Before I went through all my crap with the elders, and would have asked someone what they thought of JW around here, they would have hedged and said something along the lines of "they don't believe in Jesus, do they?" or that they were a 'keep to themselves' type of religion. Not much reaction, anyway.
NOW, that I'm "out" and have been quite vocal to friends and family here in town, when I mention that I took myself out of the cult, the reactions range from "good for you!!", "congratulations!" and "oh I am so happy for you..." with words like "not right", "cult", "shunning" etc thrown in in agreement with what I've told people. I would bet that if any JW calls on the door of any of my fellow hospital workers, the door would be slammed very hard. The other day, the wife of the PO phoned one of my friends/workmates. My workmate let 'er have it on shunning and the blood issue (she is our blood bank supervisor!) and told her to never call on her again. Yessss.... My town is fairly small (12K) so when it gets buzzing, it buzzes loud.