Hey, GB, Bethel lurkers:
Want to make people feel better? show so damn compassion. It's not hard. How about being sympathetic to the flock? Perhaps something like this:
At Proverbs 13:12 the scriptures say: "Expectation postponed is making the heart sick, but the thing desired is a tree of life when it does come." We know that most of us have expected Jehovah to put an end to this wicked system sooner. But we can feel glad that Jehovah's patience has allowed more to come to an accurate knowledge of bible truth. Those who have put Kingdom interests first can rest assured that they have "stored up treasures in heaven" and Jehovah will not forget their sacrifices for his name's sake. We know that some among our dear brothers have felt that perhaps they could have done more in a secular way to provide for their future. We empathize with these ones but encourage them that because they have sacrificed much in the way of worldly pursuits, Jehovah will not forget the love they have showed for his name. Despite whatever hardships we may face in this system, we know that our grand provider will continue to provide sustenance for us, and that no one of his sheep will be 'searching for bread'. We admonish all dear ones to continue firm in the faith and know that Jehovah cares for them.
That took me, a nobody, five minutes to write. How hard is it to just show a little concern?