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went to put another bid in, before bed, clicked on the link, and it is gone
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an interesting unanswered question raised by inkling in my thread on creation and god, which i'd like to devote a separate thread to: i would love to hear from some of the resident fundamentalists on this one.... why did got create a achingly beautiful, but ultimately cruel and twisted universe?.
http://www.godandscience.org/apologetics/designun.html -------------http://www.christian-thinktank.com/pred2.html ------------- You'll find more than enough to support a biblical worldview on these two websites. Be sure to use the various search features.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page www.google.com You'll find more than enough to support a scientific worldview on these two websites. Be sure to use the various search features.
hey guys.
there is an email making the jw (and other christians) rounds right now that is basically a copy of this article.
that claims that artifacts found in the red sea prove that egypt's army was wiped out when moses and friends crossed.. is this true, or a hoax?.
What kind of chariot? Egyptian, Assyrian, Israelite? War, or everyday use?
What time period is it from? 18th dynasty, 5th dynasty, modern replica?
Where was it found? Was it anywhere near where the Israelites supposedly crossed?
How much was found? Enough to indicate the destruction of an ENTIRE army? Or just enough for maybe a traveling merchant?
What kind of stuff was found with it? Weapons and armor? Or tools and trinkets?
Are the pictures even real? They could be doctored or taken from a completely different area... 'Lying for Jesus' is not new.
not to diss anyones beliefs, i thought this was humorous.. .
absurdity in the bible .
if any man be ignorant, let him be ignorant.--1 cor.14:38 .
First thing , not everybody can understand the Bible and if you have doubts about the verses of the Bible simply admit in your heart you don't understand but there might be some people already in the world who understand them.Why the heck would any rational person do that?
IF you apply that same principle to Grimms fairy tales the effect is exactly the same.
There are three major problems here:The book of Genesis 1 should not be understood the way most people do ! They make a horrible mistake not knowing it is a description of the vision God Yahweh gave to Moses in 7 days from 40 days Moses spent on the Mount Sinai.
1: Who says Moses wrote Genesis?
2: Who says this is a description of a vision? It's written in the style of a documentation of events as they happened.
3: Why is Yahweh to stupid to realize that his book makes absolutely no sense from a scientific perspective?
So which is it? Was the vision itself 6 literal days long, or where the 6 days figurative for "Huge amounts of years"?The days given in Genesis 1 are the days from Moses' time when he lived and stayed on the Mount Sinai ! God Yahweh did not create the universe in literal 6 days ! The vision of creation lasted 6 days !
6 days x 7000 years as one day with God x 360 days in a prophetic year x 1000 years for each prophetic year = over 15 billion years !
And where are you pulling the 7000 years from? Also, if a day to god is 7000 years why are you multiplying it by an additional 360? And if a day to god is 7000 x 360 years then why are you multiplying it by an additional 1000?
So in short, when god says "1 day" he actually means "2,520,000,000 years"... Does this apply to the rest of the Bible as well? Or just this ONE scenario?
Lastly, if god is "ALL POWERFUL" then why did it take him so darned long to build the universe?
This is what happens when you attempt to forcefit modern science into a 2000 year old book of myths.
Who are you to criticize the Bible ?! You may not have understood the Bible completely what does it say
And who are you to criticize The Odyssey? You may not have understood the Odyssey completely, and what it does say.
something i cant comprehend is when religous types justify terrible things as part of "gods plan".
how does this make sense to anyone?im just interested in others viewpoints.
So why prosecute criminals? If a guy kills thirty innocent children with a machine gun. That was part of gods plan. So the murderer doesn't bear the blame, he couldn't help it, god made him do it, the murderer was working directly FOR god, to fulfill his plan.
And why pray? God has a plan, and he's stickin to it, whether you pray or not. To quote George Carlin: "It's a divine plan. What's the use of being god if every run-down schmuck with a two dollar prayer book can come along and muck up your plan?"
Why take safety precautions? If god didn't plan for you to die yet, then you're invincible, and if he did, then no amount of safety steps will save you.
"real one" is a christian on this site and gets involved in many debates with athiests.
on my thread "jesus was just a man" he said:"non-beleivers will see jesus one day and you will not be happy.
" on my trinity thread:".....oh his {gods} existence is established.
It's like when a mugger claims to have a gun and says: "Give me all your money, or I'll shoot!"
You can see his 'gun' is in fact a short piece of pvc pipe. So you call him on it.
His reply: "Give me all your money, or I'll shoot!"... what else can he say? You called his bluff!
So in both situations, talking to theists or getting mugged, when the conversation digresses to him repeating idle threats... the best thing to do is just walk away laughing.
i have lamented for a long while about the lack of customer care in our area.
fast food restaurants have taken the fast food out it while the price keeps moving up.
service stations no longer exist - replaced by self fuel bays in front of a so called 'convenience store' - and typically manned by a grumpy cashier.
Personally, I prefer places like Sheets or Starbucks, where I can just deal with a nice little robot/touchscreen.
