Oh cheers! It's frustrating almost, coz there's so much i want to chat to people about, but forums are so slow! xx
JoinedPosts by hazeljane
by SWALKER ini guess that one of my first memories, about 3 years old, had to be sitting in a hard chair being made to listen to a boring talk that i didn't understand.
we weren't allowed any toys or books to look at besides the wt publications...i remember getting taken outside and beat for something i did...but i didn't even understand what i did wrong.
i remember that our car didn't have air-conditioning and during the summer how hot and sticky i was by the time i got to the kh.
by candidlynuts in.
you asked in your first post i'm just curious, is there anybody else on this sight from england, because everybody so far seems to be american or canadian.. cheers.
i'm american but yes there are some from england.. i posted this so they can say hi to you and welcome !
Hey everyone! what a welcoming site! haha, do you find that everytime you write a new message it stops you after like the fourth word? Or is that just me?! In response to Sad Emo (hah, i feel like im calling you that, how rude) i'm in York. Where abouts are you?
And in response to others, yes, we are all IN the same place....its strange i've never thought of coming on here before, but im glad i did.
by candidlynuts in.
you asked in your first post i'm just curious, is there anybody else on this sight from england, because everybody so far seems to be american or canadian.. cheers.
i'm american but yes there are some from england.. i posted this so they can say hi to you and welcome !
Ohh cheers!! Hi! It's difficult to talk on forums coz my computers being really slow tonight! But, how old were you when you left JWs? I still feel like i have so much unfinished business there, like there are so many things i want to say to the appropriate elders!
It REALLY does hurt
by inaneframe inwhere to begin?
new here... i was raised jehovah's witness and am still confused by the experience.
heh, deep down i think i still feel guilty for even coming here.
Hey, I'm really new on here (as of tonight) but it's so good to hear people who sound exactly like me! Yes, i feel very simialar to you; my dad is so intelligent and wise and etc.. and he loves this religion more than life itself. He's not the kind of JW that seems brain-washed and is constantly trying to be 'PERFECT' despite the Bible telling us that we're imperfect! He's very grounded and down to earth, yet he believes it's the truth, through and through. So i understand how you feel. People react in similar ways to me, when i say i was brought up as a JW, my boyfriend is constantly telling me he feels i was deprived which really pisses me off! I dont feel i missed out on birthdays and christmas, infact im happy i was never part of what has become a comercial feast for large corporations all over the world. I know that christmas is very important to a lot of people, and i dont mean any offence. But not being raised in it, i dont feel i missed out, and i see how it wouldn't mean anything genuine to me if i started to celebrate it now, but going along with the 'norm'. Also, as a child my parents had other times that they would take me on shopping spree's and buy me presents, and THAT was exciting.
I still feel extremely defensive over JWs but never in a million years would i go back there. I can get so angry about it myself, having had the experience of growing up as a JW but if anybody else dares to insult JWs i get really defensive. Yeah, i think a lot of it has to do with habit. Lately im feeling that, its only as you get older that you realise how important your childhood is, and if the majority of it was spent in this religion (mine was) then its going to be a sore point. Also, having family still connected to it, you feel you need to defend it to defend them. Basically, if im not wording this well, i understand all the points made on this board. And if anybody would like to talk further they can email me on [email protected] I know it seems weird to put an email address on, but i dont always come on message boards much, but would like to chat to people!
by SWALKER ini guess that one of my first memories, about 3 years old, had to be sitting in a hard chair being made to listen to a boring talk that i didn't understand.
we weren't allowed any toys or books to look at besides the wt publications...i remember getting taken outside and beat for something i did...but i didn't even understand what i did wrong.
i remember that our car didn't have air-conditioning and during the summer how hot and sticky i was by the time i got to the kh.
This is really odd, i've never been on a JW site before, but realised that i have so much to say about them that i might aswell come on here and get it all out! Lets call it therapy!
I was brought up as a JW from being born until i was 17, going on 18. Like many of you on here were saying, my family had been in 'the truth' for atleast two generations before me, so they were/are all pretty strong in it. I was the youngest of 5 kids and after one by one all my brothers, sisters and mam left 'the truth' i was left alone, attending with my dad. I was too young to protest, though, again, like many of you say, i faked ill as often as i could. Actually, i developed really bad panic attacks and the meetings didn't really help. Nor did the soothing, brain-washed voices of every person i spoke to there.
Don't get me wrong, i love my dad to bits and, there are some JW that are good people, you just need to search for them! I had a great childhood, generally, but the meetings and ministry weren't happy times for me. I was seen as one of the 'bad influence' children in the congregation, who didn't get invited to social events within the JWs! I didn't actually behave badly, but i remember hilariously stupid incidents where i would write 'john Lennon' and 'Elvis' in condensation on KH windows and get told off by other peoples mothers! haha. Madness.
I had an extremely difficult time dealing with my hatred towards elders, and i still do, even though i've been out of it for 3 years-actually, that doesn't sound too long now i say it aloud. The elders treat my father very badly, and only in very very recent days has he decided to do something about it and spoken to the circuit overseer. I don't know what the outcome is yet. The elders in the congregation i was from were pretty much all corrupt, and couldn't stand my father because he was genuine. My dad used to be a prosiding overseer, before i was born, but when his family started to leave the other elders saw this as a brilliant opportunity to make him 'step down' and since then hes been kept down. They didn't mind giving my dad all the shitty jobs to do around the hall though.
I really disagree with institutional religions, and witnessed so many cases of repression growing up. Young lads who, to this day, have never had girlfriends and are depressed about it. There's so much unhappiness amongst people due to what they cannot do according to this religion.
I'm just curious, is there anybody else on this sight from England, because everybody so far seems to be American or Canadian.. Cheers