Do you mean like the creationist museum they have in the states?
If so .......hell no
Do I have the wrong train of thought here?
Do you mean like the creationist museum they have in the states?
If so .......hell no
Do I have the wrong train of thought here?
here are some questions evolution never bring up or will evade questioning.
these are serious questions that kill all the silly beliefs about how the earth or universe got here..and here is why.
think about this for a second we would not be here if nothing for all existence did not exist.
I use the term bible basher to mean someone who bashes the bible on you, not someone who disagrees with the bible lol
here are some questions evolution never bring up or will evade questioning.
these are serious questions that kill all the silly beliefs about how the earth or universe got here..and here is why.
think about this for a second we would not be here if nothing for all existence did not exist.
Erm Tyrone
You may want to read my posts on this thread. If you do so you will see that I am clearly NOT a christian or religious at all for that matter lol. I assume your post was supposed to be directed to someone else haha
here are some questions evolution never bring up or will evade questioning.
these are serious questions that kill all the silly beliefs about how the earth or universe got here..and here is why.
think about this for a second we would not be here if nothing for all existence did not exist.
Sheesh bible bashing idiots annoy me. There arguments tend to revolve round "Can science explain * insert some unanswered question* " thus totally missing the point. The purpose is to discover the truth whether that truth is beneficial to your personal bias or not. The irony of course is they then tend to preach to you about "their" god, not a generic god mind you, a SPECIFIC God who did in their minds very specific actions. Of course this specific god cannot be proved, in fact not one piece of evience is presented other than "look at the universe! how could that wonder come into being with my specific god " as their eyes glaze over with the effort of using their brain for a moment.
Even better are the bible bashers who cut and paste from a creationist website scientifically incorrect information which they do not actually understand themselves. Then proceed to be torn apart from people who have made some effort to educate themselves, this is still of course a fruitless exercise as the bible basher cannot understand what you are trying to tell them and results in your brain wanting to get away from this brick wall banging fun
here are some questions evolution never bring up or will evade questioning.
these are serious questions that kill all the silly beliefs about how the earth or universe got here..and here is why.
think about this for a second we would not be here if nothing for all existence did not exist.
Yet another uneducated bible bashing idiot who gets a kick from trying to convince others of his foolhardy beliefs.
Why these people even bother leaving the WTBTS is beyond me, they haved learned nothing. Trying to reason with them is next to impossible as they do not have either the intelligence or willingness to learn basic scientific truths.
so are there really co's and elders who are undercover appostates??
I am a high ranking elder and you all in a lot of trouble!!!
if 1000 years is as one day someone did the math of the 1000 years = one day equation (2 peter 3:8).. .
this is interesting: since a thousand years are in the eyes of jehovah as one day, we can look at history from jehovah's point of view like this:.
adam was created six days ago and jehovah made immediate plans to restore what he had lost for his offspring.. .
Good lord man have you learned nothing???
Numbers can be played around with to attain any result you want, any system which uses different interpretations of calculations ie 1000 years = 1 day but also 1010 years = 1 day and also 7 1/2 times which equates to blah blah blah is prone to lead you down the garden path. Why don't you utilise your time (and trust me contrary to what the WTBTS says you only get a little of it before you die) to actually LIVE your life
i am new here and i have been reading a lot of stuff on this board.
my parent's are both jws, i am still active and still believe i have the truth.
i consider myself a moral person.
I still say that there seems to be a lot of hate towards this religion, and yeah, I don't get it.
This religion is different to other religions. It is very restrictive, leaving the religion impacts you if you have family or friends still in it, you are effectively punished for not being able to believe. Some posters on this site have lost basically their entire family. Some posters hve suffered abuse domestic or sexual which has been "shoved under the carpet" due to the ridiculous two witness ruling. I don't think anyone could truly say they hate JW's as such. When jw's leave and the weekly cycle of meetings, field service, studying is left behind their eyes are opened to ..........erm how do I say this politely ...........inconsistancies, quite often a pattern can follow where the person menatlly beats themslves up as they believe they a) were gullible and b) have been conned and deceived. This can obviously lead to distress and resentment towards the cause which is the wtbts. Seeing a new poster pop up who is still a witness but having issues can lead to some posters remembering those feeling and also going into overdrive in convincing the new poster that they have done the right thing coming here and "what they absolutely NEED to know" lol
i didn't know there was a place like this!
i just moved out from my parent's house.
Cool name by the way, take your time on this board and remember that a lot of people on here have very negative views on the wtbts and can express these views or memories in quite a ...................angry fashion :-). Don't take it personally, the anger is directed at the wtbts not you specifically.
Have fun
Have you left recently or are you still in?