I don't post too often, usually because I can't think of anything to say. I still can't think of too much to say, but this thread has made me tremble. SmolderingWick, your experience is a heartbreaking one, and I can identify with every emotion that you have had to grapple with: that feeling of life closing in on you and there's nothing you can do about it except "wait on Jehovah" and the dawning realization that Jehovah doesn't care-------you're on your own and the Brothers don't care either. But somehow you slowly put it together and figure it out and you survive. At least those lucky ones among us do. Beautiful post,SW.
To a few of my favorite posters:
I finally and reluctanctly realized that Watchtower leaders are incorrigibly evil.
When one is coming out of the organization,one becomes aware that the Society has made a few mistakes over the years and you want to pass it off as "oh-well-nobody's-perfect." But when the dawning realization starts washing up on you that the leadership is actually wicked----that's hard to take,and I guess, for me,that was the "kick."
Scully That green and yellow pill (aka Prozac) seems to be as much a part of the Witness "suit of armour" as the book-bag. I've heard from some pretty reliable sources that in this area at least, around 4/5th's of the sisters and a sizeable number of the brothers are using it, and, for some odd reason, they're proud of it and they wear it as a badge of honor. Like it proves that they're suffering for righteousness' sake or something. Oh well-----Jehovah's happy people. Your "friend" that gave you the last kick sounds par for the course. I feel very sorry for her; maybe she'll get a "kick" of her own someday and finally wake up to the insanity of it all. Take care.
Joy2bfree Happy to see that your exit is going well.
At 40 years old, I cried and cried like a little kid because the Watchtower was now dead, the fantasy was over, and I did not want it to be over. Yes, I would grow old and die and so would my kids. At that moment I knew that it was all a lie and that I had lived a lie. I was such a fool to waste so much of my life on it.
Godalmighty,I know that horrifying feeling. Just like realizing that the leadership of the Society is actually wicked, it was hard for me to finally realize that our "hope" was nothing but a fantasy, a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, and that I and all my family and loved ones are going to die-------it's only a question of when.
JT Succinct and to the point,as usual.
Great thread. One comes along every once in a while. That's why I love this place.