Us & Them - Dark Side of the Moon
But a hard pick !!
when i had a thread a few months ago on your favorite all time groups.
i believe pink floyd finished very high in the ratings.
so, considering there are many pink floyd fans out there, including myself, what is your all time favorite pink floyd song ?
Us & Them - Dark Side of the Moon
But a hard pick !!
did you have a song or tune that used to give you the creeps when you were a kid?
i used to hate sparky's magic piano, while the theme from dr.who used to make me put my hands over my ears.. i've been trying to think of some more .
clam .
Phaedra by Tangerine Dream
Music only, but not recommeded if you are out of it...............
It is the isolate and alienate philosophy of this organisation that I find so abhorrent.
These words sicken me to the depths of my soul.
currently a family member is about to undergo serious surgery.
the surgeon indicated that he would like a unit of pre-operative autologous blood to be donated in case of any unforeseen problems.
the (obvious) response was no: the surgery will proceed however.. .
The information that was supplied re EPO was via a DVD ordered in specifically by my relative. I get the impression from viewing it that it was intended for more a professional medical audience than the general populace. It did have the hallmarks of WT publications though - snippets of quotes from articles etc.
I think that a key issue here is that the approach recommended by the WTS (ie use of EPO) is under a real cloud from the USFDA and that people contemplating the use of EPO should be informed as to the risks. While many medical practitioners are up to date on these matters, many are not. An even worse scenario is the use of non-medically provided EPO by an uninformed person (EPO is one of the banned "performance enhancing" drugs and can be obtained by various means)
I'll dig up the DVD and let you know the details in the next day or so (my access to JWD is restricted)
currently a family member is about to undergo serious surgery.
the surgeon indicated that he would like a unit of pre-operative autologous blood to be donated in case of any unforeseen problems.
the (obvious) response was no: the surgery will proceed however.. .
Currently a family member is about to undergo serious surgery. The surgeon indicated that he would like a unit of pre-operative autologous blood to be donated in case of any unforeseen problems. The (obvious) response was no: the surgery will proceed however.
A point that needs to be kept in mind is that the WTS has suggested in one of their “Bloodless Surgery” DVD’s that EPO (erythropoietin) can be used to increase hemacrit levels before surgery, thus reducing the need for transfusion. This approach was suggested to one of the medical team who indicated that this was “not on” due to the increased risk of Deep Vein Thrombosis.
Scratch that option.
A little further investigation revealed the following Alert from the US FDA. Please note that unlike the information provided by the WTS this is a full extract from that source.
Information on Erythropoiesis Stimulating Agents (ESA) (marketed as Procrit, Epogen, and Aranesp)
FDA ALERT [11/16/2006, Updated 2/16/2007 and 3/9/2007]: FDA is issuing this alert to provide new safety information for erythropoiesis-stimulating agents (ESAs) [Aranesp (darbepoetin alfa), Epogen (epoetin alfa), and Procrit (epoetin alfa)]. Analyses of four new studies in patients with cancer found a higher chance of serious and life-threatening side effects and/or death with the use of ESAs. These research studies were evaluating an unapproved dosing regimen, a patient population for which ESAs are not approved, or a new unapproved ESA.
In another study, patients scheduled for orthopedic surgery had a higher rate of deep venous thrombosis when treated with Procrit at the approved dose. This new information is consistent with risks found in two clinical studies in patients with chronic renal failure treated with an unapproved regimen of an ESA that were reported in November 2006 and are summarized in the data section below.
All ESAs have the same mechanism of action. As a result, FDA believes these new concerns apply to all ESAs and is re-evaluating how to safely use this product class. FDA and Amgen, the manufacturer of Aranesp, Epogen and Procrit, have changed the full prescribing information for these drugs. The new product labeling includes a new boxed warning, updated warnings, and a change to the dosage and administration sections for all ESAs.
I would be curious to know if anyone knows if the Witchtower and Babble Society has provided any update on the potentially serious side-effects of the approaches that they have promoted to those about to undergo such surgery. I suspect not.
Anyone about to embark on this type of surgery needs to be aware of the risks involved and not to be duped by the pseudo-science of the ethically challenged.
just read in one of newspapers that .
most current plasma television sets would be banned from sale in australia within a year under onerous mandatory energy requirements recommended in a report commissioned by the federal government.. .
mmm think there is going to be a few angry aussies out here.
While LCDs are more efficient than plasma, still have a substantial energy use.
Energy efficiency labelling is suggested (like for other appliances) as well as greener TVs - standby is an issue.
I understand that if the sets meet the standards proposed for the EU, there won't be a real problem - it relates to what is on the market now.
i know a bunch of you have done lots of public speaking, lectures etc.
this is not my strong point.
i really am interested in your little nuggets of wisdom here; what do you do to reign in a bunch of unruly students and make 'em enthralled???
So glad to hear that it went well.
Wouldn't tell you before your talk, but during the first talk I gave at a conference the bulb in the overhead projector (remember them??) exploded. Loudly.
Near crapped myself, but survived....
It does get easier as you do more though.
jehovah's witnesses/jehovah's witnessism?
How about "Spiritual Fast Food" as it is:
1) Generally unsatisfying
2) Not particularly good for you
3) the product of a multinational publishing company
now guess when.. .
ok, the who is easy.
the when is not nailed down just yet.
So many high wishes to you both!!!
And as much happiness as you can take....
i saw this the other day.
the washington post apparently has a yearly contest where readers are asked to supply alternate meanings for various words -- and the winners were .
1. coffee (n.), a person who is coughed upon.
A local radio station has a competition each week (called the Dag's Dictionary) inviting all to devise a new word for a particular circumstance.
Check out some of the words created so far.
Airfauxbics (ayr’ fo biks) noun. Any sequence of stretching exercises designed to cover the fact that the person at whom you just waved turned out to be a complete stranger.
Famnesia (fam nee’ zee ah) noun. The tendency to mix up the names of family members, calling the boy by the girl’s name, the father by the mother ’s, and the baby girl by the dog’s.
Grating (gray’ ting) noun. The tight, grim smile given to someone you pass for the fourth time in ten minutes in the office corridor, the first three meetings having already exhausted the ‘Good morning’, ‘Working hard!’, and the hilarious ‘We must stop meeting like this.’
Guylingual (guy’ lin gwal) adj. Descriptive of an Australian woman who can take part in a conversation about cars, football and chundering.
Hobarter (ho’ baa tah) verb. To fantasise about how much money you’d make if you swapped you overpriced house in Sydney or Melbourne or Brisbane for one of the cheap ones in Hobart, as pictured each weekend in the colour magazines.
Hope couture (howp ku toor) noun. The item of clothing you keep around for years in the hope that you might fit back into it some day.
I-Jacking (eye’ ja king). Noun. The practice of following a conversation in order to spot the moment when you can jump in and make it all about yourself.
Lollycoddle(loh lee’ cod uhl) verb. During a long drive, to mollify children in the back seat of a car by throwing them regular supplies of junk food.
Messpionage (mess’ pee on arj) noun. The examination of a young man’s apartment by a new girlfriend in search of clues as to his character.
Queuecumbered (kew’ kum burd) adj. To be trapped in a queue which slowed down the instant you joined it.
Testiculation (tes tik’ yu’ lay’ shun) noun. The male habit of giving one’ s testicles a quick squeeze or prod at three-minute intervals throughout the working day, just to check they haven’t suddenly disappeared, or been pecked off by wild birds.
Wedgetarian (wedj a’ tayr’ ee an) n. A child whose diet consists solely of potato wedges, with occasional side-serves of chips.
Extracted from The Dag’s Dictionary (ABC Books)