Im interested in hearing what your personal reaction would be IF (I say if because probably 99.9% here believe this will never happen) all the religions of the world were to be suddenly banned/shut down/decommissioned/liquidated/dismembered/etc.. by the political powers of the world. What would you do? What would your first post here say? Would it change your view of Jehovah...of the "org"? How would you then treat JWs or what would you say to them?
Posts by fish
POLL : Your reaction IF all religion was suddenly banned worldwide
by fish inim interested in hearing what your personal reaction would be if (i say if because probably 99.9% here believe this will never happen) all the religions of the world were to be suddenly banned/shut down/decommissioned/liquidated/dismembered/etc.. by the political powers of the world.
what would your first post here say?
would it change your view of jehovah...of the "org"?
If the UN dissolves...will the WTS recover?
by AuldSoul inthere is a public groundswell of support within the united states of america, inc. for the us to withdraw from the un.
while this departing of one-half of the seventh king (and the "king of the south") could be prophetically spun into a harmless twist and twang on an old saw, the general consensus seems to be that the un would have great difficulty maintaining orderliness within its ranks.
also, there is a strong argument to be made that without us financial backing the un would fold due to a shortage of funding.. although it isn't particularly likely, it is certainly a possibility.
And a better question is: When the political powers of the world turn on and destroy all religion (except the one TRUE religion), what will the opposers then say?
If the UN dissolves...will the WTS recover?
by AuldSoul inthere is a public groundswell of support within the united states of america, inc. for the us to withdraw from the un.
while this departing of one-half of the seventh king (and the "king of the south") could be prophetically spun into a harmless twist and twang on an old saw, the general consensus seems to be that the un would have great difficulty maintaining orderliness within its ranks.
also, there is a strong argument to be made that without us financial backing the un would fold due to a shortage of funding.. although it isn't particularly likely, it is certainly a possibility.
Kid-A > For decades, the WTS (implicitly, if not explicity) considered the Soviet Union the "King of the North". Their convoluted prophecies suffered no backlash with the end of the cold war and collapse of the USSR. If the UN disbanded, they would just re-write their own nonsense prophecies, slap a new expiry date on the bottle, and call it "new light"....
We STILL believe the Soviet Union was the King of the North. The identity of that King of the North has changed many times down through the ages. Who will be the KON when Jah's day arrives? We dont know....yet.
With the "new" DF'd announcement what do JW's elders say about ex-jws?
by booker-t inwith the new way jw's elders "kick" someone out what do they say when they are referring to an ex-jws?
do they say "susie smith" is disfellowshipped?
susie smith is disassociated?
In my "Organized to Do Jehovah's Will" book it still uses the term 'disfellowshipped' and 'disassociated'. There's nothing that suggests those terms are no longer correct or to be used. The CHANGE is in how the accouncement is made to the congregation....both are now simply announced as, "(name of person) is no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses."
When they're reinstated it says the announcement is to be, "(name of person) is reinstated as one of Jehovah's Witnesses."
Who's getting rich at WTBTS?
by fish ini see a lot of talk on this site about all the money wt is making or trying to save.
is there evidence that the governing body or other higher ups are being enriched financially?
i've never heard of anyone getting paid anything for their work within the organization.
I see a lot of talk on this site about all the money WT is making or trying to save. Is there evidence that the governing body or other higher ups are being enriched financially? I've never heard of anyone getting paid anything for their work within the organization. I even heard the lawyers they use donate their services. Is this true?
Did Jehovah destroy millions with a flood in Noah's day?
by fish in.
jesus seemed to believe in the story of noah's flood.
i wonder if god really drowned millions of people like the bible says for simply eating and drinking and not taking any note?
Well, that goes for a lot of other things in the Bible too. Your problem is that you feel there is an either/or. Either all the stories in the Bible are true, or nothing is true. After all, if there is some truth, but not all, then how can we know what is true and what is not? Right? I used to think that way for a very, very long time. This is very common among ex-JWs, and I think that might be why so many of them become atheists. But there are solutions to this problem (because the atheists here are right, a worldwide flood never happened, neither did the "day stop" in that battle in Joshua 10, etc, etc). But can`t these stories be interpreted symbolically? When you were a JW, you saw no problem when the Society told you that certain things in the Bible was to be interpreted symbolically, right? Why can`t you resort to that solution here too?
