Jesus seemed to believe in the story of Noah's flood. I wonder if God really drowned millions of people like the bible says for simply eating and drinking and not taking any note?
Did Jehovah destroy millions with a flood in Noah's day?
by fish 96 Replies latest watchtower scandals
It's jewish mythology. Any event that happened in biblical times like the recent tsunami would have been interpreted as divine judgement. There probably was a flood of some sort that the tales of it eventually escalated to how we know it.
At the same time of Jesus, other cultures were talking about Zeus with his lightning bolts. I love the old greek/roman myths, but I don't believe that there really were hippogryphs flying around.
Did not the jews slaugher the caananites? here are some possibilities
1.god told the jews to do it
2.the jews did it on there own instruction and used god for an excuse
3 the story is fake and the jews never did this
Then the flood could have similar possibilities. It most likely was a meteor that caused a tidal wave and then folklore wrote the story about the flood
If god really did do all that is written in the bible then
Hi Fish, and welcome to the board
Glad to see you have a reasonable and honest question about god destroying millions that were all to have supposed to have listened to an old man who they do not know who was telling them it was going to rain ( rain had never occured before, yet they were supposed to listen to this stranger saying it was a fact).
According to the bible, this god never made himself known until moses time and he did this with Moses.....yet all these millions(perhaps many thousands), were going to die for not listening to Noah who was before Moses, and believing in his god.
There is much evidence refuting a worldwide flood with an ark full of life the supposedly regenerated an earth void of animal or human life. There are trees alive today older than the flood story. These trees would not have survived a year underwater. Photosynthesis doesn't work that way.
I'll let others blab for a bit.
What basis do you have for stating that it was most likely a meteor that caused a tidal wave? I can see how you can conclude that as a possibility, but what do you know that makes it more likely then any other possible phenomena that could have occured at that time and brought the same results?
Deputy Dog
I believe God has or will kill every person that has ever lived. He's God!
Isa 45:7
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things .What is your point? What's the problem? People die every day, it's part of the process.
D Dog
What is your point? What's the problem?
You don't see his point because your in denial of the fact that the bible god is a murderous asswipe.
You know what his point is. You believe god will eventually kill everyone eh? Then he's an asshole....period!
I believe in a creator DD, but i'm really glad it ain't yours. Sorry for goin off on yer arse. There, i'll even kiss an make up.
3 the story is fake and the jews never did this
Yes. The OT is just a collection of stories written down (or completed) after the return from the Babylonian exile. What happened before that little trip to Babylon is uncertain, from what I understand, there are very few sources from before Babylon, at least there is very little that can be said with certainty. For example, there is nothing, apart from the stories in the Bible, that would indicate that a person such as King David even ever existed. But these stories, this wishful thinking, was all made up to be used politically in the attempt to create a "jewish nation". And what better way to do that, than falsify history, and pretend to have a historical right to the land? This has been done many times thruout history. What concerns me more is that this falsified history is used today too, to justify the treatment of the Palestinians.I have never really concerned myself with that whole Palestine-situation, I`m not a big fan is Islam either, but I saw this documentary now, about the socalled checkpoints! Basically, all palestinians, not just the ones inside Israel but also in the occupied territories, are forced to stand for hours on end at various checkpoints thruout the day, every day, every week, all year long, to get from one place to another. It was ridicolous, and also horrible. Often, they would just get turned away (after waiting three-four hours) and sent back home, with no explanation. Some were let thru, some were sent home, and it was all done randomly, no explanations, no reasons for being turned down. And the result is that students can`t get to their school, people can`t get to work, and even when they get to work, they will always be late. Many palestinians spend 6-8 hours, every day, every week, all year long, just waiting at a checkpoint! No wonder they all cheer for Hamas and Al-Qaida. Being treated like that would probably have turned me to extremism also. And this is all justified with the Bible, which says that "Israel is the holy land", and that the jews have a historical and religious right to this land. And it`s even a LIE! They don`t have any more historical rights to the land than any other ethnic group, because Palestine is and always was a cultural melting pot. Just look at the area at the time of Jesus! Thruout the entire region, people spoke not just aramaic and hebrew, but also greek and latin. And possibly arabic too? The sooner people wake up and realise that that book is just a collection of stories, and nothing more than that, the sooner we can have peace in the world (that goes for all the three major monotheistic religions).
Deputy Dog
I believe in a creator DD, but i'm really glad it ain't yours.
Well, I don't know about fish, but, I think you just hit the nail right on the head. Isn't that God's job (running the creation)? Why does everybody get mad when he does it? Cause everybody thinks they would do a better job!
If you believe in a creator that's not doing anything, he can't be much of a god.
Sorry for goin off on yer arse
No problem! I'd rather have you on my "arse" than God!
D Dog
Deputy Dog
You believe god will eventually kill everyone eh?
You think your gettin out of this thing alive?
D Dog