There is not any record of Job observing the Sabbath. Yet he is God's greatest servant? Was he a non Israelite or did he live before the exodus of the Isrealites from Egypt when the Sabbath covenant was made? Who is Job?
JoinedPosts by GodisRight
by GodisRight inthere is not any record of job observing the sabbath.
yet he is god's greatest servant?
was he a non israelite or did he live before the exodus of the isrealites from egypt when the sabbath covenant was made?
Exodus 31 (English Standard Version) 12 And the LORD said to Moses, 13 "You are to speak to the people of Israel and say, 'Above all you shall keep my Sabbaths, for this is a sign between me and you throughout your generations, that you may know that I, the LORD, sanctify you. 14 You shall keep the Sabbath, because it is holy for you. Everyone who profanes it shall be put to death. Whoever does any work on it, that soul shall be cut off from among his people. 15 Six days shall work be done, but the seventh day is a Sabbath of solemn rest, holy to the LORD. Whoever does any work on the Sabbath day shall be put to death. 16 Therefore the people of Israel shall keep the Sabbath, observing the Sabbath throughout their generations, as a covenant forever. 17 It is a sign forever between me and the people of Israel that in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day he rested and was refreshed.'"
18 And he gave to Moses, when he had finished speaking with him on Mount Sinai, the two tablets of the testimony, tablets of stone, written with the finger of God.I don't think it matters if the Sabbath was done away with or not: As you can see, when the Sabbath is put into the proper context, it is actually a covenant between God and Israel. Did God ever tell Gentiles to obey the sabbath? Such a deal was never made with anyone outside of Israel. The only reason why breaking the Sabbath was a sin is because God told them not to work on the Sabbath. All other sins like adultry, murder, and stealing are sins in itself. But Sabbath violation is only a sin to the Israelites because God told them to observe it and the Israelites agreed to this. Unless Jacob(Isreal) is your forefather, the sabbath has nothing to do with you. Has God been mentioned any where in bible as being angry with non Isrealites in foreign lands who do not observe the Sabbath?
i have a question
by brandon_the many inwould the passage from new world translation be a miss print....because in the holy bible the word is if god is not capitalized..then what god is the book referring to...because there is only one father and one living god witch is jesus...... .
please help me , because this has been puzzling me...... .
new world translation of the holy scriptures new world translation of the holy scriptures .
I read from Joseph that Jn 1:1 says "the Word was essentially God to you folks."
Of course a thread like this is not likely to change anyone's hard stance on this.
But what I get from the verse is that it's saying the Word was equivalent to God.
Say I put together an ant farm. The ants knew me as "The human". Then one day I decide to turn my son Charlie into an ant so he can live among the ants, just for kicks. Now my son Charlie, as an ant, causes quite a stir down in the ant farm. After this episode some ant is enlightened about the REAL story about this Charlie character and proclaims to the other ants that in the beginning of that there ant farm, this Charlie character was with "The human"...and in fact Charlie WAS human! No, Charlie wasn't THE HUMAN (that refers to me), but Charlie was HUMAN nonetheless!
Great analogy, but I don't think some people will get the sense of it.
i have a question
by brandon_the many inwould the passage from new world translation be a miss print....because in the holy bible the word is if god is not capitalized..then what god is the book referring to...because there is only one father and one living god witch is jesus...... .
please help me , because this has been puzzling me...... .
new world translation of the holy scriptures new world translation of the holy scriptures .
John 1
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
All of you should read this verse in Greek.
A word for word literal translation of the greek text is:
in beginning was the word and the word was with the god and god was the word
Note how the definite article precedes "god" in the first instance, but there is no definite article before the second "god". So the definite article must be used where there is one in the original Greek, but where there is no definite article in Greek, there is no definite article in English, so an indefinite article is inserted to maintain the specific thought expressed by the original author, as it is done in every other place in the entire Bible, to correctly translate it as in a beginning was the word and the word was with the god and a god was the word
Note now the difference between "the God", and "a god"...why has it been translated incorrectly in almost every Bible? Why, where the words are different in the Greek, are they translated the same in English? -
i have a question
by brandon_the many inwould the passage from new world translation be a miss print....because in the holy bible the word is if god is not capitalized..then what god is the book referring to...because there is only one father and one living god witch is jesus...... .
please help me , because this has been puzzling me...... .
new world translation of the holy scriptures new world translation of the holy scriptures .
It has been known for a long time that the word God and its use is not limited to the Supreme Being. When it is used of others then it cannot be said that we have two God’s (as if both are the Supreme Being) nor can it be said that some other scripture is violated or abused because this same word is used in that text. The context must be the same and in John 1:1 it is not. This simplicity of words with their multiplicity of meanings is common to many words in scripture such as heaven(s), spirit, and soul.
