Londo, I love your articles, they're always spot on and so insightful. I also really, really enjoyed your videos on 1914 / 607 / last days.
Just thought you should know that.
there is a common saying that “the crime should fit the punishment”.
a minor violation should receive a minor correction; a major violation receives a major punishment.
take the example of a kid who accidently spills soda on the carpet.
Londo, I love your articles, they're always spot on and so insightful. I also really, really enjoyed your videos on 1914 / 607 / last days.
Just thought you should know that.
attended by larry graham reportedly.
no big jw event thankfully .
hi all.. so i got a txt today from a very proud mum claiming that, the jw cart produced 300 book and magazine placements.
mostly from foreign speakers.. the shard is the tallest building in the uk.
this is where the cart was placed.. not a bad day they had really.
so an old friend of mine from the congregation hit me up today.
the story goes like this when we were jw's:.
- this guy used to be madly in love with me but i didn't see him as anything more than a friend.
Say "Holy crap, are you still in that cult? Good God man, there's this thing called the internet, look into it!"
i'm watching the jw movie the prodigal son returns.. it is a masterpiece of indoctination and what i would call a "cult" classic.. it's about two brothers who work for their father's construction firm.
the older one is the most spiritual and the younger one isn't.
he befriends al, a weak brother, who persuades him to take a job in the city and move there.. it shows the "world" in the worst possible light.
i propose that we make pintrest accounts and start openly challenging this crap.. .
seriously.... any suggestions?
this crap cannot be left unchallenged.
i was raised as a witness and am very thankful that i am out.
having said that, i think my upbringing produced positive qualities in me.
do you believe that anything positive came from your being a witness?
I feel like this question is the equivalent of being kidnapped and reasoning, "well, all of those months spent chained in that basement did teach me to be OK with being all alone."
Or saying "well, my captor did give me water to drink and food to eat, so that was nice, right?"
The organization gets no credit whatsoever for any positives that might have coincidentally resulted from their abusive, narcissistic environment.
Any positives one can derive came, not from the organization, but from our fellow captives. Sadly, many of the negatives come from the Stockholm syndrome mentalities of our fellow captives as well.
have you heard that old chestnut?
i have.. typically it's the last resort when you have dismantled a jws beliefs and they have no way of defending them.
they know they are beat so they come out with that one.. its effectively an admission that you are right and they have no argument but they are still going to attend meetings because they like the social club.. what a lame way to defend your faith..
a while back, a local witness lost their home in a fire.
an announcement was made at the meeting that if anybody wanted to contribute, they could do so through their service group overseer.
my guess is that this arrangement is meant to bring tears of joy to the eyes of the impoverished one, and thankfulness to "jehovah's organization.
They did this for a coworker once. They were having some kind of financial trouble. An announcement was made from the platform, and by the end of the program, he was handed over $2000 in cash.
Of course, by "they", I mean a local church group, not a congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses.
See, Jehovah surely is blessing the Jesus Christ Church or whatever their little group calls themselves...
part 1 - protein functional redundancy.... part 2 - dna functional redundancy.... imagine you are teacher with suspicions that some of your pupils have been copying from each other.
comparing the correct answers in all of their assignments might not provide conclusive evidence.
they could simply claim they had all carefully revised the same textbooks so it shouldn't be surprising that they all gave the same answers.
I'm really enjoying these posts Cofty.
ERVs are irrefutable evidence of evolution.