1- At one point in our discussion you were disagreeing with my view that Christians should not bear arms in a national conflict as being judgmental on my part. Yet, you condone Christians that have and are bearing arms in national conflicts as not being judgmental against their own brothers who happened to be on the other side of the front, to the point of pulling the trigger and KILLING them.
This is done in the name of fighting aggressors like Hitler and righting wrongs committed by totalitarian regimes.
2- Your assertion that Rome always persecuted Christians and thus it was normal that Christians did not join the Roman army is false. Again, the biblical record at Acts 21:32 clearly shows that Roman soldiers actually saved Paul from persecution from his Jewish countrymen. Also, the precedent of 66-70 AD is another example that while the Roman army came down crushingly hard on the Jewish revolt, Christians who fled Jerusalem were found in Pella and the surrounding regions which were under Roman control where they received no harm. This proves that at least until 70 AD there was no viable Roman persecution against Christians.
3- The fact that 1st and 2nd century Christian writers did not mention the ethical implications for Christians to be involved in war is rather moot. Most war conflicts of that era were between Rome and one or more of its renegade provinces. If Christians were to be involved in any of these fights, they had to find themselves either marching in Roman legions or members of the resistance on the other side. Both of which were absolutely futile positions for any sincere Christian to find himself in.
4- The fact that after Constantine, many “Christians” joined because there was no persecution or allegiance to false emperor worship is another irrelevant point, for the simple reason that Constantine’s Rome was as no more Christian than the Vatican is today. The idea that a nation as a state can become Christian is absurd. Christianity is an INDIVIDUAL conversion and personal faith. Anything else is a perversion.
5- The Somalia affair shows the futility of the US “armed” effort to try to help those who were starving there while at the same time ignores the homeless, sick, elderly, starving children, racial tensions in its own back yard where these could have been helped without sending a single marine or firing a single bullet. The Somalia affair is a typical example of why nations or states are not and actually cannot be “Christians”. If they were, we can easily see Christ condemning them with words like; ”Hypocrites! Ought you not correct your own paths first before setting out to correct others?”
6- The reference to Jesus action in clearing the temple is out of context. There Jesus, with the use of a whip, was symbolically showing God’s Zeal for pure worship and you are applying it to Christians correcting national wrongs. Jesus had no such intentions. Those very same merchants had set up shop at the same place the very next day after Jesus’ incident, clearly showing that Jesus was not merely CORRECTING what was wrong.
Additionally, and even if went with your argument, I really cannot understand how you can equate the use of the whip with the dropping of the A bomb on unsuspecting Hiroshima in order to correct the totalitarian wrongs committed by the Empire of Japan.
7- You said:
This does not mean, however, that we are to consistently allow evil people to use us for their own ends (Prov. 25:26).
The operative word here is us or I, individually. I will not allow evil people to use me by trying to be cautious, and if attacked personally I will try to defend myself. But above all, I would be found praying hard for the one that can really save me.
If we are aware of evil intentions on their part that will bring harm to others, we would not logically seek "peace" by giving in to their demands. You do not turn over your child to a child molester just to "keep peace." By the same token, many Christians feel that the Free World is not to disarm so that totalitarian countries can take over and destroy the lives of millions. They see it as the same kind of issue, one of self-defense.
You are mixing two separate arguments and assigning them to the same token. They are not. The first involves personal choice and personal wellbeing and the other is national defense.
Peace isn't always maintained by giving in to deliberate evil. Is it really a manifestation of goodness to furnish no opposition to evil? I don't think so.
Christians must oppose evil with goodness, long suffering, forgiveness, even dying as blameless innocents the same way their Lord was. This is what it means to be Christian.
Here is a hypothetical example on the futility of opposing evil by the use of force:
Let us assume that Hitler’s Germany was allowed to march all over Europe where no resistance was offered whatsoever. Not a single shot. What would be the result? Just think about it for a second. Are they going to start rounding up people and shooting them? Well you might say they did that. That is true, but only when they faced local resistance. Let us try again and think about this where there is NO resistance whatsoever.
Well, what about the Jews and other “undesirables”? Where they not rounded up and gassed? That is very true. So, then that would constitute evil and thus it behooves Christian nations “Free World” to do something and stop it. Well they did, not because Jews were being gassed, for they became aware of this atrocity much later in the war, and what the result was? While Nazi Germany gassed and killed over 6 million innocent Jews and other “undesirables”, the Free World was not able to help a single one of them. Furthermore, and presumably, to save the Free World, 50-100 million civilian innocent people had to die and an entire continent had to be ravaged in order to correct this wrong. If Germany had been left to its malicious vices and let us assume that they ended up killing over 50 million innocent people, so then what wrong had really been corrected? Can you see the futility of all this?
National defense is not self defense. It is national pride. You cannot equate the right of self defense of a Christian individual with that of a state. A nation state cannot be Christian in the sense of the word and history had proved that.
Individual Christians are to be prayerfully dependant on the one that died for us, keeping close to him at all times, and he promised that he will be with us always. No matter what difficulty a Christian is faced with, he or she are assured that Christ had died for them and will resurrect them.