Hello again,
I was never baptized so my family does not shun me. At the time my mother did not believe people should be baptized as teens. She was more open minded back then and even went to college herself. Now she is very dedicated and sends me some of their literature. I'm not a teacher and have been doing social work for several years. Of course, being that I was never baptized and in college I was not popular in the congregation since college was discouraged at the time but I went anyway. I have tried to talk to mom about small things like the misleading quotes in the evolution book but this doesnt seem to bother her. She also now says that the society never said the end would come in 1975but I distinctly remember her saying to me several years ago that they had said this. I wonder how the memory of someone so intelligent can change like that.
The rest of my family is actually no longer in or not baptized. So I have been fortunate and shunning is not a big issue. Although I avoid talking religion with mom.
Shunning is a horrible thing to do to a family member, or anyone else for that matter. I may not agree with your beliefs or ideas about religion but as far as I'm concerned we can share ideas and then agree to disagree.
My child will always be my baby and I will never refuse to associate with her. As a matter of fact I will probably always be in her business and she will probably spend the rest of her life telling me to butt out.