Welcome and do what's in YOUR best interest! It's your life, not the JW Organization's life...you must claim it and be glad you OPENED YOUR EYES AND REALIZED HOW RIDICULOUS MUCH OF WHAT YOU WENT THROUGH WAS, (nonsense) as you refered to it. Slowly but surely you will heal and things will get better in your mind. The most difficult part has already past...realizing the "lies" within the TROOF!
JoinedPosts by LaCatolica
by EyesOpened inmy parents became jw's in 1972 - i was 6 yrs old.
i followed their lead, baptized at 15, regular pioneer at 19, ms at 21, elder at 27. have given district and circuit talks, tms overseer yada, yada, yada... .
last september i stopped and haven't looked back.
Los testigos de Jehová una amenaza al marco social familiar
by nandokano inhola amigos,.
se a traducido un articulo del ingles al espanol.
el articulo es de victor escalante .
Gracias...por la información. Lo voy a leer!
Thanks for the information...I will read it!
by jaredg inwelcome kimberb.....it was so great to rediscover you!
Hey KimberB....
Welcome to the forum...it's great to have you join us! Stick around you'll have a blast and learn some things while you're at it...meet cool people, too!
Please don't take offence at this ...
by Joe Grundy ini'm not a jw, never have been, and in no danger of becoming one.. having read several of the wt mags and publications (and many more extracts on this and other sites) they come across to me as being very patronising in tone and full of pseudo-scholarship, misquoted (or unnamed) sources, references taken out of context, mis-translations, etc.
i'm aware of jw 'teaching' on the subject of higher education for its members (i.e.
not a good or necessary thing) so i can understand why many jws raised in it may not challenge the publications.
Here's my experience with this....I'm not JW, but my husband and his family are:
Check this out, to this day, my mother-in-law has NEVER offered a "bible study" nor "explanation" as to what the JWs are about. I guess I intimidated her because I have a MA in Education and BA in Communications, seeking a PhD...I've had conversations with her where I tell her things I learned in college and she becomes wide-eyed with amazement. She guess she's smart enough to know that I probably won't buy any of the crap they teach or publish on those mags. Nobody in her family has a college education...it's a shame, but they chose to live that way.
And yes, I find the WT publications a bit elementary in their wording and the way they illustrate things. It's like a picture book that a bunch of second graders would really get into. They do tend to target those with low levels of education that can be easily manipulated...it's their target audience!
Studying with JWs
by I-follow-the-narrow-path ini have just started studying with jws, (on a regular basis) about a month ago, and i really enjoy it.
- i am wondering what will happen in the next couple of months, knowing i will continue going to the kingdom hall and studying.
will i go door to door sometime?
Yes, I agree...the name of this forum/site is a bit misleading...it should be X-Jehovahs-Witnesses.com or something. Oh well...I guess those that do come in with the wrong idea eventually find out it's not what they thought it was.
Personally, I think it's actually a good source of information for those that are studying with the JWs. I've learned so much about them here which is the reason I joined....to learn! Everyone here has been great...thanks!
Were any of you ever...
by LaCatolica in...teased, harrassed, tormented in school because you were jw and couldn't participate in what other students participated in?
how old were you when it began to happen?
how did you feel and how did you react to it?
...teased, harrassed, tormented in school because you were JW and couldn't participate in what other students participated in? How old were you when it began to happen? How did you feel and how did you react to it? Did you ask why you couldn't do certain things?
Example: My sister-in-law would rather her daughter miss a school day than to have her watch others celebrate or participate in activities, ie. Christmas, Valentine's Day, Easter, etc. She has deliberately kept her at home just because there would be celebrations at school that she was forbidden to participate in. I bet that even this week since Mother's Day is Sunday, she'll stay at home tomorrow b/c students make cards and crafts to give their moms on Mother's Day....how sad! Did you guys get to stay home in order to avoid these things too?
High School Graduation
by Jim_TX inokay - since larry isn't gonna ask it... i will.. did you attend your high school graduation?
cap & gown stuff - the whole nine yards?.
it wasn't even a consideration, either.. heck... i wasn't allowed to go to senior 'honors' night - where i was elected to receive some sort of recognition.
My JW husband did not get to graduate with his class because his parents moved and he ended up doing his senior year at a different school. There, he didn't know anyone, his grades went down, and he became discouraged. He blames his parents for his failure and for not waiting another year before the move. He regrets not graduating with his class and all that jazz.
The Story of Adam & Eve
by LaCatolica ini learned that the story of adam and eve was exactly that, 'a story'.
i remember learning that in my religion class in high school.
i learned that the old testament was filled with tales and that none should be taken literally because these were stories of oral tradition.