This is the way Strong’s defines theos or God:
) a god or goddess, a general name of deities or divinities
2) the Godhead, trinity
2a) God the Father, the first person in the trinity
2b) Christ, the second person of the trinity
2c) Holy Spirit, the third person in the trinity
3) spoken of the only and true God3a) refers to the things of God 3b) his counsels, interests, things due to him 4) whatever can in any respect be likened unto God, or resemble him in any way 4a) God’s representative or viceregent 4a1) of magistrates and judges
And John 1:1-2 uses it this way: 1
I n the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God.
Therefore the Word was someone that was with God at the beginning of the human race and was put in charge of such human race or as John states “the Word was God” to such human race under discussion as this is what John is talking about in this introduction. This does not make two God’s or two Supreme Beings as commonly understood by many. The context or definition of this word is not the same for each use. The use of God as Supreme Being and God as Viceregent cannot be directly compared to some other text where God is used only in the sense of Supreme Being.
I agree 100%. That is why Satan is called god of this world and Moses was god to his brother Aaron and the Pharoah.
However, only Yah is God by nature. Every other person who is called a god, is one due to circumstances -- not by nature. -
Should we evaluate satan's thoughts, to see if we agree or not?
by DavidChristopher inshould we just take others word, and blame everything on him, without seaching and trying to see if there was a reason for what he did?.
is there a chance, he could have been doing what jehovah wanted him to do?
or was he meant to be a "fall guy" for us?
Get real!!! If you actually believe the biblical crap about satan and adam and eve, then it logically follows that god created this universe and everything within it....yes, that would include "the capacity"
Yes God created the universe.
for evil if he ultimately "created" the devil. Now the classic JW response (or xtian fundy) ;is "oh, god gave us 'free will' so mankind 'chose' evil...." This argument is also logically bankrupt because one would have to accept that god being the ultimate 'cause' of the universe and the creator of 'free will' is still responsible for what he created. Ergo, god is equally responsible for all good and evil within the nature of reality and perception.
Some persons use the computer to promote child porno ,infidelty, software piracy, and racism. However, I doubt Dell, Aol. Google or Microsoft intended for their products and technology to be used for such purposes.
It just goes to show you how humans can take something really "good" and and ruin with their selfishness, greed, and hatred.
God then "chooses" (using HIS free will) ;to allow the murder and mayhem to continue on his "earth" unabated amongst the creatures he himself created. If I had children (or even a pet dog) I am LEGALLY, ETHICALLY and MORALLY responsible for their care, upbringing and guidance. Would I stand by and do nothing to help them if it was in my power to do so? NO. And if I did do nothing, I would be thrown in jail. Sad is'nt it, that the legal system established by humans proves itself morally superior to your silent and impotent tribal deity???
Catch 22. If God slays the wicked, he called a intolerant murdering sick deity. If He stands back and doe's nothing, he is accused of being neglective and "impotent" God. With sick twisted humans, God can't do right.
God has tried talking mankind into being rightious, but that has got him no where. Talking doesn't work. God has tried punishing the wicked, but then he accused of being wicked Himself for punishing the wicked. This is why God caused a world wide flood to sweep the earth clean sparing only one man and his family.
Is Jesus Mediator for the Great Crowd's prayers?
by jwfacts inthe watchtower makes the claim that jesus is only mediator for the 144,000 because only they are in the new covenant.
however i was looking on and there is a statement that the watchtower does teach that jesus is mediator for the prayers of the great crowd.
does anyone know if this is correct?
The 144,000 and the great crowd are one and the same.
Should we evaluate satan's thoughts, to see if we agree or not?
by DavidChristopher inshould we just take others word, and blame everything on him, without seaching and trying to see if there was a reason for what he did?.
is there a chance, he could have been doing what jehovah wanted him to do?
or was he meant to be a "fall guy" for us?
Sorry, but that has a very familiar "JW Party-line" sound to it. Sure things are bad and probably will get worse in time. Dwelling on only the negative will give you that perception.
But there is so much positive today that to not add that into your thinking could prove suicidal. There is bad and there is good. What's new?
JW my foot. My former neighborhood was a peaceful quite surburban street when I moved there. 12 years later -- drive by shooting and dope dealing. My family and I got the heck out of their. The "sound" I heard was gun shots, not JW rheteric. The "perception" was I could get killed while taking out the garbage or while I am cutting the grass. I think God I am living in a new peaceful neighborhood free of drugs and gangs. The "positive" is that I have God in my life!
The Trinity... is it a false teaching as the WTBTS claims?
by Honesty inin the old testament god revealed himself to his chosen people, the israelites as i am:.
ex 3:14-15 - god replied to moses, i am who i am.
this is what you are to say to the israelites: i am .
By Juan Baixeras
Of course he was. We are all familiar with the temptation of Jesus, but have most of us noticed how the temptation of Jesus makes the trinity an absurd impossibility. Let’s take a look at it in depth.