But the bible never even hints that the flood account is only symbolic. Quite the opposite, it backs it up later in other books as an actual real occurrence. I really dont see how anyone could think it's symbolic. And what would it be symbolic OF anyway? If it didnt happen then it's just a lie and therefore why would I bother reading or taken seriously anything else in the bible?
No. Does it say in the Bible that God is going to kill off the whole human race, except for a tiny group (like...1/10000)? Where? The Bible doesn`t teach that. The whole concept of a worldwide Armageddon is something you still have left in you, from the JW-version/interpretation of the Bible. Those passages can, and should, be interpreted in a completely different way. A key word here is context! The Biblical prophecies have both short-term and long-term interpretations. When Jesus said "this generation", that meant the people living in his day, and that prophecy was fulfilled (of course, from a historical pov, the "prophecy" came about after it had happened, lol), because the jews had to flee Jerusalem 40 years after Jesus` death, when the Romans had finally had enough of all of their crap, and kicked them out. If you view everything in the Bible as things that relate to the time you and I live in, then you`ll never get it right.
If God destroyed millions in Noah's day, why would I not believe he has it in him to do it again as Jesus said would happen?
Did Jehovah destroy millions with a flood in Noah's day?
by fish in.
jesus seemed to believe in the story of noah's flood.
i wonder if god really drowned millions of people like the bible says for simply eating and drinking and not taking any note?
Well, I just dont know what to think. I really believe the bible is God's inspired word. It seems no one here does anymore. Either God is going to destroy billions at Armageddon like he did in Noah's day ...OR...the flood was just a myth, a legend. But the bible doesnt present it as such. It presents it as an actual event. Not just in Genesis, but elsewhere it is referred to such as the geneology records in 1 Chronicles. In Luke Jesus' lineage is traced all the way to Noah and then to Adam. Noah's example is included right along with other faithful ones in Hebrews. For someone to say they believe in the bible but that the account of Noah's flood is only a legend is ludricous in my opinion. So that still leaves me with the question of how God can justify killing millions of people. Will he really do that?
I know other religions say most people will go to heaven when they die. Or that there's good in all religion and that God accepts whatever religion we choose. But the great majority of them believe in hell. I can swallow the thought of God destroying people MUCH easier than the thought that he will torture people forever.
I dont know what to think anymore. I was hoping for a little more insight than what I've read here so far.
Did Jehovah destroy millions with a flood in Noah's day?
by fish in.
jesus seemed to believe in the story of noah's flood.
i wonder if god really drowned millions of people like the bible says for simply eating and drinking and not taking any note?
Interesting. So you estimate around 20% of those on this site or 2 of every 10 still have faith in the bible as god's word? I've read quite a lot of the threads here and it sure doesnt seem that too many have much of a belief in god at all.
I must admit that although Im having some doubts about my faith I just cant believe that the bible is not what it claims to be, god's inspired word.
Did Jehovah destroy millions with a flood in Noah's day?
by fish in.
jesus seemed to believe in the story of noah's flood.
i wonder if god really drowned millions of people like the bible says for simply eating and drinking and not taking any note?
So far it seems that everyone here just views the account as a fable or myth. Is this the view that most on this site have? I assume the majority here are x-JWs? Do most x-JWs reject the bible or no longer view it as god's word? I've always believed the story of the Im wondering about it a little.
Did Jehovah destroy millions with a flood in Noah's day?
by fish in.
jesus seemed to believe in the story of noah's flood.
i wonder if god really drowned millions of people like the bible says for simply eating and drinking and not taking any note?
Jesus seemed to believe in the story of Noah's flood. I wonder if God really drowned millions of people like the bible says for simply eating and drinking and not taking any note?