Posts by quixote

  • misanthropic

    Things YOU eat, that other people think is weird.

    by misanthropic in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    this mornings events have got me thinking about things.

    i love peanut butter, not the sweet kind but i like the old fashioned peanut butter, usually laura scudder's with no sugar or preservatives - it just tastes better imo.

    i put it on everything including pancakes which are really good with peanut butter and maple syrup.

    1. misanthropic
    2. zagor
    3. misanthropic
  • quixote

    All this talk of food has made me hungry !

    My favorite which I crave as it has been a few years since I last ate it: Octopus (a la Gallega) It's octupus with olive oil, salt and paprika.

    My parents were also poor while I was growing up and a simple food my mom would make for us is Hot chocolate milk poored over bread in a bowl. I still prepare it for my self once in a while.

    Now where is that can of sardines .........?


  • winnie

    Anyone live in NSW?

    by winnie in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    eurobodalla region anyone?.

    1. misspeaches
    2. winnie
    3. misspeaches
  • quixote

    I used to write to a young lady from NSW by the name of Rachael. Funny, I met her in Spain while we were both on vacation (Holiday). I guess that's not close enough hey Winnie ?


  • JH

    Have a look at this funny clock

    by JH in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    unusual, hey !!!.


    1. bebu
    2. JH
    3. free2think
  • quixote

    Unusual indeed but very cool. It gives me a sense of time passing.more so than digital watches. Personally I preffer analog watches and clocks.


  • Warlock

    The "Stupid Jokes" Thread

    by Warlock in
    1. social
    2. humour

    here is my stupid joke: why did cinnimon roll?

    because he saw apple turnover.. thank you, jim of tx for giving me the idea.. warlock .

    1. quixote
    2. dmouse
    3. dmouse
  • quixote

    Q. Why did the chicken cross the road ?

    A. To show the opposums it could be done.

  • JH

    Who wants to join the "Theocratic Ministry School" JWD style

    by JH in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    yes, dear posters, learn how to start better threads, and express your ideas more clearly thanks to the jwd theocratic ministry school.. we would need an elder to guide us and be better, more efficient posters.. my time is up .

    1. Warlock
    2. Emma
    3. POs Son
  • quixote

    I will like to call in sick. Can you find a sub ?

  • yesidid

    PUNISHED by WBTS for obeying conscience.

    by yesidid in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    i have a friend well call michael whose conscience landed him in trouble with hq.. .

    he was a district overseer in the pre 75 era but his conscience would not allow him to .

    endorse the unscriptural date setting.

    1. yesidid
    2. yesidid
    3. Quandry
  • quixote

    Have you read Crisis of Conscience by Raymond Franz ?

    It has and is still helping me to see the hipocrisy at the WTB&TS.


  • Sparkplug

    It can always be worse. Be thankful.

    by Sparkplug in
    1. jw
    2. friends

    but really, i went to the store today and was spending my last few bucks till friday buying eggs and taters.

    i found a freaking slim slice of meat at a reasonable price and some frozen veggies.. so i check out and think...hah, i made it with 10 dollars left.

    good job.

    1. Sparkplug
    2. Sparkplug
    3. quixote
  • quixote

    Let me choose my words better. Instead of charity I should have said you have a kindly attitude towards people.

    Sometimes you have to let things go and let them be. Trying to fix things that can't be fixed (like telling dubs their wrong) might upset you but don't go nuts. And if you think you're going nuts, climb up a tree. And if the squirrels bite than you know you're nuts.
