Ok, there really are *other* things I'm enjoying besides my man. I have a few close second-placers:
I enjoy sleeping in on Sat/Sun mornings, taking the kids for ice cream drives on "meeting nights", meeting an elder on the road and not worrying about who I have in the jeep that I'll get a "uh, Rachel? We saw you ALONE with a man in your vehicle..." phonecall (in fact, I've successfully flipped the bird to both elders on my JC while meeting them on the road... childish, yes, but needed done)... reading whatever the hell I want, including this board... going to any movies without having to worry about who's gonna see me there.... knowing that my life or the kids' WILL be saved with blood if necessary...
My biggest freedom, in all serious, is the freedom to just BE MYSELF. (including, but not limited to, that sex thing...)