Matthew 4:1
"Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted by the devil."
James 1:13
"For God cannot be tempted by evil."
First, we see that Jesus is led by the Spirit into the desert. The Doctrine of the Trinity says that the three persons of the trinity are equal. If Jesus and the Holy Spirit are the same being and are equal, why does Jesus have to be led into the desert? Does the Spirit know something that Jesus does not?
Secondly, we see the most obvious, Jesus is tempted, yet James clearly says that God cannot be tempted. So is James a liar, or are the man made creeds in error?
Mattew 4:5
"If you are the Son of God throw yourself down, For it is written: He will command His angels concerning you, and with their hands they will support you...Jesus answered him, Again it is written, You shall not put the Lord, your God to the test."
Notice that the devil calls him the Son of God not God. Satan knows God (read Job 1:6) yet he does not address Jesus as God but as the Son of God. Then Satan talks to Jesus about how God will save him if he jumps down. Jesus replies by saying, "You shall not put the Lord, your God to the test." Do you really believe that Jesus is referring to himself?
Matthew 4:8-11
"Then the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world in their magnificence, and he said to him, All these I will give to you if you will prostrate yourself and worship me." At this Jesus said to him, "Get away Satan! It is written: The Lord, your God, shall you worship and Him alone shall you serve."
Why would the devil offer God things that are already His? Psalm 24:1 says:
"The earth is the LORD's and all it holds, the world and those who live there."
Even harder to believe is the idea that the devil really expected God to worship him so that he could give God what is His already. This is ridiculous. Then Jesus replies by saying, "The Lord, your God, shall you worship and Him alone shall you serve." Can you honestly read this and believe that Jesus is talking about himself?
The temptation episode is written to show us how Jesus put his faith in God in front of everything, especially the desires of the flesh (i.e. hunger, power). It shows us that it is possible to live a life in perfect accordance to God’s will. He is our role model. This is why he was made just like us. The Bible says that he was made like us in every way. Hebrews 2:17 says:
"For this reason he had to be made like his brothers in every way in order that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God."
(above) Jesus is going to serve God? I thought he was God? Back to Hebrews, Jesus is made in every way like his brothers. Well, then either Jesus is not God but His anointed, or I am God also.
If Jesus is God, then this whole temptation episode is a farce. God cannot expect me to live up to Jesus' standards like the Bible says I should when I am not a Godman like Jesus. The whole purpose of this episode was for Jesus to set the standard, the example of faith and conduct for us to follow. If it takes being God to accomplish this then why even bother?
The creeds say that Jesus was tempted but cannot sin. If you cannot sin, are you really being tempted? The dual nature idea does not remedy the problem either because the Chalcedon Creed which is the one that says that Jesus is fully God and fully man also says that the dual natures are not separable, they are indivisible, united at all times. By the way, this idea of dual natures is called Dualism and it comes from Greek philosophy.
Dualism - The view that reality may be divided into two essential forces. There are two forms of this understanding. From a cosmic perspective, the world struggles between two opposing forces - typically, one of evil and one of good. From a philosophical approach, the essence of a person is divided between two incompatible natures - that of the body and that of the soul. Early Christianity incorporated both views from those religions and philosophies with which it came in contact. This is the same concept used not only in Greek philosophy, but also in Greek mythology. Hercules is the son of Zeus and the mortal Alcmene. He had a dual nature, he was a man that had supernatural strength which he had inherited from his father Zeus. The Pharaohs were godmen and so were the Caesars. The Bible even provides us with an example of this belief in Acts 14:11 when God healed a crippled man through Paul and Barnabas:
"When the crowds saw what Paul had done, they cried out in Lycaonian, "The gods have come down to us in human form."
This idea of gods coming in human form was very prevalent throughout the Roman-Greco world. This is why it was so natural for people educated in Greek philosophies to incorporate this idea into Christianity.
Please read the Bible without injecting meanings that were never intended by its author.
God bless you, and may He always show you the way.
The Trinity... is it a false teaching as the WTBTS claims?
by Honesty inin the old testament god revealed himself to his chosen people, the israelites as i am:.
ex 3:14-15 - god replied to moses, i am who i am.
this is what you are to say to the israelites: i am .
So, in 1 Cor 8:5,6 it says there is only on God (the Father) and one Lord (Jesus Christ). As a JW, would you agree that if there is only one Lord, and His name is Jesus Christ, that God the Father cannot be Lord? I doubt it. The Scriptures say that God (yhwh) is Lord, but here the word says that Jesus Christ is Lord and that there is only one. That poses a problem if you do not believe that Jesus Christ is who He claimed to be - God.
This is really dirty. Just because someone does not agree with you -- that does not make that person a Jehovah Witness.