Juni!!! How are you? Good to 'see' ya.
We do NOT have accents. lol (the Iowans south if I-80 do though, so I'll give you that.)
Hey Frozen -- close enough. How's the bike?
just seeing if anyone from my fair state has escaped the cult and is here.
i'm always hoping.
Juni!!! How are you? Good to 'see' ya.
We do NOT have accents. lol (the Iowans south if I-80 do though, so I'll give you that.)
Hey Frozen -- close enough. How's the bike?
my poor kids are with their dad this weekend and it entails the, you guessed it, dc.
i got a text from the eldest this afternoon saying that gps is "god's protective spirit" then: "omg mom, wtf?
this is soooo lame i'm dying of boredom here!".
I turned my "GPS" off as I can navigate my own life without some made up sky-daddy, dammit.
just seeing if anyone from my fair state has escaped the cult and is here.
i'm always hoping.
bttt for the USA/Iowa Central time zone folks.
my poor kids are with their dad this weekend and it entails the, you guessed it, dc.
i got a text from the eldest this afternoon saying that gps is "god's protective spirit" then: "omg mom, wtf?
this is soooo lame i'm dying of boredom here!".
My poor kids are with their dad this weekend and it entails the, you guessed it, DC. I got a text from the eldest this afternoon saying that GPS is "god's protective spirit" then: "omg mom, wtf? this is soooo lame I'm DYING of BOREDOM here!". The 'navigation' blah blah implication is quite a gem. My poor kid was about to throw up. lol
I'm so glad I'm out of that crap.
(sorry if I'm late with DC Jehovahfest recaps -- I haven't been around here for awhile)
just seeing if anyone from my fair state has escaped the cult and is here.
i'm always hoping.
I was from Fiji for awhile when there was a crazy Iowa bible study gal on here. Then I no longer gave a crap.
I was just messing with you about the Canada/tee hee thing -- I'd read through some posts and came across that connection in a thread somewhere.
What are you still doing up?
Me - at work (shhhh don't tell Salvation --h e thinks I just went round 2 with Mr Merfi)
just seeing if anyone from my fair state has escaped the cult and is here.
i'm always hoping.
Geez I haven't checked mine but I'm sure I'm ok for the next 24 hours. Bantering with Sal ate some posts. Nutter, that one.
tee hee hee
Are you Canadian by chance?
just seeing if anyone from my fair state has escaped the cult and is here.
i'm always hoping.
Absolutely, h4o!
just seeing if anyone from my fair state has escaped the cult and is here.
i'm always hoping.
I just msn mapped her and uh yeah, she's south of I-80. BUT -- she's on the south end of town, looks like. If the eHarmony (for SHAME on you doing what has no doubt been told and told and told again and again is baaaad) gal doesn't work out, I'll give you her email. Or not -- she's a bit eccentric. Ok, like really eccentric. Probably a genius (seriously), *always* right and has a love of vodka. (my god, I think I just described MY perfect match. )
Where are the Iowa apostates, faders and lurkers? Bordering states now welcome to join in the fray....
just seeing if anyone from my fair state has escaped the cult and is here.
i'm always hoping.
Wow Snakes, that was a close call for your bro. Glad he's ok. I have a cousin in IA City that was spared as well because she's on high ground.
And I was whining about less than an inch of water in my basement. Perspective.
just seeing if anyone from my fair state has escaped the cult and is here.
i'm always hoping.
How's it going Snakes?
Where in Iowegia does your undunked bro live? (you can pm me if posting it would call him our or anything)
Yeah, it's good here. I wouldn't recommend moving to the east side of the state yet, til they dry out. Not good over there. :(