WTF, is this for real?
JoinedPosts by baltar447
January Watchtower sets ambitious target for growth!
by slimboyfat inindividual action toward increase.
7 when we look at our task and the results thus far, the per cent increase for all nations on the average is splendid; but if we are going to see kingdom interests increase as we have never seen it before, what must we do during the year 2011?
individually, we cannot bring in a half a publisher or a third of a publisher, but we can, as publishers of the new world, aid another creature to understand gods purposes, help him in going out in the work, grounding him well in the truth, and letting him see his privilege of being a minister of the most high to join in this great shout like that of thunder and sing praises that jehovah is king.
Hope this starts a precedence state wide regarding JW sex offenders
by Gayle incopyright 2010. the associated press.
copyright 2010. the associated press.
all rights reserved.
Let this person permanently use the dial in. OR, would they reason that by abiding by this ruling he would be obeying Ceaser's laws instead of Gods? So maybe the let him go secretly to another hall or something?
A message to the Special Pioneer brother who knocked on our door Sat Mornings if we missed Witnessing as Newlyweds!
by Witness 007 ingeorge ________ you are an idiot.
we were both newly married and working full time and enjoyed a saturday morning sleep-in and would you believe this idiot "special pioneer" would drive up with a witnessing car group and knock on our door saying: "hi brother 007, we missed you at the group this morning...." yes thats because i was having sex, thanks for ruining it.
he was a single, rumored gay brother, about 40 years old who could never find the right sister.
haha, that's just supremely tacky. I've NEVER known anyone to go near a newlywed couple for at least a week. I bet the car group was embarrassed.
Watchtower Offers Huge Donation ($136,000) of "Field" Assistance? Why?
by Gayle inwatchtower offers huge donation of "field" assistancediv class=subhead>the rvba leads the way to a continuous rondout valley rail trail</div><pby chris rowley .
pine bush a startling offer from watchtower, the jehovah's witnesses' organization centered on red mills road, worth about $136,000, has the pine bush central school district scrambling to see if it can take advantage of the offer.
at the school board meeting on tuesday, september 14, tom walraven, physical education teacher and varsity baseball coach, presented a plan to the board for repairing the e.j.russell field.
Bragging rights?
Circuit Accounts Servants Confesses how the SCAM WORKS!!
by JT inyes, i too have wondered how an assembly that is held in a fully paid for assembly hall, with no food service, could possibly have $10,000 in expenses.
i suppose the bethel speakers have transportation expenses - maybe $1000 or so.
as for rent on the assembly hall, well you have already paid for it once, why pay again?
I too have always wondered why assemblies in assembly halls cost so much. I'm thinking, does it really take 10k in utilities for 2 days?
The Rise of the Conscious Class
by truthseeker in"i believe in one god, and no more; and i hope for happiness beyond this life.
i believe the equality of man, and i believe that religious duties consist in doing justice, loving mercy, and endeavoring to make our fellow-creatures happy.
but, lest it should be supposed that i believe many other things in addition to these, i shall, in the progress of this work, declare the things i do not believe, and my reasons for not believing them.
Can you even GET a Kingdom Interlinear now?
An elder just wrote this on the "Prince" board...
by Tatiana init was in response to some things i and others posted about holidays, etc.
i don't know where he's an elder, but times have sure changed.
mimric i have never posted on this site but i have followed for 5yrs and i think its time because of this last post.
I call "California Witness" on this guy.
SBCheezits Judicial Hearing - My EPIC FAIL (REPOST for IE users)
by SweetBabyCheezits in(note: i apologize to the internet explorer users.
you probably can't see my first epic fail thread because i used firefox to post.
there's still some kind of glitch between a plugin i'm running, firefox posts, and ie.).
I would advise NOT to post your recording until after they come back with a decision.
SBCheezits Judicial Hearing - My EPIC FAIL (REPOST for IE users)
by SweetBabyCheezits in(note: i apologize to the internet explorer users.
you probably can't see my first epic fail thread because i used firefox to post.
there's still some kind of glitch between a plugin i'm running, firefox posts, and ie.).
Mamalove, you are wrong, the iPhone on passcode lock DOES show the voice recording app. Perhaps you have not updated your iPhone. The 3GS behaves in the way as does the 4. Perhaps the 3G behaves differently.
SBCheezits Judicial Hearing - My EPIC FAIL (REPOST for IE users)
by SweetBabyCheezits in(note: i apologize to the internet explorer users.
you probably can't see my first epic fail thread because i used firefox to post.
there's still some kind of glitch between a plugin i'm running, firefox posts, and ie.).
Can a mod combine these threads somehow?