I always thought asking for an "extra portion" of holy spirit was funny. Sounds like they want seconds on mashed potatoes.
choosing life
JoinedPosts by choosing life
Praying for holy spirit
by JWinprotest insince i'm in a complaining mood, i'll just throw one more in there.. one of the brothers praying at my circuit assembly said, "jehovah may your holy spirit continue to operate on the faithful and discreet slave.".
i thought, what a stupid thing to pray for.
if these guys are already ordained by god, why would we have to pray to god to ask him to continue supplying them with holy spirit, by their standard these guys should never lose it.. alright, that's it for today.. .
Wouldn't the death of three suffice?
by AK - Jeff inwhy would a so-called 'loving' god put mankind through millenia of time, untold suffering, death to billions of mankind, all over the sin of a naked lady eating an apple without permission?.
how could his need to 'fulfill justice' or whatever theological argument is presented to justify such time to pass before correction - ever equal the pain it has forced mankind to endure?.
why did he not just kill one man, one woman, and one snake-imitating fallen angel - wipe the slate - and start fresh?
choosing life
It's been 2000 years since that sacrifice was given. I don't think Jesus ever promised that suffering would end on earth. He said we would have the poor with us always. The only promise he made was to bring his followers to where he was when they died.
I am not convinced that mankind was ever meant to live forever on this earth. Physical bodies can't last forever unless you break all the natural laws.
2009 Annual Worldwide Service Report -- 7.3 Million Publishers
by Joker10 inchina: the number of publishers has increased.
in some parts of the mainland, they can openly go door to door without much interference.
there are actally buildings now used as kingdom halls.
choosing life
Too bad the society didn't have the same concern for molested children or those that were forced to die because of a lack of a blood transfusion. Where were they when the women were being raped and murdered in Malawi over a silly card?
I guess those people were expendable.
It's WT leaders, not elders, who are responsible for all the harm. My Geneva, Switz. lecture posted here for new ones & Sola Scriptura to read
by AndersonsInfo inkeep it secret has been wts child abuse policy for years.
he said the policy that jehovah's witnesses have on how to handle cases of child abuse is without equal in the religious community.
why keep these forms secret?.
choosing life
Bookmarking. Thanks, Barbara.
The "Other Sheep"
by sd-7 inthis is a thought i'd pondered before, and i accidentally discovered it while going over the daily text with my wife--i wasn't paying attention at all to the "disobedience is common in satan's world, everybody but jws is mentally diseased, etc., etc.
", so...that's how i found it.. john 10:16: "and i have other sheep, which are not of this fold; those also i must bring...and they will become one flock, one shepherd.
" we can add significantly that jesus said he was only sent to "the lost sheep of the house of israel".
choosing life
It's all about controlling the sheep. They want to be special and in control. Jesus was obviously talking about the gentiles and it really is insulting, kinda like being second class citizens.
by poopsiecakes inthese are things i always had a very hard time explaining and believing as a jw:.
birthdays whether at school or at work, this one was really tough to explain to a non jw.
i mean seriously, makes absolutely zero logical sense...salvation it was very hard to wrap my head around the idea that a loving god could destroy billions of people; and this, after reading the ot and the many baby slaughters therein...smoking say what you will about this unhealthy habit, making it a dfing offence because of dubious ties to spiritism??
choosing life
Hi pcakes, my husband did the same thing on vacation, not shave. I like facial hair on men too and it always had to go before we returned to the hall.
Parakeet, thanks for the info. I can hear it now, "All marsupials get out here, no exceptions." And you know that Noah's god could easily create the current to send him 5000 miles to the next stop.
I wonder if anyone ever brought this up to those who wrote this crazy stuff? Do they think we are just plain stupid? Wait, don't answer that last one.
Just stopping in to say Hi....guess what I have.....
by whyamihere inyes, it's been awhile, as you can see, i've been a little busy....lol.
anyway, i named him cash (i love his name), he will be 3 weeks old tomorrow.
i forgot how much work it is to take care of a newborn, but it's all worth it.
choosing life
So precious. A baby is the closest thing to a miracle I have ever experienced.
What do you feel God wants you to do at this moment in time?
by EndofMysteries inopen question, please list scriptures that give you that direction or what you base your answer upon.
i know there are so many different viewpoints on this forum, it will be interesting for all to see them and what scriptures or reasoning they are based on.. some examples are,.
do you feel only one needs to have love, faith in jesus, and those basics and that is what you must proclaim.. do you feel true knowledge must be taught to all, and as much as is known.
choosing life
I haven't noticed that God was into micromanaging anyone's life. The golden rule comes to mind, but otherwise, I am not sure it really matters.
Did you Have One " Power Controlling " Elder in your Congregations ?
by flipper ini believe many congregations had one, if not 90 % of the congregations i attended.
there seemed to always be one elder that dominated over the other elders and incredibly - in spite of the arrangement being called a " body of elders " many times it seemed that one elder would arise and take control over the other elders.
the other elders would roll over and bow essentially to these power elders.
choosing life
I have been in a few different congregations and what I noticed is there is always one strong family that controls things. They would promote their own relatives to ms or elders. That way, they kept control of things.
It's hard to be an outsider and break through into their little group. I saw many elders come to "help out where the great were needed" and they have been sent packing if they disturbed the balance of power.
Not really that much different than in the corporate world. I used to look for that one controlling family when we moved and it wasn't hard to find them.
Do you think it would be harder for her to leave him?
by asilentone inthe other day, i noticed a jw wife that has 5 children, she seems very not happy with her jw husband, does it make it harder for her to leave him?.
choosing life
How do you know she is not happy? Did she tell you? Raising 5 kids and maintaining a marriage has to be hard at times. Maybe marriage counseling will help, if there are serious issues.
Of course she shouldn't stay with an abuser, but you don't mention any of that. Why are you wanting her to leave her husband and break up the family?