Every time we enter a new year, I think about how I wasn't supposed to make it this long. I REALLY believed we wouldn't live past the year 2000, and Armageddon would change everything. It almost strikes me as living on borrowed time, but then I remember that Armageddon is a story, not a reality. But here we are in 2008, still alive, and still living in this so-called wicked system of things.
Anybody else get any weird feelings or thoughts when we enter a new year?
Wow, the year is 2008, and still no Armageddon!
by Nosferatu 140 Replies latest jw friends
No, I'm just feeling a little older each year.
Actually, they will probably someday begin to teach that Armageddon has already happened invisibly, and that we are in a spiritual "new order". They made the so-called events of 1914 invisible, why not make Armageddon invisible too?
I was convinced that things were so bad that I would never graduate high school.
I graduated in 1969. You're surprised?
If like me and was raised in the troof,never thought we'd see 2008 , still expect more B/S and lies over the years from the GB , blaming the rank and file that we played too much emphasis in it (like Fred Franz did over 1975)and look out for the W/D bringing out articles on the fact that Armageddon is purely symbolic!
Alex Delta
2012, that’s when it’s going to happen, the Mayan calendar, Nostradamus, and Einstein says it. Not that I believe in this, but if it’s anytime for it to happen, 2012 is it.
Any XJW who lived through 1975,is extremely jaded about any talk of Armageddon............
I'm going to go out on a limb here and suggest that it will not be here come 2009 either
So I was wondering just what is so wicked about our system?
Pedophiles, disfellowshipping, lying, corruption. Maybe it's an armageddon towards the Watchtower? People in glass houses I suppose.
I graduated highschool in 1975 and now I am 50. I lived through the hype where your spirituality was judged based upon your trust in 1975.
And now here I am. Most of the elders from that timeperiod have died of old age. Those that remain are either out of the organization or are in a state of denial.
mind my own
Yes, I remember my Dad telling me not to worry too much about my grades b/c the new system would be here before I even gratuated from high school. I was going to drop out of high school and pioneer til the end came. OMG how silly does this sound now?? Anyways, I didn't drop out and I graduated from high school 15 years ago. Still not here...