Can someone burmn me a copy of the CD. As I dont have any money to buy it. Email me at
If you can I will give you my address.
finally got my copy - so first priority is to burn copies for blondie, alanf and garybuss - i just hope they realize this year they have the annoyance of the days text popping up every time they use it
Can someone burmn me a copy of the CD. As I dont have any money to buy it. Email me at
If you can I will give you my address.
hi all. i am new on here.
i noticed that there is a lot of information out there on the net about the life: how did it get here?
book and about the book the bible: gods word or mans?
but i havent seen anything talking about the newest book released by the society is there a creator who cares about you?
the only way to find purpose in your life is through God
I agree that the only way to find a purpose in your life is through the grace of God. And Jesus came to earth to gave us life and Life Eternal. All other ways is just meaningless.