He still thinks they are right but that he's just not happy being a witness. He said he wasn't happy for years and he didn't enjoy going to meetings. He's obviously carrying around the guilt and self-loathing that years of indoctrination can produce in a person.
Since he still believes it's the "truth" take care not to attack the organization - this may put him on the defensive. Instead, point him to the bible. A JW won't have the same gut reaction to be defensive if encouraged simply to read the bible.
A good place to start is to encourage him to read the book of John - completely, start to finish. Then you can start to point out the clear message in there - that JESUS is the only way. There is no mention at all about a group, organization, church, etc - only JESUS.
There's a couple of really good things you can point out to him in John:
(1) Jesus is the way. Over and over again he says that one must believe in HIM. So what does it mean to BELIEVE in HIM? Does that equate BELIEVING and FOLLOWING a church - or does the church have a different role to fill - such as being a place of encouragement & worship.
(2) John 14:8,9 - what did Jesus mean by his answer? Could it be a hint of his divinity?
Philip said, "Lord show us the Father and that will be enough for us." Jesus answered: "Don't you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father... Joh 14:8,9
(3) John 12:42-43 - can he see this happening in the Organization?
"Yet at the same time many even among the leaders believed in him. But because of the Pharisees they would not confess their faith for fear they would be put out of the synagogue; for they loved praise from men more than praise from God" John 12:42-43
That's the first step for a JW is to realize that the organization should not replace JESUS.
I would also encourage you to read "Reasoning from the Scriptures with Jehovah's Witnesses" - it's a good book that takes the scriputres JW's use to support their doctrines and explains how they have been taken out of context. It also includes additional scriptures that prove what the real truth is. You can then point him to his bible on those topics.
This way you're always only looking at the bible, no "apostate" literature that he may not be comfortable with yet.
If there's any chance at all that he'll read Crisis of Conscience at some point that is an excellent book!!
Edited for spelling