Half the day, lmao well THAT would explain why I can never get hold of you Crumps you wanton hussy :-)
ps when do you wanna wacth Cloverfield? Let me know
do you tend to multi-task or hone in one job, giving it your full concentration until its finished?.
would you say your ability/inability to multi-task is an attribute or a curse?.
the reason i ask is that i seem to have a very short attention span.
Half the day, lmao well THAT would explain why I can never get hold of you Crumps you wanton hussy :-)
ps when do you wanna wacth Cloverfield? Let me know
do you tend to multi-task or hone in one job, giving it your full concentration until its finished?.
would you say your ability/inability to multi-task is an attribute or a curse?.
the reason i ask is that i seem to have a very short attention span.
i know
do you tend to multi-task or hone in one job, giving it your full concentration until its finished?.
would you say your ability/inability to multi-task is an attribute or a curse?.
the reason i ask is that i seem to have a very short attention span.
awfully defensive there sugar :-)
every time we enter a new year, i think about how i wasn't supposed to make it this long.
i really believed we wouldn't live past the year 2000, and armageddon would change everything.
it almost strikes me as living on borrowed time, but then i remember that armageddon is a story, not a reality.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and suggest that it will not be here come 2009 either
do you tend to multi-task or hone in one job, giving it your full concentration until its finished?.
would you say your ability/inability to multi-task is an attribute or a curse?.
the reason i ask is that i seem to have a very short attention span.
Apparantly women are "wired" to multi task better than men
Although I would argue that it is because men gets things right the first time ;-)
i was told not to even look at them when i studied, but i did not buy the satan stuff about them and said well what have the watchtower got to worry about if they have the truth and no skeletons in the closet ?
i was quite tempted to speak to them and felt rude and judgemental , what did you used to think about them when you were dubs in the trufff ?
I always thought they were a little pointlessto be honest, they looked like the Witnesses THOUGHT they would look like which basically reinforced their belief in Satan et al. Apostates would have been much better just dressing in civvies sitting next to single JW's and occasionally whispering "seriously can you believe this haha" "do you REALLTY believe that???" etc
raymond franz was a member of the governing body of jehovah's witnesses from 1971 until may 22, 1980, and served at the organization's world headquarters for fifteen years, from 1965 until 1980. franz wrote and edited two detailed books which relate his personal experiences with the watch tower bible and tract society and fellow members of the jehovah's witness organization.. .
after reading ray franz's books,i held him and his fellow members responsible for all the false teachings.
i also wasn't forgiving any of them even if they found out that it wasn't the ''truth'' and left the organization.now i changed my mind.
Aren't we all responsible for the success of the Watchtower Society?
No! Look at it in terms of converts v people you have helped get out (including yourself)
How many people did you convert?
How many people have left since you started posting online etc?
I would think you would find that you have contributed more to people leaving than people coming in, giving any "credit" to yourself for the "monster" that is the WTBTS just minimises to a degree to culpubility of the real conmen
certainly, in these end times, we may encounter individuals who do not heed the counsel found at 1st wlg, 3:13. yes, that is correct, as apalling as it sounds...they do the unthinkable.
they drunk post.. many of us have been tempted, nay, stumbled into the sin of drunk posting.
but there are those among us who have traveled the dark path, and from them we learn what not to do.
whash the prblum you me,rons
i'm sorry if i'm totally wrong here but i have a serious problem.. i met a woman in the company i work in via intranet.
it is a very big company with offices all over the world.
she moved to the united kingdom just a few month before we met.
Oh and another point, IF you manage to convince her to before you pop down the aisle be warned that she will STILL want marriage before sex and also she will possibly be in need of therapy, there is a chance she may completely rebel from her programing and turn into a person you no longer recognise, drinking a lot, discovering sexuality for a newly exited exdub is often an amazing experience, drugs can posibly become involved etc etc
Getting her out does not neccessarily lead to a rosy life, the person she evolves into might not be the person you want anymore
i'm sorry if i'm totally wrong here but i have a serious problem.. i met a woman in the company i work in via intranet.
it is a very big company with offices all over the world.
she moved to the united kingdom just a few month before we met.
A few points
1) As a jw this girl will be rather emotionally stunted and likely not had any real experience of long term relationships
2) If she is past 24 she will be feeling "left on the shelf". JW's tend to confuse their feelings out of desperation (no offense intended), remember how you felt as a teenager and the amazingly strong feelings you had whenever you met a girl, this is how a jw feels when they meet someone at almost any age
3) If she is past 24 and still not left the org, it would be tough to prise her away,
4) Joining a religion to please someone is not a path to a healthy reltionship and marriage, it will end in tears as you try and pull her away and she tries to pull you in, you will also "black mark" her and she may become resentful...especially if things are not going her way
It is hard to be rational when you have strong feelings but trust me, being a JW is completely different to converting to say ....a catholic