Xbehere, i agree with you, it is just a point that people are at in there lives when they are questioning things, for whatever reason, from whatever walks of life, intelligent or not, but the question that was asked is if intelligent people take the truth.
Posts by dido
Please don't take offence at this ...
by Joe Grundy ini'm not a jw, never have been, and in no danger of becoming one.. having read several of the wt mags and publications (and many more extracts on this and other sites) they come across to me as being very patronising in tone and full of pseudo-scholarship, misquoted (or unnamed) sources, references taken out of context, mis-translations, etc.
i'm aware of jw 'teaching' on the subject of higher education for its members (i.e.
not a good or necessary thing) so i can understand why many jws raised in it may not challenge the publications.
Please don't take offence at this ...
by Joe Grundy ini'm not a jw, never have been, and in no danger of becoming one.. having read several of the wt mags and publications (and many more extracts on this and other sites) they come across to me as being very patronising in tone and full of pseudo-scholarship, misquoted (or unnamed) sources, references taken out of context, mis-translations, etc.
i'm aware of jw 'teaching' on the subject of higher education for its members (i.e.
not a good or necessary thing) so i can understand why many jws raised in it may not challenge the publications.
Kudra, he is out now because he couldn`t accept that new born babies were going to die at armageddon, and in fact did a protest with banners etc. outside London bethel .He was an elder, and was responsible for putting some `seeds of truth` into me when i was little. (20 year age gap)
Please don't take offence at this ...
by Joe Grundy ini'm not a jw, never have been, and in no danger of becoming one.. having read several of the wt mags and publications (and many more extracts on this and other sites) they come across to me as being very patronising in tone and full of pseudo-scholarship, misquoted (or unnamed) sources, references taken out of context, mis-translations, etc.
i'm aware of jw 'teaching' on the subject of higher education for its members (i.e.
not a good or necessary thing) so i can understand why many jws raised in it may not challenge the publications.
Kero, the reason some seem childish is that they have to appeal to all walks of life, the thick and the clever, hence pretty pics!
Please don't take offence at this ...
by Joe Grundy ini'm not a jw, never have been, and in no danger of becoming one.. having read several of the wt mags and publications (and many more extracts on this and other sites) they come across to me as being very patronising in tone and full of pseudo-scholarship, misquoted (or unnamed) sources, references taken out of context, mis-translations, etc.
i'm aware of jw 'teaching' on the subject of higher education for its members (i.e.
not a good or necessary thing) so i can understand why many jws raised in it may not challenge the publications.
Kudra, one example close to home was my bro` in law, he was a professor of mathematics at Reading uni in England, and i know many others that were mathematicians and teachers. There are a lot of very intelligent people in there (or rather now outta there, as is my bro` in law!)
Please don't take offence at this ...
by Joe Grundy ini'm not a jw, never have been, and in no danger of becoming one.. having read several of the wt mags and publications (and many more extracts on this and other sites) they come across to me as being very patronising in tone and full of pseudo-scholarship, misquoted (or unnamed) sources, references taken out of context, mis-translations, etc.
i'm aware of jw 'teaching' on the subject of higher education for its members (i.e.
not a good or necessary thing) so i can understand why many jws raised in it may not challenge the publications.
What you have to remember is that when people are contacted, they are usually `sighing and crying`, so they are hungry to find out truths, and thats why a lot get involved with the jw`s as they offer the answers to all the problems and a free home study, where they show all relevant scriptures. Thats how they get hooked, well speaking from experience, that`s what happened to me.
Please don't take offence at this ...
by Joe Grundy ini'm not a jw, never have been, and in no danger of becoming one.. having read several of the wt mags and publications (and many more extracts on this and other sites) they come across to me as being very patronising in tone and full of pseudo-scholarship, misquoted (or unnamed) sources, references taken out of context, mis-translations, etc.
i'm aware of jw 'teaching' on the subject of higher education for its members (i.e.
not a good or necessary thing) so i can understand why many jws raised in it may not challenge the publications.
In my experience, the majority of jw`s are very intelligent, and i would say that it attracts intelligent thinking people on the whole, other reasons they came in is because they could be lonely or needy.
Another poll: raised in or came in?
by under_believer insomeone asked a question in the "what generation are you" thread:.
were you "raised in the truth," or did you "come into the truth?".
i was raised..
Came in at 23, left 25 years later, but it feels like i was in it forever!
Do you think it`s hard to have a relationship after you leave?
by dido ini have been out for 4 years now, and find it hard to meet someone who i find is compatible.
one of the reasons being is that they haven`t experienced what it is like to come out of a cult, and i find there is a void there.
does anyone else feel like this?
Trouble is Crumpet, after you been in the borg, you don`t have any hobbies or interests, as were told not to have any, and to devote all our time to the `kingdom interests`.
Do you think it`s hard to have a relationship after you leave?
by dido ini have been out for 4 years now, and find it hard to meet someone who i find is compatible.
one of the reasons being is that they haven`t experienced what it is like to come out of a cult, and i find there is a void there.
does anyone else feel like this?
Ballistic- i know what you mean about the dating scene in England, it`s mainly pubs, and if you don`t like them, you`ve had it!! Dr. Jekyll these sites can save people from going over the edge, as some are in a bad way, and it is only ex`s that truly understand where we are coming from.
What do you consider yourself?
by poodlehead ini have wondered how each of you classifies yourself.
as regards to religion.
this is for my own person interest.
Uunder-believer thanks for the link, but i need to do more research on it, as am not 100% happy with their xrays and explanation, thanks, anyway.