Nova recently aired a great program about Intelligent Design. In it, Michael Behe is made to look like the fool he is. Maybe the WT should have watched this before printing the Jan 1st edition.
Watch it here.
my parents gave me the latest "public edition" watchtower and it has 4-page festival of circular logic and hypocritical quote-mining entitled "is evolution compatible with the bible?
the opening salvo is golden, because they go and shoot themselves in the foot with it later on: "is it possible that god used evolution to create men from beasts?
did god direct bacteria to develop into fish and then to continue developing through reptiles and mammals, so that finally a race of apes became humans?
Nova recently aired a great program about Intelligent Design. In it, Michael Behe is made to look like the fool he is. Maybe the WT should have watched this before printing the Jan 1st edition.
Watch it here.
my parents gave me the latest "public edition" watchtower and it has 4-page festival of circular logic and hypocritical quote-mining entitled "is evolution compatible with the bible?
the opening salvo is golden, because they go and shoot themselves in the foot with it later on: "is it possible that god used evolution to create men from beasts?
did god direct bacteria to develop into fish and then to continue developing through reptiles and mammals, so that finally a race of apes became humans?
Another "gem" from the article:
"Evolution presents modern man as an improving animal. The Bible presents modern man as the degenerating descendant of a perfect man." - pg 15
Not really. Richard Dawkins entitled one of his books "The Blind Watchmaker". In it, Dawkins explains how the mechanism of natural selection can explain the complex adaptations of organisms to their environment. The subjective label 'improving' can only mean one thing to Dawkins and other evolutionists, being an adaptation which helps the organism survive longer and thus have a greater chance of procreating.
The WT uses the term 'improving' in the context of Bible history. In the time of Adam men routinely lived to ages of 600 plus years. "Modern man" can only live 70 or 80 years according to the Psalms. The WT would measure 'improvment' in the number and quality of years a person lived. Dawkins would use the term 'improving' quite differently.
Sorry WT, try again.
my parents gave me the latest "public edition" watchtower and it has 4-page festival of circular logic and hypocritical quote-mining entitled "is evolution compatible with the bible?
the opening salvo is golden, because they go and shoot themselves in the foot with it later on: "is it possible that god used evolution to create men from beasts?
did god direct bacteria to develop into fish and then to continue developing through reptiles and mammals, so that finally a race of apes became humans?
I found a link to a scanned pdf. The first link doesn't work anymore but some of the others do.
i'd like you all to tell me 2 or 3 things:.
1- were you raised a witness or not?.
2-if you were, was your family very "theocratic" or not so much?.
1 - yes
2 - theocratic
3 - atheist
my parents gave me the latest "public edition" watchtower and it has 4-page festival of circular logic and hypocritical quote-mining entitled "is evolution compatible with the bible?
the opening salvo is golden, because they go and shoot themselves in the foot with it later on: "is it possible that god used evolution to create men from beasts?
did god direct bacteria to develop into fish and then to continue developing through reptiles and mammals, so that finally a race of apes became humans?
Wow, would it be possible to get a scanned copy of the article\watchtower? I could use this in my upcoming JC.
my congregation would have a special service day on all holidays, including christmas.
in order to avoid knocking to early on homeowners doors we would meet at 10am instead of 9:30am.
we would always have the hardcore group ready ard raring to go on dec 25th.
I'm just waiting for my own little JW to knock on my door tomorrow. Please Jehovah?
well this week's book study wraps up the seventh trumpet blast of revelation.
there was even a nice neat box showing how they all were "highlighted" by something the dubs did in the 1920's.
almost all the blasts were some dry-as-toast, "look at me" speech given by jf rutherford at various conventions.
Thanks Leolaia
my congregation would have a special service day on all holidays, including christmas.
in order to avoid knocking to early on homeowners doors we would meet at 10am instead of 9:30am.
we would always have the hardcore group ready ard raring to go on dec 25th.
My congregation would have a special service day on all holidays, including Christmas. In order to avoid knocking to early on homeowners doors we would meet at 10am instead of 9:30am. We would always have the hardcore group ready ard raring to go on Dec 25th. I never went out of respect, or was that fear?
i like to read the km to see what the wtbts is saying, and then to think about what they really mean.. information appears in the km when problem need to be addressed in the organization.
the article on.
the front page "make the most of your time in the ministry" was insightful to me.
6) stopping for coffee break at 10:45 and taking 45 minutes, then quitting because it's 11:30, saying you will make an RV on the way home.
This was normal in my Kingdom Hall. Everybody began to arrive at the local grocery store where they had coffee shop and a few tables in the store around 10:45 to 11:00. We would get about 30 people in a small 4 table sitting area plus some overflow into the grocery store aisles. People would begin to leave around 11:15, most would be gone by 11:30. The majority of the JW's, including me, tried to stretch the break as long as possible. I tried to arrive at 10:45 and leave at 11:30.
I felt embarrassed that our group would inevitably be loud and obnoxious in the grocery store. I routinely tried to find a stop out of the way where shoppers would not notice me.
Our KH's practice of taking 30-45 minute breaks was the topic of a local needs talk one week. The elder giving the talk admonished us to take only 10 minutes and that we should not be reporting our break time as field service. Some tried to make an effort but after a month we were back to taking 30-45 minute breaks. It was the only thing that made service bearable for me. I suspect the same is true for many others.
i've seen responses from a number of elders, but have any co's become enlightened?
bookmarked for later ingestion.