JoinedTopics Started by David2002
Today's Watchtower study shows how desperate they are
by Mickey mouse init seems as though at least one article in every issue of the study watchtower is devoted to reinforcing the governing body's authority.
this from pargraph 10:.
10 christ provides loving oversight of his congregations on earth by means of appointed elders.
Secret elders meeting in the end of 2010
by Lore inall the elders in my circuit are driving across the state for a big elders meeting.
and the ministerial servants have to do it on sunday.
evidentally they were all told to study certain parts of their new book before going.. .
Serious Omissions in New Watchtower Book
by metatron inthe society's latest book, "bearing thorough witness about god's kingdom" contains two serious omissions.. first, on page 105, it offers an outright lie about the organization and the bible.
"they do not force the scriptures to fit their views.
impartial observers have recognized this fact.
Jehovhah's Witnesses Once Again America's Fastest Growing Church
by David2002 inaccording to the 2009 edition of the yeabook of american and canadian churches, jehovah's christian witnesses are once again the fastest group in the united states.
meanwhile the roman cathollic church and the southern baptist convention lost thousands of members.
while the growht rate of the witnesses was 2.12%, based mainly on those that actively preach the good news, it was the highest growth percentage when compared to other groups.
Born again JW's?
by free2beme ini am sorry, but i just find it so hard to see a bunch of former witnesses doing the whole born again thing.
acting in a way that is just trading one line of thought, for another.
basically, one time you said you were waiting for the "new system" and now you pulled that thought out and replaced it with the "waiting for heaven" comment.
2008 Publisher Statistics Charted
by jwfacts ini have updated the information at http://www.jwfacts.com/index_files/statistics.htm to include the 2008 figures.
here are a couple of the more interesting charts.. the following shows the increase in memorial partakers, which has been discussed at length in other threads.. .
the following two are my favourites.
by abbagail inon november 25, 2008, the wall street journal law blog and the wsj both posted articles about this... .
sixth circuit: vatican can be sued for sexual abuse .
Another Child Porno JW Freak - Caught in Massive Sting
by skeeter1 inhttp://www.theage.com.au/national/jail-for-dj-caught-in-child-porn-sting-20081203-6qo7.html.
jail for dj caught in child porn sting.
paul millar december 4, 2008 a sketch of andrew van rossum.
Vatican Says "Yahweh" Not to Be Pronounced
by betterdaze invatican says "yahweh" not to be pronounced .
calls on practice used by 1st christians .
washington, d.c., aug. 19, 2008 (zenit.org).- a note from the vatican has reiterated a directive that the name of god revealed in the tetragrammaton yhwh is not to be pronounced in catholic liturgy.
2006 SERVICE REPORT - Feb 1, 2007 WT
by Mary ini'm not sure if anyone's posted this yet, but here are the figures for the 2006 service report.
i highlighted the countries that have either a "0" or negative growth in yellow and i highlighted key countries where the you would expect more growth......i tried looking for england's stats, but i couldn't see it.
i looked under "england" and "united kingdom" but i can't see it.