Probably some lame-ass reason like ;to separate themselves from the world. Like how they use the word "church".
Now that's what I was thinkin... If I'd talk to someone and have to use it, I'd still always use BC/AD cuz the other made me feel weird.
i've always wondered why the wtbs uses ce and bce instead of bc and ad.
i'd always meant to ask, but then it kind of got to the point where it would look 'bad' if i didn't already know, so was afraid to ask.
Probably some lame-ass reason like ;to separate themselves from the world. Like how they use the word "church".
Now that's what I was thinkin... If I'd talk to someone and have to use it, I'd still always use BC/AD cuz the other made me feel weird.
i've always wondered why the wtbs uses ce and bce instead of bc and ad.
i'd always meant to ask, but then it kind of got to the point where it would look 'bad' if i didn't already know, so was afraid to ask.
I've always wondered why the WTBS uses CE and BCE instead of BC and AD. I'd always meant to ask, but then it kind of got to the point where it would look 'bad' if I didn't already know, so was afraid to ask.
So, I'm asking now. Anyone? Bueller?
how would trinitarians answer this question.
if jesus christ had married and fathered children would his kids be god-kids part god almighty part kids?
i am not trying to be funny but i am just wondering what trinitarians believe jesus kids would be.
This is kind of a stretch, but the "what if" Jesus had descendents (sort of) is in this book:
Also, maybe some of you may have heard of The Da Vinci Code? (I recently told a brudda that I'd read it... wonder what he thought of that)
I think this hypothetical stuff is really interesting.
Another tongue-in-cheek book is called "Lamb" by Christopher Moore.
Sorry, I didn't really answer the question in your post, huh? I'm not really a trinitarian -- actually am leaning towards the belief that Jesus wasn't divine... but that's today's opinion -- still searching.
Anyway, IF Jesus was divine, then... maybe? If it was on the chromosome. And if it was a dominant or recessive gene... hmm...
I totally need to stop drinking when I start posting.
i need some input on how to proceed with a scheduled meeting with elders i haven't seen in 18mo.
i have not attended a meeting in over 2yrs.
they sent a letter requesting my presents at 8:00 pm tonight.
Good luck with whatever you decide to do and handle all this.
I knew that my elders *wanted* to DF me, but I didn't give them the satisfaction and DA'd instead as I wanted out anyway. I know the results (shunning etc) are the same, but I somehow feel that I retained my dignity by making the decision, not allowing them to.
in their quest to assemble the right ingredients to win a super bowl, the carolina panthers might have found the key.. that's wide receiver keyshawn johnson, who the panthers believe might be enough to boost their offense to the next level.
johnson and the panthers agreed to terms on a contract late thursday night after meeting for much of the day.
the deal is for four years and includes $5 million in signing bonus money.. a press conference to officially announce the signing is expected on friday.. johnson seemingly would help solve one of last season's biggest problems.
OMG, who needs the New System -- I found Paradise among fellow PANTHERS fans!!! woooo hoooo!!!
Here's to this season's road to the Superbowl!
if disfellowshipping is a biblical practice, why didn't jesus do it?
there is no record of him doing it or even mentioning doing anything remotely like that.
in fact, it would seem to me if that practice was set in stone back then during his time, wouldn't he have taken some similar action against judas?
This may be how it's SUPPOSED to be, it doesn't happen this way.
I practically had these "passages" memorized going into my last JC. I wanted the elders help, I wanted "restored". I was repentant, I was weak not wicked. I had stopped doing the things that I had been -- I had turned around. I was not "stubbornly refusing" to correct my wayward path -- I already had. It was all there. My heart was sad, my conscience was all but knocking me over. I'd brought reproach on jehovah and the congregation... *I* called the elders to set up a time to get my "help".
Instead (check out my 'newbie' post and another in the "JC" topic) I was mentally and emotionally abused for four hours. It was a kangaroo court -- I was guilty until proven innocent, and they had already decided what they wanted to do with me. My elders have known me for over 15 years. I thought they cared.... I read on here that their treatment has been likened to "mental rape". That is exactly how I felt.
I did not give them the satisfaction of DFing me as they wanted. That JC was my straw... my turning point. There was no "agape" love here, no "philia"... it was all conditional. It was all bullcrap. I wrote my DA letter in the two days after my JC and I haven't looked back.
hello everyone... im new here!
i have a question...maybe you guys can give me some insight.
i have a boyfriend whom i looooooove.
This happened to me, Serene. I fell in high school for a Witness boy. Now granted, we were 16, not 10 years older. But the story is nonetheless still appropriate I think. Anyway, he wasn't the strongest JW in the bunch... But he also waited until the relationship got to a good deepness before letting me know that he couldn't/wouldn't choose me over his faith. (as deep as a relationship can get at 17/18 etc) So, I chose him over my OWN faith (or lack thereof, I was never really anything...) and family and started studying once I went to college. I was baptized in '89, we were married in '90. I basically went through the motions FOR HIM. My family freaked and I lost a part of them, too. I did try to believe; at one time maybe I did as it was all so logical, which appealed to me. But of course, retrospectively, I was given only one side to this 'logic'. In '99 or so, I stumbled on a website about the blood issue, and that was the beginning of the end for me. I tried to shove it to the back of my mind, but after the past 5-6 years, it resurfaced along with many other huge, life-changing events and I left. Now, I am shunned by those who at one time claimed to "love" me. Thank goodness my family is not JW as they've been my rock, as have been my "worldly" friends at work.
Anyway... like others have said, find out as MUCH as you can about JW -- their history, their doctrines (and changes thereof)... talk to these wonderful people here to get their experiences. See what you'd be getting into. Most of all -- talk to your BF. Give him as many "what if" scenarios as you can think of because this is a huge thing.
I'd ramble more but I have to get myself to work (yeppers, I have an awesome job as a result of a college degree -- something JW don't care much for). :) PM me if you like.
howdy you guys - .
i had a super great vacation this weekend in sunny ca.
to celebrate such a huge change in my life this past year with leaving the org.
There's that monkey tat in the "funny pictures" thread....
here it is, the whole episode: .`s one of the funniest sout-park-episodes ever, i laughed till i dropped.
I'd missed it last Wednesday so thank you for the link!! Very funny, yet soberingly true. I was thinking how ridiculous... then realized I was just as sucked in as Scientologist are.
It would be fun to see a SP episode about JW....
i don't encourage anyone to drive over the speed limit, but i find this site interesting, and could help you avoid a speeding ticket.
I love my radar detector