When i joined the wts over 30 years ago, i truly believed that they were different from all other religions, (i never had anytime for religion before them as could see the hypocrasy in them). Even the d/f policy i thought was good as it kept the congregation clean.Since leaving 5 years ago, i have found out that they are no better than any other religion, they harbour paedophiles and lie about their involvement with the political ststem that they ban members from getting involved in. They have let themselves down, as they have proved they are as false as every other manmade religion on this earth.
Posts by dido
How Would You Refute JW's Claim Of Being The ONLY True Religion?
by minimus insince the new tract tells us "the end of false religion is near!
", jehovah's witnesses maintain that they alone are the only true religion.
how would you dispute that??
I admire any man that looks after/supports/visits his children. It`s a shame that there are so many men that don`t bother to see or support them, and i think that is very sad, and unresponsible. My ex is a wonderful father and would never let any of his children go without anything.
NEW SHOCKING subliminal art
by artcritic inif you feel we are pushing this to much please let us know and we will stop.. spam link removed.
I`m interested too.
Lets say something positive about Islam!
by eyeslice ini'ii start off.
i have traveled widely in asia and have visited iran on business.
i have always found the average muslim to be extremely hospitable and generous.
`i guess maybe the history lesson is, don`t mess with the US`- that is exactly the type of arrogance and complacency that gets US in trouble. They are so confidant that they are ok, that they don`t think that anything will affect them, but look at 9/11? These countries may not have the latest weaponry, but they are using other methods to get their point across, and they are getting horrific results! The US needs to start eating humble pie, and stop bullying as it will come back on them Bigtime.
Finding Love with a Former Jehovah's Witness
by The wanderer in<!-- .style1 {font-family: arial, sans-serif} .style2 {font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; } .style4 {font-family: arial, sans-serif; color: #e68500; } .style5 {font-family: arial, sans-serif; color: #ffc803; } .style6 {font-family: arial, sans-serif; color: #8fa7bf; } .style7 {color: #fe0003} .style9 {color: #8ea4bb} .style10 {color: #ffc803} --> finding love with a former jehovah's witness often times, i thought to myself whether or not it .
would prove to be an advantage or a disadvantage.
dating a former jehovah's witness.. advantage or disadvantage?
It would be an advantage dating a former witness, as they have got a lot in common with you, and have experienced being part of a cult, so everything doesn`t have to be explained, ie: the way in which you react to life .
The moral issue is very valid, as i found that it is lacking with people in general these days.
You can take on `baggage` with people from any walk of life, at least with the jw`s it is usually because of the religion that they have it, and can be empathised with.
Lets say something positive about Islam!
by eyeslice ini'ii start off.
i have traveled widely in asia and have visited iran on business.
i have always found the average muslim to be extremely hospitable and generous.
Question- why is the muslim faith the fastest growing religion in the world?
Lets say something positive about Islam!
by eyeslice ini'ii start off.
i have traveled widely in asia and have visited iran on business.
i have always found the average muslim to be extremely hospitable and generous.
Thayt is the view of most English people i know. Blair is just as bad, they go hand in hand, not that i agree with the moslem terrorism, far from it, i abhor any kind of terrorism, from whatever source.
Lets say something positive about Islam!
by eyeslice ini'ii start off.
i have traveled widely in asia and have visited iran on business.
i have always found the average muslim to be extremely hospitable and generous.
America is the most hated nation. they have caused so many wars, i can`t remember the exact no, but after the argentina war, there were about 80 if i can remember rightly. (long time since i looked up the no`s, maybe someone can enlighten me) They bully the world, if they want something, they think they can walk in and take it.
Lets say something positive about Islam!
by eyeslice ini'ii start off.
i have traveled widely in asia and have visited iran on business.
i have always found the average muslim to be extremely hospitable and generous.
Question- why is America the most hated nation in the world? Bush and Blair have played their part, inviting terrorism.
by Dansk ini've just finished watching the oprah winfrey show on tv (we're behind the americans, the show was about a year old) and it showed a group of teenage girls, from 13-18, who were into binge drinking, drugs, self-mutilation, etc.
peer pressure was a major source of the youngsters' doing what they did as they were desperate to fit in.
those who didn't want to get involved in such dangerous activities usually had no friends and ate alone at lunch time.
Being brought up in a ` religion` can have it`s advantages and disadvantages. I was very strict with my kids, and they have later thanked me for doing that, as it has helped them steer clear of some problems. On the other hand it has messed their heads up in other ways, as i taught them that they would live forever, and now i have told them it is not true. They have got good morals tho`, so it has done some good, and was a protection in many ways, as they didn`t hang about on street corners getting into trouble.