There are a lot of things you can do to fight the loneliness
1- fade out of the organization slowly while you build up your friend base
2- see if you can exit the org. with a friend who is also sick of the org.
3- go back to school - you will meet many people your age especially if you take weekend or evening classes. (for those over 25)
4- attend another church (hopefully non-denominational that isn't controlling)
5- volunteer you time to community projects
6- join a club (softball, dance, bridge, YMCA, etc...); find groups in your community using the internet.
7- make friends with your co-workers and do things with them.
8- get in touch with your non-witness relatives
9- get to know your neighbors
10- try and meet up with some on this board from your area
11- get a pet
12- If you are single, check out the personals and dating services
13- start a hobby
Remember, loneliness is a state of mind, not a life sentence. check out this site