(sorry for hijacking this thread...)
Interestingly, we had just had the study in the WT about how if a repentent person was not welcomed back, and his sadness overtook him and he fell back into satan, then those who SHOULD have been supportive and weren't, were then accountable. I remember looking up at the friggin elder conducting it (same one who the previous day had made this stupid comment) and attempted to convey as much disgust and sadness as possible in a moment of eye contact. Sadly, he's just this way -- haughty, judgemental and never, never wrong.
I'm so glad to have at least in my own mind, stripped him of his label of elder, as now I no longer fear him. A puny, pathetic little man with humility issues is all I see now.
Trying not to be bitter, sorry! I think I'm in that first phase of "how could they have done that to me & how could I have been so weak and stupid to allow it...?!"