*It is believed that everyone will get judged on Judgement Day...not as a group, but individually.
Why are JWs so freakin' concerned with what any one person does with their lives? Why do they care if one of its members "smells the coffee" and thinks for themselves? Or, God forbid, does something "worldly"? Why don't they just let everyone make their choices and go their own path?
Even if the person leads a "squeeky clean" life on the outside; witnesses, attends meetings, field service, etc...but in their hearts is a ROTTEN PERSON WHO WISHES HORRIBLE THINGS ON PEOPLE...then he/she will get judged based on that. Right?
So, the shunning, disfellowshipping, et. al...are just ridiculous! We were all given free will, you should do what you will with your life, good or bad. God is the only judge, not a group of elders! Why try to make everyone fit into a cookie cutter persona, if it is not what is right in their hearts?
Gosh, I hope I'm making sense! What do you all think?