I learned that the story of Adam and Eve was exactly that, 'a story'. I remember learning that in my religion class in High School. I learned that the Old Testament was filled with tales and that none should be taken literally because these were stories of oral tradition. Now, I personally don't think Adam and Eve really existed. Their whole story in the book of Genesis, "fall of man"...has way too many inconsistancies that just don't convince me. Many people believe this is true and of course, JWs will give you a whole dissertation on why this story 'really happened'.
Adam and Eve are two fictional characters put in the Bible by its writers "inspired by God" to teach us a moral lesson.
What do you all think?
What are your reasons for not joining another religion?
by MARTINLEYSHON ini am going to start this debate of by saying that those of us who were raised in the so called truth, and i being one of them, can only come to terms with our past by accepting that our parents infected our minds like a virus infects a computer.
we wouldn't categorise children according to their parents' political stance, since they are too young to make up their minds about such matters.
but they (jw) segregate them from the world.
HAHAHA...All this talk about "no faith", "no religion", reminds me of the R.E.M song, "Losing My Religion"...see if you remember it and feel free to sing along:
Life is bigger
It’s bigger than you
And you are not me
The lengths that I will go to
The distance in your eyes
Oh no I’ve said too much
I set it upThat’s me in the corner
That’s me in the spotlight
Losing my religion
Trying to keep up with you
And I don’t know if I can do it
Oh no I’ve said too much
I haven’t said enough
I thought that I heard you laughing
I thought that I heard you sing
I think I thought I saw you tryEvery whisper
Of every waking hour I’m
Choosing my confessions
Trying to keep an eye on you
Like a hurt lost and blinded fool
Oh no I’ve said too much
I set it upConsider this
The hint of the century
Consider this
The slip that brought me
To my knees failed
What if all these fantasies
Come flailing around
Now I’ve said too much
I thought that I heard you laughing
I thought that I heard you sing
I think I thought I saw you tryBut that was just a dream
That was just a dreamI'm Catholic, born/raised. I never felt pressure or demand from being Catholic or even the notion of being watched or critized for doing what I want to do. My family is very liberal in that sense. Religion is not the center of our lives, it's just not viewed that way. We don't spend endless ours "studying" the Bible or in constant conversation about God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, confession, 7 sacraments, going to church, etc. We know it's important, but it's not to the point where our lives revolve around it. My sibs and I were never forced to go to mass each Sunday, we went because we wanted to. I can see how a JW can become "religionless, faithless, etc." it is just too much of an overload if while growing up you're "forced" to practically memorize the Bible, watch yourself, act right, field service, meetings, and be "perfect"...OMG, you poor folks, I can see how all this pressure can be too much to bare and eventually YOU EXPLODE (especially young people)...So, I understand the way you feel...I went to Catholic schools my whole life, but trust me, I never felt that way. It NEVER got to that point. I go to mass when I want to and if I don't, I know I won't be getting a phone call or given any weird looks by the priest or other members of the church. It just doesn't happen in my life. Therefore, I guess to each his/her own. I like my faith, I do believe in God/Jesus, but I also know that there is more to life than to follow an organized religion to make others happy! God is everywhere and not in any building or book.
Judgement Day
by LaCatolica in*it is believed that everyone will get judged on judgement day...not as a group, but individually.
why are jws so freakin' concerned with what any one person does with their lives?
why do they care if one of its members "smells the coffee" and thinks for themselves?
Thanks, lovelil...you're a great source of information...I appreciate you!
My mother-in-law was talking to me about how her son stopped serving Jehovah and being a witness. She told me that it was hard for her. My husband tells me that at first, she made his life a living hell by trying to make him out to be this monster and even forbidding him to touch his niece "because he might molest her"...what a rotten accusation to your own son! Anyway, he told me of how much he suffered when his mother shut him out of her life b/c he "loves her so much". Well, I guess that as time went on she began to accept the fact that her son will not go back to being a witness. She then realized that "when judgement day came along, he will be judged by himself based on his actions and that she won't be there to save him or help him" LOL. To which I responded, "then why are you so concerned, just let him be"...she agreed. Then she expressed to me how she raised him "right" and how he would be a much better husband if he were still a JW. LOL...I told her that he is a great husband no matter what. Then I thought, 'if he were still a JW, I WOULDN'T BE HIS WIFE' The whole Catholic/JW marriage would have NEVER happened.
Ahh, the more I talk to that lady the more I feel sorry for her. I'm glad she has gotten better and has stopped thinking the way she did...I think having me in the family has helped her out considerably.