Russell, Rutherford, Knorr and Franz were certainly Caucasian Centric ( a polite way of saying that they seemed to be fu@cking prejudiced) Without the Chinese there would have been no way that the life saving message of Jehovah's Witnesses could have been spread worldwide so quickly. After all, the Chinese invented paper and the art of printing. Those two accomplishments only scratch the surface of what the 'Asiatic mind' gave to humankind.
JoinedPosts by sparky1
“The Asiatic Mind” — Watchtower 1956
by slimboyfat insearching instances of the word “simplify” in watchtower literature, i stumbled across this.. the asiatic mind finds it difficult to accept new ways, to simplify and to make advantageous changes.
they fear conversion and dislike others’ offering them help.
many continually live in a realm of unreality and refuse to face modern facts of life.
Worldwide Campaign Nov 2020
by Listener inthanks petra and atlantis for sending the latest letter regarding the watchtowers plan for a worldwide campaign in november this year.
i am wondering what they are planning to achieve from this campaign, particularly their focus on sending the watchtower 2020 no.
2, titled "what is god's kingdom" to politicians, governments (and tribal leaders) around the world.. it would appear that this is their answer to governments who have put them in the spot light for their bad policies, particularly their handling of child abuse.
How soon they forget!
Watchtower June 2020 Article, '' Return to Me''
by RULES & REGULATIONS inthe watchtower—study edition | june 2020. .
study article 26.
6 who can share in the search for inactive ones?
The arrogance of Jehovah's Witnesses is only equaled by many other religions that propagate the same old 'slop' in regards to their inactive ones. A case in point being the Mormon religion. Same old bull$hit, just from another religious perspective: of-one-a-home...
The title of the article is : The Worth of One: A Home Teachers Guide for Working with Inactive Members
The Watchtower—Study Edition | August 2020
by RULES & REGULATIONS inthe watchtower—study edition | august 2020 .
study article 33. the resurrection reveals god’s love, wisdom, and patience.
8 for a number of reasons, we can assume that those greeting resurrected individuals will be able to recognize their loved ones.
"Is that really you Mummy? Why you look just as good as the day we buried you back in 1975...!"
Unique Words and Expressions Of Jehovah’s Witnesses
by minimus insystem of things comes to mind.
what does that mean to anyone not a jw?.
how long have you been in the truth?
The most overused word in the Governing Body verbal armamentarium : EVIDENTLY.
It is used simultaneously to buy in or opt out, accept or reject, confirm or deny , polemicize for or against any moral teaching, theological construct or historical boondoggle promulgated by the Governing Body and is used as needed according to the current interpretation of new light.
The BIGGER the bag, the more SPIRITUAL the Elder.
Caleb can say mephibosheth
by road to nowhere inthat was this weeks video.
but the elders cant say: liberry, pitcher, aks, pronounsiation, mono-tone-us, unconscience.
Don't forget the best one of all: JEHOVER!
As Biden Struggles, Hillary Waits For The call
by Bangalore in
any thoughts about this?.
That article is almost 2 months old. The political winds have shifted since then.
What Happened at the Tulsa Rally? I Thought There Were Requests for a Million Tickets?
by RubaDub init just seems rather odd to me that supposedly a million people had tickets or wanted tickets and yet the upper deck of the arena was half empty (or less) and they cancelled the outdoor overflow thing.
just a bit strange based from what was reported the day before.. i wonder if it was no-shows or being overly optimistic..
"There were some shouting matches and scuffles outside the event between around 30 Black Lives Matter demonstrators and some Trump supporters waiting to enter. A Reuters reporter saw no sign any Trump supporters were prevented from entering the arena or overflow area." - Jeff Mason, Makini Brice Reuters Politics Page June 20, 2020 updated today 7:16 am
"A Reuters reporter said police did temporarily close the access gates after protesters arrived at the rally perimeter, but state troopers helped clear the area and the gates were open some three hours before the rally began." - Elizabeth Culliford Reuters Politics page June 21, 2020
I certainly am not trying to deny your claim Anony Mous that a gate was closed and that some Black Lives Matters antagonists may have been acting like complete a$$holes and disrupting Trump supporters right to peaceful assembly. My contention is that the Trump campaign claims that their supporters were prevented from entering the arena. Reporters of all stripes seem to call into question that claim.
What Happened at the Tulsa Rally? I Thought There Were Requests for a Million Tickets?
by RubaDub init just seems rather odd to me that supposedly a million people had tickets or wanted tickets and yet the upper deck of the arena was half empty (or less) and they cancelled the outdoor overflow thing.
just a bit strange based from what was reported the day before.. i wonder if it was no-shows or being overly optimistic..
"Wait until it comes from FOX News...
"Trump campaign officials said protesters prevented the president's supporters from entering the stadium. Three Associated Press journalists reporting in Tulsa for several hours leading up to the president's speaking did not see protesters block entry to the area where the rally was held." - FOX 23 NEWS TULSA, OK June 20, 2020 11:50pm