The Claw.( 0f the Sicilian defense crowd )
(of the dragon variation crowd)
no chess?
i once had a demonstration on a circuit assembly about not going to parties with worldly people (yeck when i think of it, i basically told all: he dont have fun or jehovah is going to kill you)'.
anyway the demonstration ended that it was better to do nice recreation things.
The Claw.( 0f the Sicilian defense crowd )
(of the dragon variation crowd)
you can download the issue here thanks to dan-p. .
i was reading this at home and had to stop when i came across this sentence on page 3:.
I still read them occasionally because my wife is still in and I am fading. This topic intrigued me.
you can download the issue here thanks to dan-p. .
i was reading this at home and had to stop when i came across this sentence on page 3:.
You can download the issue here thanks to Dan-p
I was reading this at home and had to stop when I came across this sentence on page 3:
"You can let others tell you what you are allowed to think and believe. Or you may wish to investigate some of the evidence yourself and reach your own conclusion."
I had to stop reading the magazine at that point and put it down before continuing. I actually laughed out loud when I read that as my eyes have been opened to what they are really shown in the next sentence.
"As you read about discoveries of science presented on the following pages..."
In other words, please restrict your investigation to our literature.
has anyone out there taken online classes only to obtain a degree?
i finally bit the bullet and will be returning to school in september.
i went to a community college many years ago, but never finished what i started.
I am doing the online thing right now. LOVE IT. I get my work done so much quicker. You have to have discipline though.
I could use some rain right now...
we humans are an arrogant, anthropocentric species.
ptolemy posited that the earth was the center of the universe.
once copernicus began to show that the sun, not earth, was at the center of our solar system, some still believed that the sun at least was the center of the universe.
In response to this thread: when dolphins construct & staff hospitals, when whales quit beaching themselves, when chimpanzees institute a democratic from of government, and when mountain gorillas find a cure for the common cold, then I'll stop being an "anthrocentric."
Maybe I should explain what this thread means to me. When I ask that we as humans stop being so self-centered and self-important, I ask it because I hope to see a world where humans can live in harmony with the Earth. What do I mean by that? Well, our self-important attitude is the cause of many of the environmental problems we see today. Want examples?
It's about thinking beyond yourself. Altruism? Maybe.
Edit: Sacchiel, thank you for the correction.
we humans are an arrogant, anthropocentric species.
ptolemy posited that the earth was the center of the universe.
once copernicus began to show that the sun, not earth, was at the center of our solar system, some still believed that the sun at least was the center of the universe.
the misunderstanding that homo sapiens is somehow atypically special, and I think this is more often due to simply having not been presented with the facts, rather than arrogance.
Even when presented with facts, I've seen individuals cling to arrogant beliefs.
i just got a visit from my jdub cousin.
not seen him for a year or so.. anyway he's telling me that he's selling his house (his first place bought 2 years ago) as the society are telling them all that the end is in sight sooner than they think!
and he said that he's gonna go part time at work cos he loves the aux pioneering he did last month!!!
Just thought I'd let everyone know that I'm going back to the KH. I don't like generalizing an entire people as stupid. I'm selling all my 'worldly' possesions to finance my pioneer work starting in Sept. I hope to get my hours on this board witnessing to you apostates in the hope you will see the light.
i know an awful lot here are 3rd and 4th generation - but were there any who's parents become dubs as adults?
i'd be interested to here what it was that made an adult become a jw when not brought up that way?.
i'll relate my parents experience shortly...but its something i;ve been thinking about a lot.
Catholic. Entire family was Catholic. Now they are all JW's.
we humans are an arrogant, anthropocentric species.
ptolemy posited that the earth was the center of the universe.
once copernicus began to show that the sun, not earth, was at the center of our solar system, some still believed that the sun at least was the center of the universe.
We humans are an arrogant, anthropocentric species. Consider the following:
Ptolemy posited that the Earth was the center of the universe. Once Copernicus began to show that the Sun, not Earth, was at the center of our solar system, some still believed that the Sun at least was the center of the universe. Fast forward a few hundred years, our Sun has been shown to be an average star on the outskirts of an average galaxy. At least we still have the fact that humans are made in God's image, right? Enter Darwin and evolutionary biology.
I see the next chapter in this story being written today, with the evolving (no pun intended) view that God used evolution in 'creating' mankind. If so, at what point in the evolutionary process did God decide we became human and worthy of an afterlife? When we got opposable thumbs?
Can anyone else add any human centered views we as a species have held?