They never glare at me, I love computers, they always get my order right, they don't get impatient if I take a while to decide, they don't feel the need to ask me if I'm related to her uncle's wife and most of them say please and thank you... Even if it's a requirement and not something you would generally be expected to say 'please' about...
Human: "Get away from there you moron! You wanna get zapped?!"
Me: "I wasn't gonna touch it! Get off my back!"
Computer: "Please do not touch that wire or you may be paralyzed for life or die. Thank you."
Me: "No no, thank you!"
Human: "Would you hurry up and order, I haven't got all day."
Me: "Just wait till I'm done peon, it's not like you have anything better to do"
Computer: "This unit will restart after 30 seconds of inactivity, to continue ordering please press the:"Continue Ordering" button."
Me: *push* "Now let me see the soup selections again..."
Human, in broken english: "Wer outta fries, but here's yer hum sub."
Me, enunciating: "Did you say 'ham'? No, I ordered an Italian sub with no MAYO and extra TOMATO."
Computer: Doesn't say anything because it included a little "Sorry we're out" sign next to the fries button thus preventing me from ordering it in the first place, and it always gets the order right, and prompts me for my language before I even start.
Me: "Mmm, good sub."
Now if they could just replace the ditzy, underdressed, zit infested waitress with a shiny, sterilized android I'd problaby eat there every day.
Lore - W.W.S.D?
being raised a witness, throughout my life i've always switched off when i heard an argument for evolution.
so i know almost nothing about the subject, except what i was taught in the "evolution vs creation" book, and i'm guessing that wasn't entirely impartial.
i think of the arguments put forth by witnesses about the amazing design in nature, thereby proving a creator.
So I know almost nothing about the subject, except what I was taught in the "Evolution vs Creation" book, and I'm guessing that wasn't entirely impartial. ;-)
What can you tell me that could convince me there is truth in evolution?
I think you should postpone looking for evidence until you comprehend the basic idea... and you can pretty much throw everything the creation book said out the window.
http://richarddawkins.net/growingupintheuniverse (You can download them for free if you have high speed internet.)
This is a great video series about the basics of evolutionary theory. It's designed for kids, but like you I didn't know jack about evolution when I was a witness either, so it was right on my level...
IT doesn't really talk much about evidence for evolution, it just describes the process. But that's okay, you can worry about evidence after you understand the theory. In fact, once you understand the theory you'll probably notice evidence every single day without needing anyone to point you to it.
You'll probably notice little things every day that support evolution, like the human tailbone, or goosebumps... And then you'll wonder why you never noticed it before.
.condemned him to be crucified, those who had .
finally, the claim that on the third day jesus appeared to his disciples restored to life, inasmuch as it affirms jesus' resurrection, is quite unlikely to come from a non-christian!.
we read that he was a wise man who performed surprising feats.
The bible is historically accurate, like someone already pointed out. It contains the names of real people and places. And it also contains real dates.
The same is true of Pirates of the carribean.
In 2000 years if archeologists from the future dig up remains of the east india trading company, maybe some weird religion will use it as evidence that the Pirates of the carribean trilogy is a documentation of actual events.
Then they'll find out that it is a well known fact that piracy was a large problem in the carribean. Will this then lend credence to the story of the curse of the medallions?
They will also find that stories of Davy Jones, Calypso, and the Flying Dutchman go back thousands of years, with hundreds of claims of eyewitness testimony of their existance and magical abilities.
They would also find that Port Royal, and Tortuga are REAL places. And that the movie refferences a lot of other real people, like the Aztecs and Cortez.
In fact I believe there is even a map of the spanish main in the 2nd movie, which archeologists in the future could use to find other real places.
This does NOT prove that there was a curse on a bunch of gold that turned people into zombies who then went on a rampage to break the curse. It just proves that the writers decided to base their fiction on real things.
Likewise the existance of real places and people in the gospels does not in any way indicate that there was a zombie god who was born of a virgin, performed miracles and defied various laws of physics. It simply means that the writers decided to base their fiction on real things.
Lore - W.W.S.D?
my questions to you that believe the bible are this .
ok, so you come on this site and attack the jws, why cant you see that you are the same as the jws when you defend the bible?
after all, arent you defending the already dis proven faith that you believe?
Great peace leaders such as Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King, Ghandi, and the Dali Llama ( 2 Christian, 2 not) have all said that if everyone lived by the principles of Jesus Christ - the world would be a better more peaceful place.
I agree completely. (Well mostly anyway, as long as everyone was intelligent enough to ingore his more asinine teachings. Which they generally do.)
But this is also true of Buddha, Joseph Smith, Odin, Yoda, Me, and Satan.
It's downright simple to come up with a philosophy that is beneficial if EVERYONE follows it. The real trick is for it to be beneficial even if you are the ONLY one following it.
In that respect, I think Buddha pwns Jesus. In fact a lot of Jesus teachings are taken from Buddhism.
Even Jesus' famous "Golden Rule" is just another average variant of the Ethic of Reciprocity that had already been around for thousands of years in almost every culture.
But I fail to see how anything any of the above people said is any indication of superhuman wisdom. It's not Godly Wisdom, it's just plain old Wisdom.