I think this letter should be emailed to all the Jdubs in the US, let them chew on that for a while. People need to hear the countless life stories and see what the organization is all about, the borg needs to be put in the hot seat.
JoinedPosts by thecarpenter
A Letter to the Governing Body
by truthsetsonefree in(km 6/03 p. 1 par.
9 building for an eternal future, w87 2/1 p. 15 par.
(km 11/88 p. 4 par.
Where are Gumby and Mary?
by UnConfused injust saying i have noticed them not around the last few days.
Looks like the Gumbastard is posting again, good to see you again!
by mouthy injust had a call from a jw undercover.... says the march awake is teaching the question on sex again "what young people ask" telling them about hooking up!!!!
i am begining to think that maybe those up in the writing department must get horny while writng all this stuff -the lad that called says he gets horny reading it.
Mouthy, I really enjoy reading your posts, it's a shame you don't live nearby, you are the grandmother I always wanted.
A Letter to the Governing Body
by truthsetsonefree in(km 6/03 p. 1 par.
9 building for an eternal future, w87 2/1 p. 15 par.
(km 11/88 p. 4 par.
To mcsemike, I know the sarcastic and insulting comments Grissom made irked you a little bit but I submit that Grissom and individuals like him are precisely the type of people we need in authority in the Watchtower and posting on these forums. Right hearted people will see the blatant intellectual dishonesty and thoughtlessness in full glory, moving them in the right direction. I say Grissom comments are powerful but not in the way he intends. Encourage him to fully air his views and guttural comments in as many posts that he can.
You go
girlGrissom6471 -
Will Lack of Leadership Sink the JW Ship?
by Seeker4 ini see serious problems with the leadership of the witnesses on two important levels: locally, in smaller bodies of elders with marginally qualified men carrying heavier workloads, and internationally in a lackluster and unimaginative governing body.
there are no nathan knorrs, or fred or ray franz's in this pathetic group!
first, the local elders: .
I have to agree with Gregor, the watchtower is on a decline that will get greater particularly as we approach 2014. Since it will be 100 years since the society has been teaching christ presences, many people will just fade away out of a combination of frustration and disappointment.
The wit messes have structured there system uniquely differently then other corporations and are not subject to the same things that effect different companies.
Although the WT is unique, it also has unique vulnerabilities, one being it's history and current false expectations. In Rutherford's time, many left after his false predictions. Today because of the internet, more and more people are being informed about the societies missteps, they can no longer hide it. I really think the
cultreligion it will become more marginalized in the next 10 years. You will always have a small group of hardcore Jdubs but hey, even scientology has it's hardcores. -
witnoids just came to my door! woo hoo!!!
by tetrapod.sapien inlooks like i am not on their "do-not-call" list anymore!!
mwa ha ha ha!!!
i bet they are going to have to rewrite the reasoning book now~!
That was great, I loved how you elicited the blank stares from them with a dignified logical argument. They may not want to go back out in service for a few weeks...
Da' Colt's and Da' Bears!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by AK - Jeff ini consider brooke my friend - but two weeks from now i will be rooting against your bears, babe!!!.
what a finish for the colts - bout time.
i have been waiting for them to get to the "show" since they moved to indiana.. go colts!
Well, it seems Payton Manning has a rendezvous with destiny... Go Colts!
thecarpenter of the Colts class
It must be "Global Warming"
by Warlock insnow in malibu yesterday.
this morning i had to scrape the ice off my windshield and back window.. on the way to work i saw many a frozen front lawn and most cars were covered with ice like mine.. all on the outskirts of los angeles.. it must be "global warming".. warlock.
If you want to ignore or excuse the changes we see taking place, that's your prerogative.
Actually, I am not ignoring the changes that are taking place. I just think that the elevated solar radiation levels that are heating up all the planets plays a larger role in global warming than what man is doing. If you look at some of the links that are posted, some of the other planets are going through greater and more unusual storm periods. Now this is not to say that we can't do a better job in taking care of our planet but to try to lay all the blame on SUV's is stretching it a bit.
Maybe God is warming up the entire Universe....there's enough theories to pick one, so go ahead and humor yourself.
Elevated solar radiation levels and all the planets heating up is not a theory, it a fact. (try not to employ watchtower reasoning techniques, we left for that reason, remember?)
thecarpenter of the SUV class
Floyd Kite's "Enduring the Tests Within God's Organization" (1980)
by Leolaia inthats a big test.
can you think of the test that that would put on gods people?
its a big test, its a big test.
a man accepted the truth and made rapid progress and became a pioneer. He continued to make rapid progress and was made under the old arrangement in the congregations a congregation overseer. And because he was relatively free of obligations, and because of his faithful service, he was made a circuit overseer in that country. Later because of his ability to handle responsibilities and because of his dependability and his gift, he was made a district overseer in that communist country, and shortly thereafter he turned over all the names of Jehovah’s Witnesses in his district to the communist secret police. He was then revealed to have been a communist spy.
If God’s spirit appoints a man, how did it appoint a spy in God’s own organization? The answer is that God permitted or allowed the appointment of that man as a test to his own people.
There you go, blame god...
Did Jesus have a beard?” (audience laughter) Remember that one? Boy, did we ever get flak in congregations on that one! One little question from the reader, “Did Jesus have a beard,” and it said, “Yes”. Then all of our publications that showed Jesus without a beard; he was a clean-shaven man. Then it went on to say that the fragmentary evidence that we had at our disposal that would seem to indicate that Jesus was clean-shaven was “faulty evidence”...Did he provide a ransom, does his shed blood redeem us from sin and death?” “Yes.” “Is he the king of the new order?” “Yes.” “Then whether he has a beard or not, does that alter the truth of the Bible?” Not a bit.
The beard doesn't alter the truth from the bible but the societies doctrine and arbitrary reasoning does! This guy is comparing apples and oranges and using false reasoning.
It is this type on faulty reasoning that can be so infuriating and yet they refuse to see it.
It must be "Global Warming"
by Warlock insnow in malibu yesterday.
this morning i had to scrape the ice off my windshield and back window.. on the way to work i saw many a frozen front lawn and most cars were covered with ice like mine.. all on the outskirts of los angeles.. it must be "global warming".. warlock.
Actually all the planets are heating up... It's all those SUV's being shipped into outer space that is causing it.