Posts by Dawn
Yet Another Pro-JW website good for laughs.
by Reborn2002 in .
check out their disclaimer.. it jumped off the screen at me.. .
terms of use: i agree to use the jw friends message board in a christian manner.
A message to JW's/x-JW's - who to trust?
by Dawn inthis post is for any of you out there who have questions but have been afriad to search for answers outside of your organization/religion (this applies to any "christian" religion - not just jw's).
as for the rest of you heathens - no response please (tee hee - just joshin' .
i have been df'd for many years but really had no desire to go back to the bible until about 2 years ago.
What's a WICCAN?
Yet Another Pro-JW website good for laughs.
by Reborn2002 in .
check out their disclaimer.. it jumped off the screen at me.. .
terms of use: i agree to use the jw friends message board in a christian manner.
I posted a response to the poor guy with the ??????'s. Gave him my e-mail address - maybe he'll respond. Or maybe I'll just get a lot of other hate mail. Oh well - we'll see.
Yet Another Pro-JW website good for laughs.
by Reborn2002 in .
check out their disclaimer.. it jumped off the screen at me.. .
terms of use: i agree to use the jw friends message board in a christian manner.
Hmmmmmmmmmmmm very interesting.
A message to JW's/x-JW's - who to trust?
by Dawn inthis post is for any of you out there who have questions but have been afriad to search for answers outside of your organization/religion (this applies to any "christian" religion - not just jw's).
as for the rest of you heathens - no response please (tee hee - just joshin' .
i have been df'd for many years but really had no desire to go back to the bible until about 2 years ago.
This post is for any of you out there who have questions but have been afriad to search for answers outside of your organization/religion (this applies to any "christian" religion - not just JW's). As for the rest of you heathens - no response please (tee hee - just joshin' )
I have been DF'd for many years but really had no desire to go back to the bible until about 2 years ago. I had a number of questions, but the answers I got from my father (an elder) and the WT literature just didn't seem right. But I was really afraid to go searching anywhere else.
My father had warned me about the "man of lawlessness" in 2 Thess chapter 2 - he read to me
verse 10: They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved.
The JW's teach that the "man of lawlessness" from 2 Thessalonians is the CLERGY from any other religion. For this reason, I was too afraid to go to any other church, ask any other pastor, read any other books to look for an answer.I decided to just read the bible and leave it at that. Then, in my reading I came across two scriptures that really freed me from fear:
Luke 11:9-13: So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.
Jesus was saying here that if you asked he would give you the Holy Spirit. If you asked him and were seeking he would help you find answers. If you asked him to keep you from being mislead, to open your eyes and heart to the truth he would.
For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. "Which of you fathers, if your son asks for a fish, will give him a snake instead? Or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion? If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!"The basis of any Christian religion is a belief in Jesus as the Messiah. If you REALLY believe in Jesus, then you MUST believe what he told you.
I then came across Deuteronomy 18:22
If what a prophet proclaims in the name of the Lord does not take place or come true, that is a message the Lord has not spoken. That prophet has spoken presumptuously. Do not be afraid of him.
Granted - the WT society has said they are not a prophet. However, if you research a bit, you will find that in fact they have called themselves a prophet: I realized from reading the bible alone that:
(1) I should not fear what the WT society said about the "man of lawlessness" in 2 Thesselonians. Deuteronomy has already shown me that they have spoken messages that were not from God in the past, and(2) Instead, I could ask Jesus to send the Holy Spirit to me and help me find the answers. He told me in Matthew that if I asked for his help in searching (ask, seek, knock) he would give it to me.
The final straw: My dad kept offering me more articles and books from the WT Society, but I told him that I had decided to just study the bible on it's own. Dad then said "well, you can try but you won't understand it without the help of the faithful and discrete slave because they have the Holy Spirit".
I realized that he was completely contradicting what Jesus himself said in Matthew. Jesus said that if we asked him to send us the Holy Spirit he would. So who's right - the WT Organization and my dad, or Jesus?
I chose Jesus. The day I decided to ask him for help and trust him completely is the day I was set free from the fear and guilt.
12 chant
by noidea inhmmmmm...maybe if we chant this they will go away.
ok, now everyone repeat after me.... .
don't feed the trolls.... .
Thanks Stephanus. I had somewhat of an idea from prior posts - but I wasn't sure.
JW opposer conversation stoppers
by Leander infor some reason on my way to the meeting last night i was thinking what if there was a reasoning book for talking with jws.
in particular a section with rebuttals for common jw thinking.
jesus disciple's made false predictions too.. jehovah has always used an organization.. the light keeps getting brighter.. who else is doing the work that we are?.
"Just tell me how you make the connection between the parable of the FDS and the 144,000
Exactly!! If you read the parable of the Faithful and Discrete Slave (in context!!) it is clearly Jesus talking about an individual - it applies to all of us. Nowhere in this entire book does it refer to a "Slave Class".
12 chant
by noidea inhmmmmm...maybe if we chant this they will go away.
ok, now everyone repeat after me.... .
don't feed the trolls.... .
At the risk of sounding stupid - what in the heck is a Troll?? I must have registered here sometime after that discussion.
by U.2.K. inanybody else besides me, read the koran?
it's alright, did'nt pay that much attention to it.. but i read it, and one thing i notice is that, it dont have no hope for the future... they just talk about dying and going to heaven... again they fail to understand that, god did not make the earth for nothing, seems like millions are ignoring revelation 21-1 & 2peter 3-13... if everybody goes to heaven, which some people call the afterlife(lol) did what's the point of the resurrection, and as it is written in the bible, if christ rise, so shall the dead, when they hear his voice after judgement day .
the koran also said, that adam & eve was in paradise at the beginning, not on earth, but heaven, which is not true, god made adam from the ground=earth... .
If everybody goes to heaven, which some people call the afterlife(lol) Did what's the point of the Resurrection
I've had these same questions! From reading Revelation, it sounds to me like people do go to heaven when they die - but after Armageddon the earth would be made new and they, with Jesus, would return to live here forever.
I'm still researching on this issue as I have lots of questions - but that's what I've found so far. Drop me a line if you find more on this subject - it's one that really interests me.
Are teenagers old enought to get baptised?
by sleepy ini, like many on this board got baptised when still a teenager (17).. at the time i thought i knew what i was doing and could take full responsibility for my actions.. 10 years later i realise i knew very little back then compared to what i know now.. was i old enought to make my mind up?.
or could we always at any age ,be looking back at things we did wrong thinking if only i knew what i know now?.
actually how much responsibility can we hold over what we did as teenagers .weren't we pushed by the congregation and parents, we had little knowledge of anything else being force fed the "truth" since babies.. at such a young age aren't we much more vulnerable to brainwashing ?.
Hi Matty:
Yea - I know...dumb joke - but I couldn't resist.
However - I do think it is ridiculous that they take one number out of an entire set of scriptures - claim that number is literal but the rest of the book is not - then try to tie it in with a parable told by Jesus in Matthew (faithful and discreet slave) that clearly relates to an individual and nowhere uses the words "slave class".
These days however, kids seem to be getting baptized much later - 20/21 is not unusual now.
I'm really glad to see that they're not being pushed. This is a positive move!