Those are MILFs, Miz. And they can be quite fun you should try one.
JoinedPosts by baltar447
You know you're an old fuddy duddy has-been when..............
by Theocratic Sedition injustin bieber comes to town and you're scoping out all the mothers who're either dropping off their daughters or chaperoning.
self-facepalm moment..
WT Elders school: The WTS has progressed from just plain stupid to dangerously stupid
by sir82 infresh off the recent 1-day elders school.
to keep things readable i'll post "highlights" over the next several days in different topics.
point 1: they have progressed from "just plain" stupid to dangerously stupid.. .
Another possbile scenario...
Sister claims to be encouraged, goes to "bake cookies" eventually after 30 minutes of self-flaggelating each other, the eldums wonder if anything is ok. They go into the kitchen to find sister with her head in the oven trying to off herself.
NOW, will they call and get her HELP??
WT Elders school: The WTS has progressed from just plain stupid to dangerously stupid
by sir82 infresh off the recent 1-day elders school.
to keep things readable i'll post "highlights" over the next several days in different topics.
point 1: they have progressed from "just plain" stupid to dangerously stupid.. .
OH Ethos, please knock it off. This is BULLSHIT. Elders have NO business dealing with someone that's suicidal. That's a medical or mental problem that needs to be addressed by someone that can REALLY help.
demons in phallic worship
by prologos inhas anybody noticed the face at the base of the toppling sacred pole on page 10 of the aug 15 wt 012?
all idolatry is demon worship a personal thing as illustrated.
any sacred poles in your temple courtyards?
Sorry, just not seeing it.
That's right, post # 1975.
I was born the following year. Ironic that I technically shouldn't have been born. OR would have been born in the "noo welrd"
Watchtower using MK Ultra/Monarch programming?
by NoStonecutters ini have always wondered if the watchtower, being a major player in the brainwashing industry, is part of or incorporates mk ultra programming.. for those not familiar with it, project mk ultra was an illegal cia mind control program that apparently still exists unofficially through monarch butterfly programming.
childern are often the victims of this program, as social engineers and psychological operators found that sexually and physically abusing children produced traits beneficial to the intelligence community, like photographic memory and amnesia (good for carriers of secrets and sensitive information).
monarch programming also produces candidates for manchurian operations.. anyways, it seems that the cia could definitely benefit by using the watchtower to carry out some of this programming, as the structure of the watchtower kingdom halls makes it easy for predators to abuse kids with impunity.. i did a search on this forum and found at least one person who claims to have been a victim of this, if i am reading correctly.
According to my understanding, fractured personalities are only developed under EXTREME circumstances. Not just dissonance.
Black Ops 2
by baltar447 injust picked it up yesterday..... anyone a gamer on xbox?
pm me and lets throw down.
Just picked it up yesterday....
Anyone a gamer on Xbox? PM me and lets throw down.
DO: what to do by doubts
by Gorbatchov inthe do told us at the recent district assembly @ the netherlands, that if you have doubts about jw doctrine, you have to remain a strong connection with jehovah god, because "you are dedicated to jehovah and not to an organisation".. later on a very old brother was interviewed and he gave the counsel "keep your doubts about doctrine in a refrigiator, just wait and see".
the do asked him "how many refrigiators do you have?
the brother told him "i have 3 refrigiators full".
Great quote from the brochure "road to life"
by lostinthought ini don't know if anyone has ever posted this beautiful gem of a paragraph but page 25 paragraph 3 states:.
3 if that happens to you, how will you react?
many people know that their way of worship is wrong, yet they hesitate to break free from it.
Ohhh the irony......
talked to wife about new light!
by unstopableravens ini showed my wife the new light, it did not go over good.
i started with all the publications and asked her three questions 1 who is the fds 2when did they start 3 when did they get appointed over "all the belongings"?
using the recent publications she said 1 the fds is 144000 2 they started in the 1st centry 3 they were over all belongings in 1919. then i showed her the annual meeting report on the and went over each point.
Can't argue doctrine with a cult member.