Welcome back. It does get better. Believe it or not - there comes a time when you don't even feel like an x-JW. You just feel like a person. It's good
Hang in there - this is a good place to vent and get feedback.
hey guys,.
had a few weeks off and don't feel so messed up.
had some good thinking time and while i am so pissed off with the borg i refuse to let them affect me.
Welcome back. It does get better. Believe it or not - there comes a time when you don't even feel like an x-JW. You just feel like a person. It's good
Hang in there - this is a good place to vent and get feedback.
when i was younger i used to have terrible convulsions and hear "voices".
my mom was convinced that it must be "the demons".
the congregation prayed over me and eventually i went to a doctor that was able to figure out why i was so sickly and presto: everyone's prayers were answered..
Yes - often. But then I found out about sleep paralysis and I realized that is what was happening to me. Now it doesn't scare me anymore.
are there still some of those jw qualities than rear its ugly head once in a while??
Well - unless they ask me why I don't have ties with my family any longer.
because of this, god sends them a working of error, that they should believe a lie; that they all might be judged who didn't believe the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
growing up as a jw i believed that this scripture applied point blank to apostates - those that decided not to believe in jehovah.
because of this one scripture i was terrified to really look into my doubts and ask too many questions - i was afriad that god might decide to just "let me believe a lie" and write me off.. it took me a long time to get over that fear - the one scripture that finally resonated with me one day was mathew 7:7 "ask and it will be given to you".
Because of this, God sends them a working of error, that they should believe a lie; that they all might be judged who didn't believe the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
Growing up as a JW I believed that this scripture applied point blank to apostates - those that decided not to believe in Jehovah. Because of this one scripture I was terrified to really look into my doubts and ask too many questions - I was afriad that God might decide to just "let me believe a lie" and write me off.
It took me a long time to get over that fear - the one scripture that finally resonated with me one day was Mathew 7:7 "ask and it will be given to you". I decided to trust Jesus, ask him to show me the truth. And with that I started to really research my questions.
Did 2 Thess. cause a problem or fear for anyone else here when you first started to question the JW teachings?
my favorite all time episode is the tennis/j peterman incident where kramer is walking across the tennis court and a racquet goes flying and hits a machine and kramer gets pelleted with tennis balls.
another really good one is when newman smells kramer basting on the roof and starts seeing him as food.. .
definately the "master of your domain"
it's amazing but since leaving the borg, i've learned to set proper boundaries.
it's had a big impact on my personal happiness.
this may sound stupid to some people, because 'worldly people' have and respect these boundaries natuarly.
What boundaries have you discovered or set since leaving or did you always have them
I have learned that it is OK to let go of relationships that are not healthy. As a "witness" I felt like everyone was my brother/sister and I had to tolerate them no matter what - even the ones that hurt me. I had to leave it up to Jehovah, pray, and try to do what I could to make things better.
Now I know that I don't have to allow these people in my life. Since this realization I cut ties with a very toxic friend who was always bringing me down, as well as both of my brothers (JWs) because they do not respect me. I don't feel guilty about it. Instead, I feel renewed, strong, and proud that I am setting a good example for my children - that it is OK to set healthy boundaries.
I'm much happier now - and I surround myself with healthy relationships.
18 year old son that insists on breaking your pills?.
my son has turned "break daddy's nuts" into overdrive.. why?.
because i told him to put mirrors on his motorcycle.. two days of $hit and brimstone from him.
Stealth - hang in there and keep on his @ss - tell him you aren't going to stop because you love him too much.
I went through much of the same thing with my son, he's older now and has since told me how much he appreciated that his dad and I kept on him - he knows he's loved.
By the way - I think most boys go through this with their dads from around 16 to 20 or so - a sort of tug-of-war where they want to be their own boss and be the man. It's a natural part of growing up.
hello folks.
just a little continuation thread of another one i did.
would be interesting to see what fun things people like to do, so we can get to know one another better.
Next on my list is to learn to play the guitar - I'm saving up for one now. And I took kayaking lessons and am hoping to get more involved in that sport too.
These are the hobbies I love to do when I have time - most of my time is taken up with family and my kids sports/activities, etc.
were you extremely saddened or in despair once you realized you'd been duped??
Were you extremely saddened or in despair once you realized you'd been duped??? I wasn't depressed, instead I was was in sort of a "culture shock" so to speak and very scared. My entire belief system had been turned upside down. Did anyone here see Men In Black II - the ending, when Will Smith's character realizes that his entire universe is really existing inside of a small closet in another universe? It was like that - I thought "what the h_ll?!" It was scary at first to realize that no one had all the answers and I had to start all over trying to figure out what was the real "truth".
for me its an old one, here's the link.
i love the lyrics!.
Mary Mary (Shackles)
Been through the fire and the rain
Bound in every kind of way
But God has broken every chain
So let me go right now
Take the shackles off my feet so I can dance
I just wanna praise you
I just wanna praise you
You broke the chains now I can lift my hands
And I'm gonna praise you
I'm gonna praise you