Welcome H! Congrats on getting your family to wake up. I have teenagers and they loathe the idea of moving, but seriously if it's an option I'd consider it. You're not in a popularity contest, you guys are parents and sometimes that means making the hard choices and being seen as the bad guy to your kids.
If you move, you can possibly get them into new social settings (sports, school interest clubs? )and find normal, sane friends. Although I seriously don't envy them. Their whole world view has been uprooted, but then again that was a strong likelihood anyway since SO many young ones are waking up these days.
Some practical advice, I grew up with a broke ass family who saved money but didn't TEACH me anything about managing it. So now I'm almost 40 and it feels like I've got 2 decades of catching up to do. Learn about investing, money management and pass that knowledge onto your kids.
As far as the bible goes, I don't have any more use for the bible except as the "Goat Herder's Guide to the Galaxy". You can teach ethics and morality through using your empathy. Would this hurt someone's feelings? Don't do it. You get the idea. You have a heck of a time since now you may have to deal with the fact that your kids will start dating, then becoming sexually active and you'll need to figure that out. I personally will encourage my kids to have real relationships and avoid casual sex but eventually they'll have to decide that for themselves.
Feel free to PM me if you want to chat about the parenting thing. But good luck and good for you.