put it back in place.
i got into a serious fight with a guy once, and didnt even know i separrated my shoulder till 24 hours later. ouch. i went to regular dr. and he said couldnt do much for it. put it in a sling. i dont remember how long. hurt bad, especially at nite. i was 24 years old. am 41 now. have started to have some trouble with it lately. i would reccomend doing phys. therapy. they could tell you lots of good exercises. i am sure the hospital liason committee could help you alot. seeing how highly trained they are in ALL things medical.
Kool - Aid
by dozy ini was puzzled by the numerous references to this as we don't have this product in the uk , but realise (after googling) that it refers to the jonestown massacre.
the implication presumably being that jws are so dumb , they will do anything that those in authority ask them to do.
(shame this doesn't apply when i am looking for volunteers to stand in for the tms.
Why Not Forgive God, It's His First Time Too!?
by bigmouth insome tips i've learned from jehovah on how to be a father: .
if the kid makes one mistake,banish him, just get him out of the house.
if anyone else pisses me off they can go play with the kid.
yep, thats the way i see it. i always got pissed off when the borg. said how approachable god was. right.
plus, they would say, "see how beautiful nature is? (insert pictures of cuddly animals here) this reflects how kind and loving god is!" of course it does, ever see an aligator eat one of the aformentioned cuddly animals. jehovah is good!
This could change the whole world
by metatron ina small us company named eestor is rumored to be working on a new ultracapacitor to replace batteries.
a major investor.
with a solid record of picking winners has recently announced major funding of them.
yeah weve been screwed. i dont understand why big oil has been relatively silent about all the alternative fuels. what are they waiting for? they surely wont take this lying down. alt. fuel is taking a big bite out of their profits. one would think they would try and quash it. or at the least, give alt. fuels some bad press.
How Did Things Change After You Were Baptised?
by whyizit ini've noticed that a lot of jws and former jws have said there was a big change after they became baptised.
how were you treated before, as compared to after?
is there really that noticeable of a difference?
Theocratic Warfare Strategy - Lies have long been part of the plan.
by unclebruce ing'day fellow liars,
considering themselves to occupy the moral high ground, many jehovah's witnesses are blissfully unaware that the watchtower bible and tract society encourages them to lie.
many would run screaming apostate lies!
star moore,
i see your point. i always understood it to mean we need not divulge "everything" to "everyone". BUTT.................. the watchtower joined the un., then said "no we didnt". plus, they flat out lied to the govt. of bulgaria about the blood issue. these are the same clowns who would rather see the german jw's during ww II "hold fast" and be decapitated rather than "compromise" and live. they expect the rank and file to "be faithful unto death", but fold like a cheap suit on two of the major tenets of the faith.
btw, was rahab even a jewess? i dont remember that she was. if this is so, she was under no compulsion to be truthful. if she was a jew, then now would be a good time for me to shut up.
kickboxing anyone?
by snarf inhello, i was wondering if anyone had experience with kickboxing?
i am a painter so my job is very physical, but i would like to tone my body.
i was trying to research kickboxing and all i got was advertisements instaed of health benefits.